25 research outputs found

    Análisis floral y foliar para el diagnóstico nutricional en cerezo. Influencia de diferentes patrones

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    4Pags.- 1 Fig.- 1 Tabl.Se pretende evaluar la influencia del patrón, así como el interés del análisis mineral de las flores para conocer, tan pronto como sea posible, las alteraciones más frecuentes en la nutrición del cerezo. Esta forma de diagnóstico se compara con el análisis tradicional de elementos minerales en hoja. El estudio fue realizado en un ensayo establecido en un suelo calizo y franco-arcilloso, donde la variedad de cerezo ‘Sunburst’ estaba injertada sobre 8 patrones: CAB 6P, CAB 11E, Masto de Montañana (MM 9), MaxMa 14, MaxMa 97, GM 61/1 (Damil), Colt y Santa Lucía GF 64 (SL 64). Los elementos minerales analizados fueron: N, P, K, Ca, Mg, Fe, Mn, Zn, Na y Cu. Se observó la influencia del patrón en la concentración floral de K, Fe, Mg, Mn, Zn y Na y foliar de N, P, K, Ca, Mg, Fe, Mn y Cu. Se encontraron correlaciones significativas en las concentraciones de N, Ca y Mn en flor y hoja. En general, los patrones pertenecientes a la especie P. cerasus (CAB 6P, CAB 11E y MM 9) presentaron unos niveles de elementos minerales más adecuados.Este trabajo ha sido financiado por el proyecto AGL 2001-2303-CO2-01 de la Comisión Interministerial de Ciencia y Tecnología. S. Jiménez y Y. Gogorcena han disfrutado de una beca I3P del CSIC/FSE y un contrato Ramón y Cajal del MCYT, respectivamente.Peer reviewe

    Performance of peach and plum based rootstocks of different vigour on a late peach cultivar in replant and calcareous conditions

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    22 Pag., 5 Tabl., 2 Fig. The definitive version is available at: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/journal/03044238The field performance of fifteen peach and plum based rootstocks of different vigour (Adesoto, Evrica, Garnem, GF 677, HM-2, Krymsk® 1, PAC 9801-02, PAC 960, PAC 9907-02, PAC 9917-26, PAC-MUT, PADAC 9907-23, ROOTPAC® 40, ROOTPAC® 70 and Tetra) grafted with ‘Calrico’ cultivar was compared after 7 years of establishment on an Armillaria infested replant site. ‘Calrico’ is a selected clone of “Calanda” late peach cultivar. Differences in parameters such as tree survival, leaf chlorophyll content, vigour, yield, cumulative yield, yield efficiency and fruit size were analyzed among rootstocks. All PAC 9801-02 and Tetra trees survived and the mortality rate was low in Evrica, PADAC 9907-23 and ROOTPAC® 40. The rest of genotypes showed higher mortality rates. Leaf chlorophyll concentration was higher when grafted on Adesoto and Evrica and lower when grafted on PAC 9907-02 and PAC 9917-26. Garnem and PADAC 9907-23 were the most vigorous rootstocks. The highest yield efficiency was induced by Krymsk® 1 and PAC 9801-02 due to their lower vigour. The highest fruit weight was also induced by Krymsk® 1 but its cumulative yield was low. Other rootstocks that showed high fruit weight and cumulative yields were ROOTPAC® 70 and Tetra. Overall, Evrica, PAC 9801-02, ROOTPAC® 40 and Tetra were among the best adapted to soil sickness and calcareous soil showing a good agronomic performance. The first three rootstocks (Evrica, PAC 9801-02, ROOTPAC® 40) also exhibited a high capacity to control tree vigour associated with high yield efficiency.Financial support was provided by the Spanish MICINN (Ministerio de Ciencia 264 e Innovación, grant AGL-2008-00283) and DGA (grant A44). Sergio Jiménez was 265 supported by a JAE-Doc contract from CSIC/FSE (Consejo Superior de Investigaciones 266 Científicas/Fondo Social Europeo).Peer reviewe

    Estado nutricional del árbol en las variedades de ciruelo ‘R.C. Bavay’ y ‘R.C. GF 1119’ injertadas sobre los patrones Ishtara y P. 8-13

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    4 Pags.- 2 Figs. Contribución de los autores originalmente presentada, como comunicación,en el XIII Congreso Nacional de Ciencias Hortícolas (SECH 2012): “Convergencia de las Tecnologías Hortofrutícolas” (Almería, abril 2012)En este trabajo se estudia la influencia de dos patrones ciruelo (Ishtara y P. 8-13), sobre el estado nutricional del árbol en las variedades de ciruelo ‘R.C. de Bavay’ y ‘R.C. GF 1119’. El ensayo se plantó en el invierno de 1993-94 en la finca de la Estación Experimental de Aula Dei – CSIC (Zaragoza), en un suelo pesado y calizo, característico del área mediterránea. Además se ha evaluado la influencia del patrón sobre el vigor y supervivencia de los árboles, síntomas de clorosis, producción anual, acumulada y productividad de las distintas combinaciones estudiadas. A los 18 años de la plantación, se han observado diferencias significativas entre patrones, tanto en el estado nutricional del árbol como en alguno de los parámetros agronómicos de la variedad injertada.Este trabajo ha sido financiado por proyectos CICYT (AGL 2005-05533 y AGL 2008-00283) y Gobierno de Aragón (Grupo A44). S. Jiménez es beneficiario de un contrato JAE-Doc del CSIC.Peer reviewe

    Compatibilidad de variedades de cerezo húngaras sobre Adara y otros patrones Prunus

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    3 Págs. Contribución de los autores originalmente presentada, como comunicación,en el XIII Congreso Nacional de Ciencias Hortícolas (SECH 2012): “Convergencia de las Tecnologías Hortofrutícolas” (Almería, abril 2012)El presente trabajo tiene como objetivo determinar el grado de compatibilidad que presenta el ciruelo Adara y otros patrones Prunus para su utilización con variedades de cerezo húngaras. Entre las variedades estudiadas figuran: ‘Aida’, ‘Alex’, ‘Carmen’, ‘Kavics’, ‘Krupnoplodnaja’, ‘Rita’, ‘Sandor’ y ‘Vera’. El estudio se desarrolla sobre árboles injertados en viveros experimentales establecidos en la Estación Experimental de Aula Dei y fincas privadas comerciales. Para determinar los posibles casos de incompatibilidad del tipo ‘traslocada’ se realizaron observaciones visuales en campo durante el primer período vegetativo del árbol. Hasta la fecha no se han observado síntomas de incompatibilidad ‘traslocada’ para las combinaciones evaluadas. El diagnóstico de la incompatibilidad ‘localizada’ se realizará en años sucesivos mediante el examen macroscópico de las uniones de injerto y la determinación del grado de discontinuidad encontrado en corteza y madera.Este trabajo ha sido financiado por la acción integrada hispano-húngara del Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación español (MICINN) (proyecto HH2008-0012) y de la ‘National Innovation Office’ húngara (NIH) (proyecto ES-27/2008), así como por el proyecto AGL-2008-00283 cofinanciado por FEDER, y el Gobierno de Aragón (A44).Peer reviewe

    Selección de patrones frutales de hueso tolerantes a la clorósis férrica. Aspectos nutricionales y metabólicos.

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    El uso de los patrones frutales permite la adaptación de las variedades frutales a condiciones edáficas que pueden ser desfavorables para la especie considerada. En el área mediterránea, los suelos calizos son muy abundantes en las principales zonas de cultivo. Estos suelos presentan una baja biodisponibilidad de hierro, provocando una deficiencia del mismo en la planta. En estas condiciones, se originan síntomas de clorosis férrica en las hojas, las producciones son menores y, en casos extremos, se puede producir la muerte del árbol. Las plantas responden, en general, a la carencia de hierro desarrollando mecanismos de adaptación, que se traducen en una serie de cambios morfológicos y fisiológicos. Asociados a estos mecanismos de adaptación al suelo, se producen cambios metabólicos en la raíz, que en el caso de los patrones frutales no se conocen todavía. La mejor solución, para prevenir la clorosis férrica en frutales, es el uso de patrones tolerantes bien adaptados. Por ello, uno de los criterios prioritarios de selección en los programas de mejora de patrones frutales es la tolerancia a la clorosis férrica. Así, el objetivo general del presente trabajo es la selección de patrones frutales de hueso (género Prunus) bien adaptados a las condiciones de cultivo del área mediterránea, atendiendo fundamentalmente a aspectos nutricionales y a las respuestas metabólicas desarrolladas en dichas condiciones. La evaluación en condiciones reales de campo de patrones frutales para cerezo mostró una gran influencia en la composición mineral de la variedad injertada, tras el análisis nutricional de flores, brotes y hojas. Algunos patrones mostraron una mejor adaptación a los suelos calizos y pesados, como los pertenecientes a la especie P. cerasus (CAB 11E, CAB 6P, MM9) y P. cerasifera (Adara). Además, este último patrón ha destacado por su mejor comportamiento productivo.Tesis posible por concesión de beca predoctoral I3P en CSIC. Estancia exterior financiada por CAI-DGA.Peer reviewe

    Nitrogen nutrition influences some biochemical responses to iron deficiency in tolerant and sensitive genotypes of Vitis

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    The effects of nitrogen source on iron deficiency responses were investigated in two Vitis genotypes, one tolerant to limestone chlorosis Cabernet Sauvignon (Vitis vinifera cv.) and the other susceptible Gloire de Montpellier (Vitis riparia cv.). Plants were grown with or without Fe(III)-EDTA, and with NO 3 - alone or a mixture of NO 3 - and NH 4 + . Changes in pH of the nutrient solution and root ferric chelate reductase (FC-R) activity were monitored over one week. We carried out quantitative metabolic profiling (1H-NMR) and determined the activity of enzymes involved in organic acid metabolism in root tips. In iron free-solutions, with NO 3 - as the sole nitrogen source, the typical Fe-deficiency response reactions as acidification of the growth medium and enhanced FC-R activity in the roots were observed only in the tolerant genotype. Under the same nutritional conditions, organic acid accumulation (mainly citrate and malate) was found for both genotypes. In the presence of NH4+, the sensitive genotype displayed some decrease in pH of the growth medium and an increase in FC-R activity. For both genotypes, the presence of NH 4 + ions decreased significantly the organic acid content of roots. Both Vitis genotypes were able to take up NH 4 + from the nutrient solution, regardless of their sensitivity to iron deficiency. The presence of N-NH 4 + modified typical Fe stress responses in tolerant and sensitive Vitis genotypes. © 2006 Springer Science+Business Media B.V.This work was partly funded by the Franco-Spanish bilateral cooperation program (Picasso Program HF2003-273) and by Aquitaine-Aragón cooperation programs (Aq23, Aq25). Sergio Jiménez was supported by a I3P fellowship from CSIC/FSE (Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas/Fondo Social Europeo) and a travel fellowship from DGA/CAI (CA 5/03).Peer Reviewe

    Cambios metabólicos en la raíz del patrón GF 677 en condiciones de deficiencia de hierro

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    7 Pag., 2 Fig.[ES] La clorosis férrica es un problema muy extendido en zonas de suelos calizos con pH alcalino. Un patrón que responde de una forma eficiente a esta carencia de hierro es el híbrido almendro x melocotonero GF 677. Algunos cambios metabólicos producidos en la raíz forman parte de los mecanismos de respuesta para la tolerancia a clorosis férrica. A partir de plantas de GF 677 desarrolladas en cultivo hidropónico en condiciones de carencia de hierro, se realizó un seguimiento de los cambios producidos en la concentración de azúcares solubles y de ácidos orgánicos (malato y citrato) de las raíces. Los azúcares solubles mayoritarios fueron glucosa, fructosa, sacarosa y sorbitol. Excepto en este último, la deficiencia de hierro causó un incremento de la concentración de los mismos. El contenido en malato y citrato aumentó ligeramente con la carencia de hierro.[EN] The iron chlorosis is a widely extended problem in calcareous soils with alkaline pH. A rootstock that responds efficiently at this iron deficiency is the almond x peach hybrid GF 677. Some root metabolic changes are part of the response mechanism to iron chlorosis tolerance. From GF 677 plants grown in hydroponic culture under iron deficient conditions, the study of root concentration variation of sugars and organic acids (malate and citrate) was carry out. The major soluble sugars were glucose, fructose, sacarose and sorbitol. Except for the last one, the iron deficiency increased their concentration. Malate and citrate content increased slightly with the lack of iron.Este trabajo ha sido financiado por los proyectos CICYT (AGL2002-04219), PETRI (PTR1995-0580) y Acción Concertada (HFO3-273) con cofinanciación FEDER. S. Jiménez ha sido beneficiario de una beca I3P del CSIC/FSE.Peer reviewe

    Hydro-physical characterization of contrasting soils in a semiarid zone of the Ebro river valley (NE Spain)

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    33 Pags., 5 Figs., 5 Tabls. The definitive version is available at: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/journal/00221694The arid agricultural lands of the Monegros Desert, in the central Ebro Basin (NE Spain), show contrasting white patches (WP) and dark patches (DP), evidencing their different soil composition. The white patches have shallow soils with low or nil crop development in most years. Soil at the dark patches uses to be deeper, and winter cereal attains better development. This paper analyzes soil hydro-physical features in order to identify differences in soil physical properties between white and dark soils. For this purpose, twenty pairs of WP/DP soils were studied on several agricultural plots. Each sampled pair was under the same soil condition. Three soil treatment (ST) were studied: freshly tilled soil (MB), cropped (C), and fallowed soil (F). The gypsum and calcium carbonate content, organic matter (OM) content, and particle size distribution for the 0-10 cm depth soil were determined. Field measurements for the 1-10 cm depth soil layer were soil bulk density (ρb), soil penetration resistance (SPR), saturated hydraulic conductivity (K1-10) and sorptivity (S1-10). The water retention curve (WRC) was determined in the lab on undisturbed soil cores for the 1-10 cm depth soil layer. Additional field measurements of soil surface crust sorptivity (Scrust) and hydraulic conductivity (Kcrust) at saturation were also performed. The results show that WP soils have significantly (p < 0.05) higher contents of gypsum, lower contents of calcium carbonate and OM, and a coarser texture than DP soils. Compared to DP, the WP soils have higher values of SPR but lower ρb, K and S values in both the surface crust and the 0-10 cm depth soil layer. On average, K1-10 in DP was 1.4 times higher than that measured in WP. DP showed a better-defined microstructure and retained more water retention at near saturation conditions than WP. Soil treatments have a significant effect on ρb, SPR, S1-10, K1-10 and on the WRC parameters. Overall, ρb and SPR was the lowest under MB, with maximal S1-10 and K1-10 values under C. Compared to C and F, MB presented the highest volume of structural porosity and the lowest water retention at near saturation conditions.This research was partially supported by CSIC (Grant 200840I246) and by DGA- Obra Social La Caixa (Grant GALC-006-2008, GALC-036-2012 and GALC-074-2012), and by the Spanish Government (Grant AGL2009-08931).Peer reviewe

    Influence of different vigour cherry rootstocks on leaves and shoots mineral composition

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    23 Pag., 5 Tabl., 1 Fig. The definitive version is available at: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/journal/03044238In this study, the field performance of Adara, CAB 6P, Gisela 5, MaxMa 14, Saint Lucie GF 64 (SL 64), Saint Lucie GF 405 (SL 405), and Tabel-Edabriz rootstocks, grafted with two sweet cherry cultivars (‘Stark Hardy Giant’ and ‘Van’, Prunus avium L.), were compared after 7 years of planting on a calcareous clay-loam soil. The leaf and shoot mineral elements analysed were N, P, K, Ca, Mg, Fe, Mn, Zn, Na and Cu. In the case of both cultivars, tree vigour and cumulative yield were highest on Adara, whereas yield efficiency was greater on Gisela 5. All rootstocks induced low leaf Fe concentrations, although visual chlorosis symptoms were not observed. In both cultivars, significant positive correlations between Mn shoot and leaf concentration were found. Significant positive correlations were also found between yield efficiency and shoot mineral concentration, with the exception of Mg and Zn, which showed no correlation, and K with negative correlation. In ‘Van’ cultivar, Adara rootstock followed by CAP 6P and Gisela 5 showed the most balanced nutritional values. On the other hand, SL 64 had leaf mineral element concentrations below the optimum, probably due to the bad adaptation to heavy soil conditions.Financial support was provided by Comisión Interministerial de Ciencia y Tecnología (AGL2002-04219-C02-01) and PETRI (PTR1995-0580-OP) projects. S. Jiménez was supported by a I3P fellowship from CSIC/FSE (Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas/Fondo Social Europeo).Peer reviewe

    Elemental 2-D mapping and changes in leaf iron and chlorophyll in response to iron re-supply in iron-deficient GF 677 peach-almond hybrid

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    The final version is available at: http://www.springerlink.com/content/b488124277300r27/fulltext.pdfIron is an essential micronutrient for plant growth and development, involved in key cellular processes. However, the distribution of Fe in plant tissues is still not well known. In the so-called Fe chlorosis paradox, leaves of fruit trees grown in the field usually have high concentrations of Fe but still are Fe-deficient. Leaves of the Prunus rootstock GF 677 (P. dulcis x P. persica) grown in hydroponics have been used to carry out two-dimensional (2-D) nutrient mapping by synchrotron radiation-induced X-ray fluorescence. Iron-deficient leaves accumulated more Fe in the midrib and veins, with Fe concentration being markedly lower in mesophyll leaf areas. The effects of Fe deficiency and Fe re-supply on leaf chlorophyll concentration and on the distribution of Fe and other nutrients within different plant tissues have been investigated in the same plants. After Fe re-supply, leaf Fe concentrations increased largely in all leaf types. However, whereas re-greening was almost completely achieved in apical leaves, in some expanded leaves the increase in chlorophyll concentration was only moderate. Therefore, after Fe re-supply Fe-deficient expanded leaves of the Prunus rootstock GF 677 had significant increases in Fe concentration but were still chlorotic. This is similar to what occurs in leaves of peach trees in field conditions, opening the possibility that this system could be used as a model to study the Fe chlorosis paradox.Supported by grants from the Spanish MEC (AGL2005-05533 and AGL2006-1416) co-financed by FEDER, PETRI (PTR1995-0580) and DGA (A44 and A03). S. Jiménez was supported by an I3P-CSIC predoctoral fellowship (cofinanced by FSE).Peer reviewe