107 research outputs found

    An Allosteric Interaction Links USP7 to Deubiquitination and Chromatin Targeting of UHRF1

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    The protein stability and chromatin functions of UHRF1 (ubiquitin-like, containing PHD and RING finger domains, 1) are regulated in a cell-cycle-dependent manner. We report a structural characterization of the complex between UHRF1 and the deubiquitinase USP7. The first two UBL domains of USP7 bind to the polybasic region (PBR) of UHRF1, and this interaction is required for the USP7-mediated deubiquitination of UHRF1. Importantly, we find that the USP7-binding site of the UHRF1 PBR overlaps with the region engaging in an intramolecular interaction with the N-terminal tandem Tudor domain (TTD). We show that the USP7-UHRF1 interaction perturbs the TTD-PBR interaction of UHRF1, thereby shifting the conformation of UHRF1 from a TTD- occluded state to a state open for multivalent histone binding. Consistently, introduction of a USP7-interaction-defective mutation to UHRF1 significantly reduces its chromatin association. Together, these results link USP7 interaction to the dynamic deubiquitination and chromatin association of UHRF1

    METTL13 methylation of eEF1A increases translational output to promote tumorigenesis

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    Increased protein synthesis plays an etiologic role in diverse cancers. Here, we demonstrate that METTL13 (methyltransferase-like 13) dimethylation of eEF1A (eukaryotic elongation factor 1A) lysine 55 (eEF1AK55me2) is utilized by Ras-driven cancers to increase translational output and promote tumorigenesis in vivo. METTL13-catalyzed eEF1A methylation increases eEF1A's intrinsic GTPase activity in vitro and protein production in cells. METTL13 and eEF1AK55me2 levels are upregulated in cancer and negatively correlate with pancreatic and lung cancer patient survival. METTL13 deletion and eEF1AK55me2 loss dramatically reduce Ras-driven neoplastic growth in mouse models and in patient-derived xenografts (PDXs) from primary pancreatic and lung tumors. Finally, METTL13 depletion renders PDX tumors hypersensitive to drugs that target growth-signaling pathways. Together, our work uncovers a mechanism by which lethal cancers become dependent on the METTL13-eEF1AK55me2 axis to meet their elevated protein synthesis requirement and suggests that METTL13 inhibition may constitute a targetable vulnerability of tumors driven by aberrant Ras signaling.We thank Pal Falnes, Jerry Pelletier, and Julien Sage for helpful discussion, Lauren Brown and William Devine for SDS-1-021, and members of the Gozani and Mazur laboratories for critical reading of the manuscript. This work was supported in part by grants from the NIH to S.M.C. (K99CA190803), M.P.K. (5K08CA218690-02), J.A.P. (R35GM118173), M.C.B. (1DP2HD084069-01), J.S. (1R35GM119721), I.T. (R01CA202021), P.K.M. (R00CA197816, P50CA070907, and P30CA016672), and O.G. (R01GM079641). J.E.E. received support from Stanford ChEM-H, and A.M. was supported by the MD Anderson Moonshot Program. I.T. is a Junior 2 Research Scholar of the Fonds de Recherche du Quebec - Sante (FRQ-S). P.K.M. is supported by the Neuroendocrine Tumor Research Foundation and American Association for Cancer Research and is the Andrew Sabin Family Foundation Scientist and CPRIT scholar (RR160078). S.H. is supported by a Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft Postdoctoral Fellowship. J.W.F. is supported by 5T32GM007276. (K99CA190803 - NIH; 5K08CA218690-02 - NIH; R35GM118173 - NIH; 1DP2HD084069-01 - NIH; 1R35GM119721 - NIH; R01CA202021 - NIH; R00CA197816 - NIH; P50CA070907 - NIH; P30CA016672 - NIH; R01GM079641 - NIH; Stanford ChEM-H; MD Anderson Moonshot Program; Neuroendocrine Tumor Research Foundation; American Association for Cancer Research; Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft Postdoctoral Fellowship; 5T32GM007276)Supporting documentationAccepted manuscrip