3 research outputs found

    Implementation of Administration in MIN 1 Medan

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    This study aims to (1) Describe how the implementation (implementation) of administration and (2) the constraints and solutions that exist in the implementation of administration in MIN 1 Medan. This research was conducted with a descriptive qualitative research approach. The informants of this study were madrasa heads, teachers, administrative staff and students. Data collection techniques used are interviews, observation, and documentation. Then the data were analyzed by interactive analysis which flowed with activities including data reduction, data display, and conclusion drawing/verification. Testing the validity of the data is done by triangulation of methods and sources. From the results of the study it can be concluded that: (1) The implementation of administration in MIN 1 Medan has been carried out properly and is organized as a function of the administration itself (2) Obstacles in the implementation of administration even if there are solutions can be found by first reflecting and evaluating

    Implementasi Administrasi Pendidikan di MIS Al-Mustafawiyyah Medan

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    Every aspect of life has its own rules and ways of doing it. Many things were initially done with the administration. Administration itself is something that is very important in an effort to achieve goals which in it contains the process of planning, organizing, managing up to assessment or evaluation. Likewise education, being something that everyone needs, education must have good administration so that everything goes well. Educational administration is the first step in building an educational institution which has the goal of creating superior generations in the future. This research uses a qualitative approach with a case study type at MIS Al-Mustafawiyyah Medan. The results of this study indicate that the education administration at MIS Al-Mustafawiyyah Medan carries out educational administration which includes planning, organizing, implementing and evaluating carried out in schools. The things that are done at the beginning as a strategy are to carry out administration according to education in accordance with what has been planned both in terms of time and in terms of each jobdecs for each teaching staff and education staff. Because in the implementation of this education administration requires all the roles that exist in the school. Setiap aspek dalam kehidupan mempunyai aturan dan cara tersendiri untuk bagaimana mengerjakannya. Banyak hal juga yang awalnya dilakukan dengan administrasi. Administrasi sendiri adalah sesuatu yang sangat penting dalam usaha untuk mencapai tujuan yang didalamya mengandung proses perencanaan, pengorganisasian, pengelolaan sampai dengan penilaian atau evaluasi. Begitu juga pendidikan, menjadi hal yang dibutuhkan semua orang menjadikan pendidikan harus mempunyai administrasi yang baik agar semua berjalan dengan baik. Administrasi pendidikan merupakan langkah awal dalam membangun sebuah lembaga pendidikan yang mana mempunyai tujuan menciptakan generasi-generasi unggul di masa depan. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan jenis studi kasusdi MIS Al-Mustafawiyyah Medan. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwaadministrasi pendidikan yang ada di MIS Al-Mustafawiyyah Medan melaksanakan administrasi pendidikan yang mencakup perencanaan, pengorganisasian, pelaksanaan dan evaluasi yang dilakukan di sekolah. Hal-hal yang dilakukan diawal sebagai strategi adalah melakukan administrasi sesuai pendidikan sesuai dengan apa yang telah direncanakan baik dari segi waktu dan dari segi masing-masing jobdecs untuk masing-masing tenaga pendidik dan tenaga kependidikan. Karena pada pelaksanaannya administrasi pendidikan ini memerlukan semua peran yang ada di sekolah

    Strategi Pemasaran Budidaya Jamur Tiram Putih (Pluoretus Ostreatus) terhadap Petani di Desa Klumpang Kampung

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    This service in this paper was carried out in Klumpang Kampung Village, namely in Dusun V. This silver expanse district has many flat areas that are used as agricultural land by the local community. Many people here are farmers in an effort to earn an income. The targets for the participants of this service activity are farmer families with the profile: are small farmers, have a farming business on flat dry land, have no other job besides farming, live in the village where the activity is located, have strong motivation and intentions as well as the ability to improve agricultural productivity, and of course willing to be fostered and willing to follow and implement all programs consistently and responsibly. The beginning of the service activity was preceded by students seeing and paying attention to the mushroom cultivation process which the community explained in detail from beginning to end. One example is assisting in the manufacture of organic fertilizers and oyster mushroom cultivation in wood and polybag fermentation systems, as well as marketing management in an effort to assist farmers in developing income-generating profits from farming. The purpose of this community service is to increase family income in mushroom cultivation business by maximizing marketing in the market.  The results of this community service show that the marketing statefi carried out can be said to be successful by looking at the results of demand in the market and the amount of income generated. The implementation of the marketing strategy carried out produces 15-20 kg of oyster mushrooms in a day, with an income profit of ± Rp. 300,000-400,000 per day after implementing the marketing strategy