24 research outputs found

    Effect of Pathogenic Fungal Infestation on the Berry Quality and Volatile Organic Compounds of Cabernet Sauvignon and Petit Manseng Grapes

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    The effect of pathogenic fungal infestation on berry quality and volatile organic compounds (VOCs) of Cabernet Sauvignon (CS) and Petit Manseng (PM) were investigated by using biochemical assays and gas chromatography-ion mobility spectrometry. No significant difference in diseases-affected grapes for 100-berry weight. The content of tannins and vitamin C decreased significantly in disease-affected grapes, mostly in white rot-affected PM, which decreased by 71.67% and 66.29%. The reduced total flavonoid content in diseases-affected grape, among which the least and most were anthracnose-affected PM (1.61%) and white rot-affected CS (44.74%). All diseases-affected CS had much higher titratable acid, a maximum (18.86 g/100 ml) was observed in the gray mold-affected grapes, while only anthracnose-affected grapes with a higher titratable acid level (21.8 g/100 mL) were observed in PM. A total of 61 VOCs were identified, including 14 alcohols, 13 esters, 12 aldehydes, 4 acids, 4 ketones, 1 ether, and 13 unknown compounds, which were discussed from different functional groups, such as C6-VOCs, alcohols, ester acetates, aldehydes, and acids. The VOCs of CS changed more than that of Petit Manseng’s after infection, while gray mold-affected Cabernet Sauvignon had the most change. C6-VOCs, including hexanal and (E)-2-hexenal were decreased in all affected grapes. Some unique VOCs may serve as hypothetical biomarkers to help us identify specific varieties of pathogenic fungal infestation

    CDK5-dependent BAG3 degradation modulates synaptic protein turnover

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    阿尔茨海默病(AD)是严重威胁人类健康的重大神经系统疾病,AD的发生发展与衰老密切相关,目前临床治疗方法十分有限。因此迫切需要从AD致病早期入手,发现和鉴定导致AD神经功能紊乱的机制和靶点,为AD的早期防治提供基础。张杰教授及其团队从高通量磷酸化蛋白质组学入手,系统研究了CDK5在神经细胞中的磷酸化底物,鉴定出了在蛋白质量控制中发挥重要功能的BAG3蛋白是CDK5的全新底物。课题组从磷酸化蛋白质组学入手,发现和阐明了细胞周期蛋白激酶5(CDK5)通过调控BAG3在维持突触蛋白水平调控中的作用机制,及其在阿尔茨海默病(AD)发生发展中的机理。 该研究是多个团队历时8年合作完成的,香港中文大学的周熙文教授、美国匹兹堡大学的Karl Herrup教授、美国Sanford-Burnham研究所的许华曦教授、美国梅奥医学中心的卜国军教授,厦门大学医学院的文磊教授、张云武教授、赵颖俊教授、薛茂强教授,军事医学科学院的袁增强教授等都参与了该工作。 厦门大学医学院2012级博士生周杰超等为文章的第一作者,张杰教授为通讯作者。Background Synaptic protein dyshomeostasis and functional loss is an early invariant feature of Alzheimer’s disease (AD), yet the unifying etiological pathway remains largely unknown. Knowing that cyclin-dependent kinase 5 (CDK5) plays critical roles in synaptic formation and degeneration, its phosphorylation targets were re-examined in search for candidates with direct global impacts on synaptic protein dynamics, and the associated regulatory network was also analyzed. Methods Quantitative phospho-proteomics and bioinformatics analyses were performed to identify top-ranked candidates. A series of biochemical assays were used to investigate the associated regulatory signaling networks. Histological, electrochemical and behavioral assays were performed in conditional knockout, shRNA-mediated knockdown and AD-related mice models to evaluate its relevance to synaptic homeostasis and functions. Results Among candidates with known implications in synaptic modulations, BCL2-associated athanogene-3 (BAG3) ranked the highest. CDK5-mediated phosphorylation on Ser297/Ser291 (Mouse/Human) destabilized BAG3. Loss of BAG3 unleashed the selective protein degradative function of the HSP70 machinery. In neurons, this resulted in enhanced degradation of a number of glutamatergic synaptic proteins. Conditional neuronal knockout of Bag3 in vivo led to impairment of learning and memory functions. In human AD and related-mouse models, aberrant CDK5-mediated loss of BAG3 yielded similar effects on synaptic homeostasis. Detrimental effects of BAG3 loss on learning and memory functions were confirmed in these mice, and such were reversed by ectopic BAG3 re-expression. Conclusions Our results highlight that neuronal CDK5-BAG3-HSP70 signaling axis plays a critical role in modulating synaptic homeostasis. Dysregulation of the signaling pathway directly contributes to synaptic dysfunction and AD pathogenesis.This work was supported by the National Science Foundation in China (Grant: 31571055, 81522016, 81271421 to J.Z.; 81801337 to L.L; 81774377 and 81373999 to L.W.); Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities of China-Xiamen University (Grant: 20720150062, 20720180049 and 20720160075 to J.Z.); Fundamental Research Funds for Fujian Province University Leading Talents (Grant JAT170003 to L.L); Hong Kong Research Grants Council (HKUST12/CRF/13G, GRF660813, GRF16101315, AoE/M-05/12 to K.H.; GRF16103317, GRF16100718 and GRF16100219 to H.-M,C.); Offices of Provost, VPRG and Dean of Science, HKUST (VPRGO12SC02 to K.H.); Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) Improvement on Competitiveness in Hiring New Faculty Funding Scheme (Ref. 133), CUHK Faculty Startup Fund and Alzheimer’s Association Research Fellowship (AARF-17-531566) to H.-M, C. 该研究受到了国家自然科学基金、厦门大学校长基金、福建省卫生教育联合攻关基金等的资助

    Genome Sequence of the Fungus Trichoderma asperellum SM-12F1 Revealing Candidate Functions of Growth Promotion, Biocontrol, and Bioremediation

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    Trichoderma spp. are versatile probiotic fungi that are known to promote plant growth and disease resistance under biotic stress, abiotic stress, or both. They are often used to prevent plant diseases caused by pathogens, act as biofertilizers, and are used in mycoremediation. In our previous study, Trichoderma asperellum strain SM-12F1 was isolated from soils contaminated with arsenic (As), adjacent to a realgar mine. SM-12F1 promoted plant growth and was useful for biocontrol and bioremediation. However, the genomic sequence of this strain was not characterized. This study aimed to generate high-quality genome resources for T. asperellum SM-12F1, and to determine the genomic basis of mechanisms behind plant growth promotion, biocontrol, and bioremediation of As in soil. Genome data of this fungus will provide perspectives on the molecular basis underlying biocontrol activity and mycoremediation.[Graphic: see text] Copyright © 2021 The Author(s). This is an open access article distributed under the CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 International license

    Unconventionally Secreted Manganese Superoxide Dismutase VdSOD3 Is Required for the Virulence of Verticillium dahliae

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    Plant pathogens generally employ superoxide dismutase (SOD) to detoxify host defense reactive oxygen species (ROS), and to scavenge ROS derived from their own metabolism. However, the roles of SODs in an important vascular pathogen, Verticillium dahliae, are unclear. Our previous study has shown that a putative signal-peptide-lacking manganese superoxide dismutase (VdSOD3) is present in the exoproteome of V. dahliae cultured in tissues of host cotton, suggesting that VdSOD3 may be exported out of the fungal cells and contribute to the SOD activity extracellularly. Here, we confirm that the N-terminal of VdSOD3 is not a functional signal peptide by yeast signal trap assay. Despite lacking the signal peptide, the extracellular distribution of VdSOD3 was observed in planta by confocal microscopy during infection. Loss-of-function of VdSOD3 decreased extracellular and intracellular SOD activities of V. dahliae by 58.2% and 17.4%, respectively. Deletion mutant of VdSOD3 had normal growth and conidiation but showed significantly reduced virulence to susceptible hosts of cotton and Nicotiana benthamiana. Our data show that signal-peptide-lacking VdSOD3 is a dual function superoxide dismutase, localizing and functioning intracellularly and extracellularly. Whereas nonessential for viability, VdSOD3 plays a vital role in the virulence of V. dahliae

    Revealing the Complete Bispecific Phosphatase Genes (DUSPs) across the Genome and Investigating the Expression Patterns of GH_A11G3500 Resistance against <i>Verticillium wilt</i>

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    DUSPs, a diverse group of protein phosphatases, play a pivotal role in orchestrating cellular growth and development through intricate signaling pathways. Notably, they actively participate in the MAPK pathway, which governs crucial aspects of plant physiology, including growth regulation, disease resistance, pest resistance, and stress response. DUSP is a key enzyme, and it is the enzyme that limits the rate of cell metabolism. At present, complete understanding of the DUSP gene family in cotton and its specific roles in resistance to Verticillium wilt (VW) remains elusive. To address this knowledge gap, we conducted a comprehensive identification and analysis of four key cotton species: Gossypium arboreum, Gossypium barbadense, Gossypium hirsutum, and Gossypium raimondii. The results revealed the identification of a total of 120 DUSP genes in the four cotton varieties, which were categorized into six subgroups and randomly distributed at both ends of 26 chromosomes, predominantly localized within the nucleus. Our analysis demonstrated that closely related DUSP genes exhibited similarities in terms of the conserved motif composition and gene structure. A promoter analysis performed on the GhDUSP gene promoter revealed the presence of several cis-acting elements, which are associated with abiotic and biotic stress responses, as well as hormone signaling. A tissue expression pattern analysis demonstrated significant variations in GhDUSP gene expression under different stress conditions, with roots exhibiting the highest levels, followed by stems and leaves. In terms of tissue-specific detection, petals, leaves, stems, stamens, and receptacles exhibited higher expression levels of the GhDUSP gene. The gene expression analysis results for GhDUSPs under stress suggest that DUSP genes may have a crucial role in the cotton response to stress in cotton. Through Virus-Induced Gene Silencing (VIGS) experiments, the silencing of the target gene significantly reduced the resistance efficiency of disease-resistant varieties against Verticillium wilt (VW). Consequently, we conclude that GH_A11G3500-mediated bispecific phosphorylated genes may serve as key regulators in the resistance of G. hirsutum to Verticillium wilt (VW). This study presents a comprehensive structure designed to provide an in-depth understanding of the potential biological functions of cotton, providing a strong foundation for further research into molecular breeding and resistance to plant pathogens

    Influence of Triazole Pesticides on Wine Flavor and Quality Based on Multidimensional Analysis Technology

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    Triazole pesticides are widely used to control grapevine diseases. In this study, we investigated the impact of three triazole pesticides&mdash;triadimefon, tebuconazole, and paclobutrazol&mdash;on the concentrations of wine aroma compounds. All three triazole pesticides significantly affected the ester and acid aroma components. Among them, paclobutrazol exhibited the greatest negative influence on the wine aroma quality through its effect on the ester and acid aroma substances, followed by tebuconazole and triadimefon. Qualitative and quantitative analysis by solid-phase micro-extraction gas chromatography coupled with mass spectrometry revealed that the triazole pesticides also changed the flower and fruit flavor component contents of the wines. This was attributed to changes in the yeast fermentation activity caused by the pesticide residues. The study reveals that triazole pesticides negatively impact on the volatile composition of wines with a potential undesirable effect on wine quality, underlining the desirability of stricter control by the food industry over pesticide residues in winemaking

    The Ectopic Overexpression of the Cotton Ve1 and Ve2-Homolog Sequences Leads to Resistance Response to Verticillium Wilt in Arabidopsis

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    Verticillium wilt, caused by the Verticillium dahliae phytopathogen, is a devastating disease affecting many economically important crops. A receptor-like protein (RLP) gene, Ve1, has been reported to confer resistance to V. dahliae in tomato plants, but few genes have been found to be involved in cotton Verticillium wilt resistance. Here, we cloned two RLP gene homologs, Gossypium barbadense resistance gene to Verticillium dahliae 1 (GbaVd1) and GbaVd2, from the Verticillium wilt-resistant cultivar G. barbadense cv. Hai7124. GbaVd1 and GbaVd2 display sequence divergence, but both encode typical RLPs. Virus-induced gene silencing of GbaVd1 or GbaVd2 compromised the resistance of cotton to V. dahliae, and both genes conferred Verticillium wilt resistance after interfamily transfer into Arabidopsis. Microarray analysis revealed that GbaVd1 and GbaVd2 participate in Verticillium wilt resistance in Arabidopsis through activation of defense responses, including the endocytosis process, signaling factors, transcription factors and reinforcement of the cell wall, as demonstrated by lignification in Arabidopsis transgenic plants. In addition, microarray analysis showed that GbaVd1 and GbaVd2 differentially mediate resistance signaling and activation of defense responses after overexpression in Arabidopsis. Thus, GbaVd1 and GbaVd2 encode RLPs and act as disease resistance genes that mediate the defense response against V. dahliae in cotton

    <i>Gb_ANR-47</i> Enhances the Resistance of <i>Gossypium barbadense</i> to <i>Fusarium oxysporum</i> f. sp. <i>vasinfectum</i> (FOV) by Regulating the Content of Proanthocyanidins

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    Anthocyanidin reductase (ANR) is an important regulator of flavonoid metabolism, and proanthocyanidins, the secondary metabolites of flavonoids, play an important role in the response of plants to pathogenic stress. Therefore, in this study, the expression analysis of the ANR gene family of Gossypium barbadense after inoculation with Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. vasinfectum (FOV) was performed at different time points. It was found that Gb_ANR-47 showed significant differences in the disease-resistant cultivar 06-146 and the susceptible cultivar Xinhai 14, as well as in the highest root expression. It was found that the expression of Gb_ANR-47 in the resistant cultivar was significantly higher than that in the susceptible cultivar by MeJA and SA, and different amounts of methyl jasmonate (MeJA) and salicylic acid (SA) response elements were found in the promoter region of Gb_ANR-47. After silencing GbANR-47 in 06-146 material by VIGS technology, its resistance to FOV decreased significantly. The disease severity index (DSI) was significantly increased, and the anthocyanin content was significantly decreased in silenced plants, compared to controls. Our findings suggest that GbANR-47 is a positive regulator of FOV resistance in Gossypium barbadense. The research results provide an important theoretical basis for in-depth analysis of the molecular mechanism of GbANR-47 and improving the anti-FOV of Gossypium barbadense

    Rapidly mining candidate cotton drought resistance genes based on key indicators of drought resistance

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    Abstract Background Focusing on key indicators of drought resistance is highly important for quickly mining candidate genes related to drought resistance in cotton. Results In the present study, drought resistance was identified in drought resistance-related RIL populations during the flowering and boll stages, and multiple traits were evaluated; these traits included three key indicators: plant height (PH), single boll weight (SBW) and transpiration rate (Tr). Based on these three key indicators, three groups of extreme mixing pools were constructed for BSA-seq. Based on the mapping interval of each trait, a total of 6.27 Mb QTL intervals were selected on chromosomes A13 (3.2 Mb), A10 (2.45 Mb) and A07 (0.62 Mb) as the focus of this study. Based on the annotation information and qRT‒PCR analysis, three key genes that may be involved in the drought stress response of cotton were screened: GhF6'H1, Gh3AT1 and GhPER55. qRT‒PCR analysis of parental and extreme germplasm materials revealed that the expression of these genes changed significantly under drought stress. Cotton VIGS experiments verified the important impact of key genes on cotton drought resistance. Conclusions This study focused on the key indicators of drought resistance, laying the foundation for the rapid mining of drought-resistant candidate genes in cotton and providing genetic resources for directed molecular breeding of drought resistance in cotton

    Bioaccessibility and Intestinal Transport of Tebuconazole in Table Grape by Using In Vitro Digestion Models

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    In this study, the effects of various digestive models, influencing factors and dietary supplements on the bioaccessibility of tebuconazole in table grapes were compared. The Caco-2 cell model was employed to reveal the transfer behavior of tebuconazole. The results indicated that digestion time is the main factor affecting bioaccessibility. With an increase in time, the tebuconazole in grapes was almost completely dissolved, with bioaccessibility reaching 98.5%, whereas dietary fiber reduced bioaccessibility. Tebuconazole undergoes carrier-free passive transport in permeable cells in the Caco-2 cell model. These findings have practical application value for correctly evaluating the harmful level of pollutants in the matrix to human body