104 research outputs found

    Approximate Confidence Computation in Probabilistic Databases.

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    This paper introduces a deterministic approximation algorithm with error guarantees for computing the probability of propositional formulas over discrete random variables. The algorithm is based on an incremental compilation of formulas into decision diagrams using three types of decompositions: Shannon expansion, independence partitioning, and product factorization. With each decomposition step, lower and upper bounds on the probability of the partially compiled formula can be quickly computed and checked against the allowed error. This algorithm can be effectively used to compute approximate confidence values of answer tuples to positive relational algebra queries on general probabilistic databases (c-tables with discrete probability distributions). We further tune our algorithm so as to capture all known tractable conjunctive queries without selfjoins on tuple-independent probabilistic databases: In this case, the algorithm requires time polynomial in the input size even for exact computation. We implemented the algorithm as an extension of the SPROUT query engine. An extensive experimental effort shows that it consistently outperforms state-of-art approximation techniques by several orders of magnitude

    The impact of power on reliance on feelings versus reasons in decision making

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    Power and Reliance on Feelings versus Reasons in Consumer Decisions (with Yunhui Huang and Jiewen Hong), October 2016 Annual Association for Consumer Research Conference, Berlin, Germany.</p

    Enhancing Model Performance in Multilingual Information Retrieval with Comprehensive Data Engineering Techniques

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    In this paper, we present our solution to the Multilingual Information Retrieval Across a Continuum of Languages (MIRACL) challenge of WSDM CUP 2023\footnote{https://project-miracl.github.io/}. Our solution focuses on enhancing the ranking stage, where we fine-tune pre-trained multilingual transformer-based models with MIRACL dataset. Our model improvement is mainly achieved through diverse data engineering techniques, including the collection of additional relevant training data, data augmentation, and negative sampling. Our fine-tuned model effectively determines the semantic relevance between queries and documents, resulting in a significant improvement in the efficiency of the multilingual information retrieval process. Finally, Our team is pleased to achieve remarkable results in this challenging competition, securing 2nd place in the Surprise-Languages track with a score of 0.835 and 3rd place in the Known-Languages track with an average nDCG@10 score of 0.716 across the 16 known languages on the final leaderboard

    Utjecaj sastava podloge na povećanje biomase micelija i proizvodnje egzopolimera s pomoću gljive Hericium erinaceus CZ-2

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    In this work, the effects of medium composition and fermentation parameters on the simultaneous production of mycelial biomass and exopolymer by medicinal mushroom Hericium erinaceus CZ-2 were investigated in shake flask cultures using one-factor-at-a-time method and orthogonal array design. Results showed that the most suitable carbon, nitrogen, mineral sources, and cofactors for the mycelial biomass and exopolymer production were: corn flour combined with 1 % glucose, yeast extract, KH2PO4 and corn steep liquor. The intuitive analysis of orthogonal array design results indicated that the effects of nutritional requirement on the mycelial growth of Hericium erinaceus CZ-2 were in regular sequence of corn flour combined with 1 % glucose > yeast extract > corn steep liquor > KH2PO4, and those on exopolymer production were in the order of corn flour combined with glucose > KH2PO4 > yeast extract > corn steep liquor. The maximal yield of mycelial biomass (16.07 g/L) was obtained when the composition of the culture medium was (in g/L): corn flour 30, glucose 10, yeast extract 3, KH2PO4 1, CaCO3 0.5, and 15 mL/L of corn steep liquor; while the maximal exopolymer yield (1.314 g/L) was achieved when the composition of medium was (in g/L): corn flour 30, glucose 10, yeast extract 5, KH2PO4 3, CaCO3 0.5, and 15 mL/L of corn steep liquor. In the 15-litre scale-up fermentation, the maximum mycelial biomass yield of 20.50 g/L was achieved using the optimized medium.U ovom je radu ispitan utjecaj sastava podloge i uvjeta fermentacije na istodobnu proizvodnju biomase micelija i egzopolimera s pomoću ljekovite gljive Hericium erinaceus CZ-2. Pokusi su provedeni na kulturama uzgojenim na tresilici, primjenom jednofaktorske metode i ortogonalnog modela. Rezultati su pokazali da su najbolji izvori dušika, minerala i kofaktora za proizvodnju biomase micelija i egzopolimera kukuruzno brašno s 1 % glukoze, ekstrakt kvasca, KH2PO4 i kukuruzni ekstrakt. Analizom ortogonalnog modela utvrđeno je da na povećanje micelija redom utječu: kukuruzno brašno s 1 % glukoze, zatim ekstrakt kvasca, kukuruzni ekstrakt i KH2PO4, a na proizvodnju egzopolimera kukuruzno brašno s glukozom, zatim KH2PO4, ekstrakt kvasca te kukuruzni ekstrakt. Najveći je prinos biomase micelija (16,07 g/L) postignut s ovim sastavom podloge (u g/L): kukuruzno brašno 30, glukoza 10, ekstrakt kvasca 3, KH2PO4 1, CaCO3 0,5 i 15 mL/L kukuruznog ekstrakta, a najveći je prinos egzopolimera (1,314 g/L) dobiven korištenjem podloge (u g/L) od: kukuruznog brašna 30, glukoze 10, ekstrakta kvasca 5, KH2PO4 3, CaCO3 0,5 i 15 mL/L kukuruznog ekstrakta. Povećanjem obujma fermentacije na 15 L dobiven je najveći prinos biomase micelija od 20,50 g/L pri optimalnim uvjetima

    Effects of the stem extracts of Schisandra glaucescens Diels on collagen-induced arthritis in Balb/c mice

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    Ethnopharmacological relevance Schisandra glaucescens Diels (SGD) is used in a subclass of traditional Chinese medicine known as “Tujia drugs”. It has been long used for the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis (RA), cough with dyspnea, spontaneous sweating, night sweating, chronic diarrhea, and neurasthenia. As a woody liana growing in mountain jungles at the altitudes of 750–1800 m, it is mainly distributed in Sichuan and Hubei Provinces of China. Aim of the study To evaluate the antiarthritic activity of acetate (EA) and n-butanol (Bu) fractions of SGD extract on a collagen-induced arthritis mice model. Materials and methods Acute toxicity of EA and Bu fractions of SGD extract was evaluated by gavage on normal mice. Pharmacological investigations were conducted on arthritis male Balb/c mice. The animal model was induced by immunization with type II bovine collagen (CII) on the 1st and the 14th day of the experimental schedule. EA fraction (104, 312, 936 mg/kg), Bu fraction (156, 469, 1407 mg/kg) of SGD extract was orally administered every two days since the 15th day for 3 weeks. Progression of edema in the paws was measured using a vernier caliper every 3 days since the 10th day. At the end of the experiment, the spleen index and histological changes of the hind knee joints were investigated. Additionally, to explore the possible antirheumatic mechanisms of the EA and Bu fractions, ELISA was carried out to analyze TNF-α, IL-10, IL-6 and IL-1β in the serum. Results The half lethal doses of both EA and Bu fractions were much higher than the dose administered in the pharmacological investigations. Oral administration of EA fraction and Bu fraction of SGD extract significantly and does-dependently inhibited type ІІ collagen induced arthritis (CIA) in mice, as indicated by the effects on paws swelling and spleen index. Histopathological examinations demonstrated that SGD effectively protected the bones and cartilages of knee joints from erosion, lesion and deformation. Besides, the serum concentrations of cytokines TNF-α, IL-1β and IL-6 were significantly lower than the ones from the vehicle control group. Respectively, while cytokine IL-10 was remarkably higher compare with the vehicle control group. Conclusions SGD might be a safe and effective candidate for the treatment of RA, and deserves further investigation on the chemical components in both EA and Bu fractions of SGD extract

    Effects of the Zishen Yutai Pill compared with placebo on pregnancy outcomes among women in a fresh embryo transfer cycle: a Post Hoc subgroup analysis of a randomized controlled trial

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    ObjectiveTo assess whether the administration of Zishen Yutai Pill (ZYP) could improve the pregnancy outcomes in different subgroups of women undergoing fresh embryo transfer cycles.Materials and methodsThis is a post hoc analysis of a large scale, placebo-controlled, double blind, randomized clinical trial (RCT) regarding the use of ZYP during assisted reproductive technology (ART) treatment. The RCT was conducted at 19 in vitro fertilization (IVF) centers between April 2014 and June 2017. A total of 2265 women undergoing fresh embryo transfer cycles were randomly assigned in a 1:1 ratio to receive ZYP (n = 1131) or placebo (n = 1134). Post hoc logistic regression analyses were applied in this study to examine the between-group differences of ZYP and placebo on clinical pregnancy rate among different subgroups. Detailed analyses, both in intention-to-treat (ITT) and per-protocol population, were also conducted in specific subgroups with regards to rates of implantation, biochemical pregnancy, clinical pregnancy, live birth, pregnancy loss, as well as other neonatal indices.ResultsZYP showed a significantly higher clinical pregnancy rates than placebo in the ITT population. Detailed subgroup analyses were conducted in subgroup in advanced maternal age (AMA, ≥ 35 years old) and overweight/obese patients (BMI &gt; 24), due to the clinical importance and statistical results. In these subgroups, baseline characteristics were similar between two arms (all P &gt; 0.05). Significantly elevated clinical pregnancy rates were observed in ZYP cohort (both P &lt; 0.05) compared with the placebo group. Results also showed that ZYP treatment resulted in significantly higher rates of implantation, biochemical pregnancy in AMA or overweight/obese patients in ITT analysis (all P &lt; 0.05).ConclusionsThe current post hoc subgroup analysis suggested that AMA and overweight/obese women could experience clinical benefits when treated with ZYP in their fresh embryo transfer cycles. The study provides references for the use of ZYP in ART practices. However, further studies in specific subgroups should be examined in more rigorous clinical trial settings.Clinical trial registrationChictr.org.cn, ChictrTRC-14004494

    A rapid and nondestructive method to determine the distribution map of protein, carbohydrate and sialic acid on Edible bird’s nest by hyper-spectral imaging and chemometrics

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    Edible bird’s nest (EBN) is a precious functional food in Southeast Asia. A rapid and nondestructive method for determining the distribution map of protein content (PC), carbohydrate content (CC) and sialic acid content (SAC) on EBN sample was proposed. Firstly, 60 EBNs were used for hyperspectral image acquisition, and components content (PC, CC and SAC) were determined by chemical analytical methods. Secondly, the spectral signals of EBN hyperspectral image and EBN components content were used to build calibration models. Thirdly, spectra of each pixel in EBN hyperspectral image were extracted, and these spectra were substituted in the calibration models to predict the PC, CC and SAC of each pixel in the EBN image, so the visual distribution maps of PC, CC and SAC on the whole EBN were obtained. It is the first time to show the distribution tendency of PC, CC and SAC on the whole EBN sample
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