285 research outputs found

    On the Local Cache Update Rules in Streaming Federated Learning

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    In this study, we address the emerging field of Streaming Federated Learning (SFL) and propose local cache update rules to manage dynamic data distributions and limited cache capacity. Traditional federated learning relies on fixed data sets, whereas in SFL, data is streamed, and its distribution changes over time, leading to discrepancies between the local training dataset and long-term distribution. To mitigate this problem, we propose three local cache update rules - First-In-First-Out (FIFO), Static Ratio Selective Replacement (SRSR), and Dynamic Ratio Selective Replacement (DRSR) - that update the local cache of each client while considering the limited cache capacity. Furthermore, we derive a convergence bound for our proposed SFL algorithm as a function of the distribution discrepancy between the long-term data distribution and the client's local training dataset. We then evaluate our proposed algorithm on two datasets: a network traffic classification dataset and an image classification dataset. Our experimental results demonstrate that our proposed local cache update rules significantly reduce the distribution discrepancy and outperform the baseline methods. Our study advances the field of SFL and provides practical cache management solutions in federated learning

    Regret Minimization with Noisy Observations

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    In a typical optimization problem, the task is to pick one of a number of options with the lowest cost or the highest value. In practice, these cost/value quantities often come through processes such as measurement or machine learning, which are noisy, with quantifiable noise distributions. To take these noise distributions into account, one approach is to assume a prior for the values, use it to build a posterior, and then apply standard stochastic optimization to pick a solution. However, in many practical applications, such prior distributions may not be available. In this paper, we study such scenarios using a regret minimization model. In our model, the task is to pick the highest one out of nn values. The values are unknown and chosen by an adversary, but can be observed through noisy channels, where additive noises are stochastically drawn from known distributions. The goal is to minimize the regret of our selection, defined as the expected difference between the highest and the selected value on the worst-case choices of values. We show that the na\"ive algorithm of picking the highest observed value has regret arbitrarily worse than the optimum, even when n=2n = 2 and the noises are unbiased in expectation. On the other hand, we propose an algorithm which gives a constant-approximation to the optimal regret for any nn. Our algorithm is conceptually simple, computationally efficient, and requires only minimal knowledge of the noise distributions

    Interactive Communication in Bilateral Trade

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    We define a model of interactive communication where two agents with private types can exchange information before a game is played. The model contains Bayesian persuasion as a special case of a one-round communication protocol. We define message complexity corresponding to the minimum number of interactive rounds necessary to achieve the best possible outcome. Our main result is that for bilateral trade, agents don\u27t stop talking until they reach an efficient outcome: Either agents achieve an efficient allocation in finitely many rounds of communication; or the optimal communication protocol has infinite number of rounds. We show an important class of bilateral trade settings where efficient allocation is achievable with a small number of rounds of communication

    Monad: Towards Cost-effective Specialization for Chiplet-based Spatial Accelerators

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    Advanced packaging offers a new design paradigm in the post-Moore era, where many small chiplets can be assembled into a large system. Based on heterogeneous integration, a chiplet-based accelerator can be highly specialized for a specific workload, demonstrating extreme efficiency and cost reduction. To fully leverage this potential, it is critical to explore both the architectural design space for individual chiplets and different integration options to assemble these chiplets, which have yet to be fully exploited by existing proposals. This paper proposes Monad, a cost-aware specialization approach for chiplet-based spatial accelerators that explores the tradeoffs between PPA and fabrication costs. To evaluate a specialized system, we introduce a modeling framework considering the non-uniformity in dataflow, pipelining, and communications when executing multiple tensor workloads on different chiplets. We propose to combine the architecture and integration design space by uniformly encoding the design aspects for both spaces and exploring them with a systematic ML-based approach. The experiments demonstrate that Monad can achieve an average of 16% and 30% EDP reduction compared with the state-of-the-art chiplet-based accelerators, Simba and NN-Baton, respectively.Comment: To be published in ICCAD 202

    SurrogatePrompt: Bypassing the Safety Filter of Text-To-Image Models via Substitution

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    Advanced text-to-image models such as DALL-E 2 and Midjourney possess the capacity to generate highly realistic images, raising significant concerns regarding the potential proliferation of unsafe content. This includes adult, violent, or deceptive imagery of political figures. Despite claims of rigorous safety mechanisms implemented in these models to restrict the generation of not-safe-for-work (NSFW) content, we successfully devise and exhibit the first prompt attacks on Midjourney, resulting in the production of abundant photorealistic NSFW images. We reveal the fundamental principles of such prompt attacks and suggest strategically substituting high-risk sections within a suspect prompt to evade closed-source safety measures. Our novel framework, SurrogatePrompt, systematically generates attack prompts, utilizing large language models, image-to-text, and image-to-image modules to automate attack prompt creation at scale. Evaluation results disclose an 88% success rate in bypassing Midjourney's proprietary safety filter with our attack prompts, leading to the generation of counterfeit images depicting political figures in violent scenarios. Both subjective and objective assessments validate that the images generated from our attack prompts present considerable safety hazards.Comment: 14 pages, 11 figure

    UltraGCN: Ultra Simplification of Graph Convolutional Networks for Recommendation

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    With the recent success of graph convolutional networks (GCNs), they have been widely applied for recommendation, and achieved impressive performance gains. The core of GCNs lies in its message passing mechanism to aggregate neighborhood information. However, we observed that message passing largely slows down the convergence of GCNs during training, especially for large-scale recommender systems, which hinders their wide adoption. LightGCN makes an early attempt to simplify GCNs for collaborative filtering by omitting feature transformations and nonlinear activations. In this paper, we take one step further to propose an ultra-simplified formulation of GCNs (dubbed UltraGCN), which skips infinite layers of message passing for efficient recommendation. Instead of explicit message passing, UltraGCN resorts to directly approximate the limit of infinite-layer graph convolutions via a constraint loss. Meanwhile, UltraGCN allows for more appropriate edge weight assignments and flexible adjustment of the relative importances among different types of relationships. This finally yields a simple yet effective UltraGCN model, which is easy to implement and efficient to train. Experimental results on four benchmark datasets show that UltraGCN not only outperforms the state-of-the-art GCN models but also achieves more than 10x speedup over LightGCN.Comment: Paper accepted in CIKM'2021. Code available at: https://github.com/xue-pai/UltraGC

    Antidiabetic Rosiglitazone Reduces Soluble Intercellular Adhesion Molecule-1 Level in Type 2 Diabetic Patients with Coronary Artery Disease

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    Background. We investigated the level of soluble adhesion molecules in diabetic patients and the effect of the peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-γ (PPAR-γ) agonist rosiglitazone on plasma levels of adhesion molecules and an inflammation marker in type 2 diabetic patients with coronary artery disease (CAD) after percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI). Methods. A total of 116 diabetic patients with CAD who had undergone PCI were randomized to receive rosiglitazone (4 mg/d) or not for 6 months. Plasma levels of soluble intercellular adhesion molecules (sICAM-1) and P-selectin (sP-selectin) were measured on ELISA. Results. After 6-month rosiglitazone treatment, plasma levels of sICAM-1 were lower than baseline and control group levels (370.4 (332.4–421.9) pg/mL versus 423.5 (327.4–500.3) pg/mL and 404.6 (345.2–483.4) pg/mL, P < .001). In addition, plasma levels of C-reactive protein were significantly reduced from baseline levels. However, plasma level of sP-selectin was not significantly lowered with rosiglitazone treatment than with control treatment after 6-month follow-up. Conclusions. Rosiglitazone reduces chronic inflammatory responses and improves levels of markers of endothelial dysfunction in patients with diabetes and CAD. PPAR-γ agonist may have a beneficial effect on the vascular endothelium through its anti-inflammatory mechanism and may be useful as therapy in patients undergoing PCI