140 research outputs found

    FedSEAL: Semi-Supervised Federated Learning with Self-Ensemble Learning and Negative Learning

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    Federated learning (FL), a popular decentralized and privacy-preserving machine learning (FL) framework, has received extensive research attention in recent years. The majority of existing works focus on supervised learning (SL) problems where it is assumed that clients carry labeled datasets while the server has no data. However, in realistic scenarios, clients are often unable to label their data due to the lack of expertise and motivation while the server may host a small amount of labeled data. How to reasonably utilize the server labeled data and the clients' unlabeled data is thus of paramount practical importance. In this paper, we propose a new FL algorithm, called FedSEAL, to solve this Semi-Supervised Federated Learning (SSFL) problem. Our algorithm utilizes self-ensemble learning and complementary negative learning to enhance both the accuracy and the efficiency of clients' unsupervised learning on unlabeled data, and orchestrates the model training on both the server side and the clients' side. Our experimental results on Fashion-MNIST and CIFAR10 datasets in the SSFL setting validate the effectiveness of our method, which outperforms the state-of-the-art SSFL methods by a large margin.Comment: 15 pages, 7 figure

    On the Expected Discounted Penalty Function for the Classical Risk Model with Potentially Delayed Claims and Random Incomes

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    We focus on the expected discounted penalty function of a compound Poisson risk model with random incomes and potentially delayed claims. It is assumed that each main claim will produce a byclaim with a certain probability and the occurrence of the byclaim may be delayed depending on associated main claim amount. In addition, the premium number process is assumed as a Poisson process. We derive the integral equation satisfied by the expected discounted penalty function. Given that the premium size is exponentially distributed, the explicit expression for the Laplace transform of the expected discounted penalty function is derived. Finally, for the exponential claim sizes, we present the explicit formula for the expected discounted penalty function

    Loghub: A Large Collection of System Log Datasets towards Automated Log Analytics

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    Logs have been widely adopted in software system development and maintenance because of the rich system runtime information they contain. In recent years, the increase of software size and complexity leads to the rapid growth of the volume of logs. To handle these large volumes of logs efficiently and effectively, a line of research focuses on intelligent log analytics powered by AI (artificial intelligence) techniques. However, only a small fraction of these techniques have reached successful deployment in industry because of the lack of public log datasets and necessary benchmarking upon them. To fill this significant gap between academia and industry and also facilitate more research on AI-powered log analytics, we have collected and organized loghub, a large collection of log datasets. In particular, loghub provides 17 real-world log datasets collected from a wide range of systems, including distributed systems, supercomputers, operating systems, mobile systems, server applications, and standalone software. In this paper, we summarize the statistics of these datasets, introduce some practical log usage scenarios, and present a case study on anomaly detection to demonstrate how loghub facilitates the research and practice in this field. Up to the time of this paper writing, loghub datasets have been downloaded over 15,000 times by more than 380 organizations from both industry and academia.Comment: Dateset available at https://zenodo.org/record/322717

    Co-evolving Vector Quantization for ID-based Recommendation

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    Category information plays a crucial role in enhancing the quality and personalization of recommendations. Nevertheless, the availability of item category information is not consistently present, particularly in the context of ID-based recommendations. In this work, we propose an alternative approach to automatically learn and generate entity (i.e., user and item) categorical information at different levels of granularity, specifically for ID-based recommendation. Specifically, we devise a co-evolving vector quantization framework, namely COVE, which enables the simultaneous learning and refinement of code representation and entity embedding in an end-to-end manner, starting from the randomly initialized states. With its high adaptability, COVE can be easily integrated into existing recommendation models. We validate the effectiveness of COVE on various recommendation tasks including list completion, collaborative filtering, and click-through rate prediction, across different recommendation models. We will publish the code and data for other researchers to reproduce our work

    FinalMLP: An Enhanced Two-Stream MLP Model for CTR Prediction

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    Click-through rate (CTR) prediction is one of the fundamental tasks for online advertising and recommendation. While multi-layer perceptron (MLP) serves as a core component in many deep CTR prediction models, it has been widely recognized that applying a vanilla MLP network alone is inefficient in learning multiplicative feature interactions. As such, many two-stream interaction models (e.g., DeepFM and DCN) have been proposed by integrating an MLP network with another dedicated network for enhanced CTR prediction. As the MLP stream learns feature interactions implicitly, existing research focuses mainly on enhancing explicit feature interactions in the complementary stream. In contrast, our empirical study shows that a well-tuned two-stream MLP model that simply combines two MLPs can even achieve surprisingly good performance, which has never been reported before by existing work. Based on this observation, we further propose feature gating and interaction aggregation layers that can be easily plugged to make an enhanced two-stream MLP model, FinalMLP. In this way, it not only enables differentiated feature inputs but also effectively fuses stream-level interactions across two streams. Our evaluation results on four open benchmark datasets as well as an online A/B test in our industrial system show that FinalMLP achieves better performance than many sophisticated two-stream CTR models. Our source code will be available at MindSpore/models.Comment: Accepted by AAAI 2023. Code available at https://xpai.github.io/FinalML

    UltraGCN: Ultra Simplification of Graph Convolutional Networks for Recommendation

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    With the recent success of graph convolutional networks (GCNs), they have been widely applied for recommendation, and achieved impressive performance gains. The core of GCNs lies in its message passing mechanism to aggregate neighborhood information. However, we observed that message passing largely slows down the convergence of GCNs during training, especially for large-scale recommender systems, which hinders their wide adoption. LightGCN makes an early attempt to simplify GCNs for collaborative filtering by omitting feature transformations and nonlinear activations. In this paper, we take one step further to propose an ultra-simplified formulation of GCNs (dubbed UltraGCN), which skips infinite layers of message passing for efficient recommendation. Instead of explicit message passing, UltraGCN resorts to directly approximate the limit of infinite-layer graph convolutions via a constraint loss. Meanwhile, UltraGCN allows for more appropriate edge weight assignments and flexible adjustment of the relative importances among different types of relationships. This finally yields a simple yet effective UltraGCN model, which is easy to implement and efficient to train. Experimental results on four benchmark datasets show that UltraGCN not only outperforms the state-of-the-art GCN models but also achieves more than 10x speedup over LightGCN.Comment: Paper accepted in CIKM'2021. Code available at: https://github.com/xue-pai/UltraGC
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