17 research outputs found

    Structures of R(f)P(f)R(f)-\overline{P(f)} for graph maps ff

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    Let GG be a graph and f:GGf: G\rightarrow G be a continuous map. We establish a structure theorem which describes the structures of the set R(f)P(f)R(f)-\overline{P(f)}, where R(f)R(f) and P(f)P(f) are the recurrent point set and the periodic point set of ff respectively. Roughly speaking, the set R(f)P(f)R(f)-\overline{P(f)} is covered by finitely many pairwise disjoint ff-invariant open sets U1,,UnU_{1\,},\,\cdots,\,U_{n\,}; each UiU_i contains a unique minimal set WiW_i which absorbs each point of UiU_i; each WiW_i lies in finitely many pairwise disjoint circles each of which is contained in a connected closed set; all of these connected closed sets are contained in UiU_i and permutated cyclically by ff. As applications of the structure theorem, several known results are improved or reproved


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    Abstract. Let K be a 1-dimensional simplicial complex in R 3 without isolated vertexes, X = |K | be the polyhedron of K with the metric dK induced by K, andf:X→Xbe a continuous map. In this paper we prove that if K is finite, then the interior of every scrambled set of f in X is empty. We also show that if K is an infinite complex, then there exist continuous maps from X to itself having scrambled sets with nonempty interiors, and if X = R or R+, then there exist C ∞ maps of X with the whole space X being a scrambled set. 1

    Multi-separation, centrifugality and centripetality imply chaos

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    The nonexistence of expansive commutative group actions on Peano continua having free dendrites

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    AbstractA dendrite D in a metric space X is said to be free if there exists a connected open set U in X such that U¯=D. In this paper, we prove that there is no expansive commutative group action on any Peano continuum having a free dendrite. In particular, no 1-dimensional compact ANR admits an expansive commutative group action

    Periodic orbits for multivalued maps with continuous margins of intervals

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    Let II be a bounded connected subset of R \mathbb{R} containing more than one point, and L(I){\mathcal{L}}(I) be the family of all nonempty connected subsets of II. Each map from II to L(I){\mathcal{L}}(I) is called a {multivalued map}. A multivalued map F ⁣:IL(I)F\colon I\rightarrow{\mathcal{L}}(I) is called a multivalued map with continuous margins if both the left endpoint and the right endpoint functions of FF are continuous. We show that the well-known Sharkovskiĭ theorem for interval maps also holds for every multivalued map with continuous margins F ⁣:IL(I)F\colon I\rightarrow{\mathcal{L}}(I), that is, if FF has an nn-periodic orbit and nmn\succ m (in the Sharkovskiĭ ordering), then FF also has an mm-periodic orbit

    An answer to the Markov's conjecture

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