29 research outputs found

    Influence of Guidance and Counseling on Choice of Business Subjects Among Secondary School Students in Gombe State

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    This study investigated the influence of guidance and counseling  on choice of business subjects among secondary school students in Gombe state. Two specific objectives, two research questions and two null hypotheses were raised. Survey research design was adopted for the study. The population of the study was 21,465 secondary school students and 377 of them were randomly used for the study. Four rating scale structured questionnaire titled Choice of Business Subjects among Students (CVSS) constructed by the researcher were used for data collection. Data collected were analyzed using benchmark score of 2.5 and above for agree while simple logistic regression was employed in the test of the two null hypotheses at  0.05 alpha level of significance. The study revealed among others that guidance and counseling  has influence on choice of business subjects among secondary school students in Gombe state. In addition in contributed on gender disparity of students choice in business subjects. The resultant effect is that most secondary school students perceived that business subjects are either meant for academic misfits or female students. Based on the outcome of the study, the researcher recommended among others that teachers, especially those counseling  students should help to instill in students the positive attitude towards business subjects, this will develop in them interest and choice of business subjects at secondary school level. Keywords: - Guidance, Counseling , Choice, Business, Subjects, Students. DOI: 10.7176/RHSS/9-12-20 Publication date:June 30th 201

    Effects of flipped and conventional teaching approaches on performance and retention ability of students in advance financial accounting in Abubakar Tafawa Balewa Uuniversity Bauchi, Nigeria

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    The study investigated the effects of flipped and conventional classroom teaching approach on performance and retention ability of advance financial accounting students in Abubakar Tafawa Balewa University Bauchi, Nigeria. The study had three specific objectives and three null hypotheses. Quasi experimental design of pre-test, post-test I and post-test II was used for the study. The study used an intact class of 76 students that offered advance financial accounting in 2015/2016 academic session in the institution. Three instruments were used for data collection. The instruments were Advance financial accounting Achievement Test (AFAAT), Advance financial accounting Diagnostic Achievement Test I (AFADAT I) and Advance financial accounting Diagnostic Achievement Test II (AFADAT II). The validations of instruments were determined by board of examiners in department of vocation al and technology education in Abubakar Tafawa Balewa University, Bauchi. The reliability of the instruments was established using pilot study. The result of the pilot study gave reliability coefficient of 0.79. Data collected from the study were coded into Statistical Package of Social Sciences. The package was used to run t-test statistics for the test of the three null hypotheses at significance level of 0.05. The results shows improvement in the performance and retention ability of students when flipped teaching technique was adopted. It was recommended among others that financial accounting lecturers in Nigerian universities should adopt the use of flipped classroom approach in teaching students by providing students with pre-class materials and assignments prior their classroom activities

    Load modeling techniques in distribution networks: a review

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    Power system operation and control required models of generators, lines and loads to be accurately estimated, this is to enable operators make a reliable decision on the system.  Generators and lines models are so far considered accurate, while load models are considered perplexing due to invention of new types of loads, distribution system are transforming from passive to active. Future distribution systems are desired to be smart and for a network to be smart the system as to be fully and accurately represented. Penetration of renewable energy and application of power electronic devices as well as participation of active customers in distribution systems make traditional methods of load modeling absolute. Accurate load modeling is required to address the new challenges evolving in the task of power system operation, control and stability studies. It is also an interest of power system researchers globally to realize Smart Networks (SNs), in which accurate load models are required. This work described a review of techniques and approaches for load modeling from traditional methods to the state of art in the area. In addition, gaps in the literature as well as research directions are also pointed out

    Facilitating Public Access to Information: the Role of Niger State Library Board Minna

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    This study investigated the role of Public libraries in facilitating public access to information. The purposive sampling technique was adopted for the study. Questionnaire and observation checklist were used to collect data from seven (7) Professional librarians and forty-one (41) Para-professional library staff given a total of forty-eight (48) respondents. The sample size for the study was thirty seven (37). The data collected were analysed mean scores. Textbooks, reference sources and newspapers were the only information resources available in the library. Only four (4) out of twelve (12) mechanisms were adopted by the library in providing and enhancing access to information. Lack of fund, lack of current textbooks and lack of conducive learning environment were the major constraints in the library. All the remedies were accepted by the respondents. Based on the findings, the study concluded that public libraries in Niger State lack adequate information resources in providing access to information. This study recommended that public libraries should be adequately funded by the State government.Keywords: Access; Information; Library Board; Public libraries; Role; Minna

    Comparative study and prevalence of plasmodium falciparum among children and pregnant women attending General Hospital, Lapai, Nigeria

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    Malaria is a life threatening disease caused by Plasmodium sp that is transmitted to people through the bite of infected mosquitoes. The Plasmodium falciparum specie have been confirmed to affects the lives of almost 40% of the world’s population with pregnant women and children under-five years of age being the most affected. Malaria infection during pregnancy is an important public health problem with substantial risks to both the mother and foetus. This study was undertaken to determine malarial infection among children and pregnant women attending General Hospital Lapai, Niger state, Nigeria with the intent to compare two methods of Rapid diagnostic test (RDTs) and microscopy in the diagnosis of malaria. A cross-sectional and Hospital-based surveillance study was conducted on 150 patients by collecting blood samples from children and pregnant women attending General Hospital Lapai, Niger state. Blood samples were collected and examined for the presence of Plasmodium sp by rapid diagnostic test (RDT), and mp microscopy. A total of 75 pregnant women and 75 children were sampled for malaria parasites infection. Out of the 75 samples collected from children under the age of 5 years, a total of 58 (77.3%) participants were found positive using Microscopy and 26 (34.7%) positive using RDTs technique. The findings demonstrated that Mp microscopy for detection of malaria P. falciparum was highly sensitive (80.7%) as compared to RDT (44.7%). And out of the 75 samples collected from pregnant women, a total of 63 (84.0%) participants were found positive using Microscopy and 41 (54.7%) positive using RDTs technique. The results obtained suggested that microscopy remains the gold standard method for diagnosis of malarial infection, although the HRP-2 pf RDTs can be used where microscopy is not available and in cases where urgent malaria diagnosis is needed. The sensitivity and specificity of the RDT kit used (Care startTM malaria Pf (HRP2) Ag RDT) were 98% and 97.5% respectively. This study recorded high prevalence of malaria parasitaemia among pregnant women and children (63 (84.0%) Microscopy and 41 (54.7%) RDTs technique and 58 (77.3%) Microscopy and 26 (34.7%) RDTs technique respectively), attending General Hospital Lapai, Niger State. Regular environmental sanitation to dislodge mosquitoes from their breeding places will go a long way to reduce prevalence of malaria, and early antenatal booking for effective monitoring and prompt treatment of malaria in pregnancy will contribute significantly in reducing maternal morbidity and mortality, and its perinatal mortality. Routine intermittent preventive treatment of malaria is recommended for pregnant women in this area

    Quantum Mechanics Calculation of Molybdenum and Tungsten Influence on the CrM-oxide Catalyst Acidity

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    Semi-empirical calculations were employed to understand the effects of introducing promoters such as molybdenum (Mo) and tungsten (W) on chromium (III) oxide catalyst for the dehydrogenation of propane into propylene. For this purpose, we investigated CrM-oxide (M = Cr, Mo, and W) catalysts. In this study, the Lewis acidity of the catalyst was examined using Lewis acidity parameters (Ac), including ammonia and pyridine adsorption energy. The results obtained from this study of overall acidity across all sites of the catalysts studied reveal Mo-modified catalyst as the one with the least acidity while the W-modified catalyst was found to have shown the highest acidity signifies that the introduction of Mo would reduce acidity while W accelerates it. The finding, therefore, confirms tungsten (W) to be more influential and would be more promising when compared to molybdenum (Mo) due to the better avenue that is offered by W for the promotion of electron exchange and its higher acidity(s). The suitability of some molecular descriptors for acidity prediction as a potential alternative to the current use of adsorption energies of the probes was also reported

    Impact of dose and route of administration on antibody responses of chickens inoculated with inactivated Avian Influenza H5 vaccine.

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    Background: The present study evaluated the influence of dose and route of administration of a commercial inactivated avian influenza virus (AIV) H5 vaccine on the humoral immune response of ISA brown chickens. Methods: Ninety “one-day-old” chickens were purchased from three commercial hatcheries (n = 30 chicks per hatchery), respectively, and chicks were vaccinated with either 0.2, 0.5 or 0.7 ml of the vaccine via either the intramuscular or subcutaneous route at days 14 and 28, respectively. Vaccinal antibody titres in chicks’ sera were quantified using an indirect ELISA kit at 14 (before vaccination), 21, 28, 35 and 42 days of age. Results: Results showed significant differences (p < /em> < 0.001) in the mean antibody titre levels at day 21 of age between chicks from hatcheries C (2,205.0 ± 409.1) and A (57.7 ± 49.9) at 21 days of age when either 0.2 ml or 0.5 ml of the vaccine was administered IM or SC. In addition, there were intra- and inter dose significant differences ( p < /em>< 0.001) between the chicks at 21, 28, 35 and 42 days of age. Furthermore, intra- and inter route significant differences (p < /em>< 0.001) were detected between the chicks at 21 and 35 days of age. Conclusion:  Overall, the AIV H5 vaccine studied had variable outcomes and was poorly immunogenic. Recommendation: Further studies should be conducted to characterize the T- and B-lymphocytes in chickens post AIV H5 vaccines administration, and evaluate the sequence homologies between imported AIV H5 vaccines and circulating AIV strains in Nigeria

    Utjecaj Mo i W na katalitička svojstva CrXO3 (X = Cr, Mo, W) u procesu neoksidativne dehidrogenacije propana

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    The impact of molybdenum (Mo) and tungsten (W) on improving the catalytic characteristics of the chromium-based catalyst, Cr2O3, was explored in this study. The use of semi-empirical and density functional theory computational methods was deployed to understand the impact of the substitution of the chromium (Cr) with Mo and W on the catalyst, CrXO3 (where X = Cr, Mo, W) in the production of propylene from propane. Findings from the investigation confirmed that the surface modified with Mo showed better potential for improving the catalyst selectivity, retarding propylene dehydrogenation, cracking, and coking path than W, which offered a lower selectivity. The use of Mo was found to have better facilitated the propylene production due to its lower affinity for coke and cracking promoting adsorbates accounted for its sites, including easier desorption of propylene and higher barrier of deep dehydrogenation for preventing the production of undesired products, unlike the use of W. This study, therefore, recommends the use of Mo for the improvement of the catalyst that could result in better propylene yield, which could aid in meeting its rising market demand.S ciljem poboljšanja karakteristika katalizatora na bazi kroma, u ovom su se istraživanju kombinirano primijenile poluempirijske računalne metode i metode temeljene na teoriji funkcionala gustoće. Nastojao se dobiti uvid u katalitički potencijal izmjene kroma molibdenom i volframom u katalizatoru CrXO3 (gdje X označava krom, molibden i volfram) za dehidrogeniranje propana pri proizvodnji propilena. Rezultati su potvrdili da površina modificirana molibdenom pokazuje bolju selektivnosti u usporedbi s površinom modificiranom volframom, usporavajući dehidrogenaciju, pucanje i koksiranje propilena. Utvrđeno je da upotreba molibdena olakšava proizvodnju propilena zbog njegova nižeg afiniteta prema adsorbatima koji potiču pucanje i koksiranje, uključujući i lakšu desorpciju propilena te višu barijeru potpune dehidrogenacije što sprječava nastanak neželjenih produkata; to nije bio slučaj kod volframa. Ovo istraživanje stoga preporučuje upotrebu molibdena za poboljšanje svojstava katalizatora, što bi moglo rezultirati većim iskorištenjem u proizvodnji propilena te pomoći zadovoljavanju rastuće tržišne potražnje za propilenom

    Evaluation of neutrophil gelatinase associated lipocalin (NGAL) in type 2 diabetic patients with diabetic nephropathy

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    Diabetic nephropathy (DN) is a devastating chronic microvascular complication that represents the major cause of end-stage renal failure leading to the development and progression of diabetic syndrome. Aim: The aim of this study was to evaluate serum neutrophil gelatinase associated lipocalin (NGAL) in type 2 DM with diabetic nephropathy. Methods: Eighty (80) type 2 diabetic patients with DN and apparently healthy controls were respectively recruited. Blood samples were collected and tested for serum NGAL, creatinine, albumin, fasting plasma glucose and HbA1c. Creatinine and albumin were analyzed using Abbot autoanalyser, HbA1c was analyzed using fine care system and serum NGAL using the ELISA method. Estimated GFR (eGFR) was calculated using the modification of diet in renal disease (MDRD) formula. Statistical analysis was performed using statistical package for social science (SPSS) software version 20.0. Student t-test, one way analysis of variance (ANOVA) and Pearson’s correlation were used for comparisons and correlation of data respectively with level of significance set <0.05. Result: The mean values of the serum NGAL, FPG, HbA1c, BMI and eGFR in both DN group and control group were found to be 3.72±2.62 vs 1.08±0.78μg/ml, 7.06 ±3.46 vs 4.08± 0.39mmo/l, 6.73±1.08 vs 4.71 ±0.39%, 27.33±5.29 vs 25.08±3.65ml/min/1.73m2 and 76.57 ±11.20 vs 118.23 ±12.11ml/min/1.73m2 respectively. The study found a high and significant difference in the mean values of the DN group compared to the control group. A positive and significant relationship was observed between serum NGAL and eGFR and duration of diagnosis of diabetes mellitus. Conclusion: Serum NGAL could therefore be used as a biomarker to diagnose DN even earlier to incipient nephropathy, NGAL, Diabetes nephropathy, eGFR, Microalbuminuria, Glycated haemoglobin

    Hepatoprotective Effect of Camel Milk on Poloxamer 407 Induced Hyperlipidaemic Wistar Rats

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    AIM: To investigate the effect of oral administration of camel milk on liver enzymes, total proteins and histology of poloxamer 407 induced hyperlipidaemic wistar rats.MATERIAL AND METHODS: Thirty male wistar rats weighing between 150-200 g were randomly assigned into six groups of five each; group I: administered distilled water, group II: induced with P407, group III: induced with P407 and treated with atorvastatin (20 mg/kg) and groups IV, V and VI: induced with P407 and treated with camel milk 250 mg/kg, 500 mg/kg and 1000 mg/kg respectively. After three weeks, blood samples and liver tissues were collected for the determination of alkaline phospatase (ALP), alanine aminotransferase (ALT), aspartate aminotransferase (AST), total protein, albumin, globulin, albumin/globulin ratio and histological studies respectively.RESULTS: All camel milk treated groups showed significant (p < 0.05) decrease in ALT and AST. Camel milk treated groups; 250 mg/kg and 1000mg/kg showed significant (p < 0.05) decrease in total protein, globulin with all camel milk treated groups having significant (p < 0.05) increase in A/G ratio. Histological examination of liver tissues showed that camel milk at a dose of 250 mg/kg had slight adipocytes infiltration.CONCLUSION: The results of our findings highlight the hepatoprotective effect of camel milk in poloxamer 407 induced hyperlipidaemic wistar rats