148 research outputs found

    Density-Based Region Search with Arbitrary Shape for Object Localization

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    Region search is widely used for object localization. Typically, the region search methods project the score of a classifier into an image plane, and then search the region with the maximal score. The recently proposed region search methods, such as efficient subwindow search and efficient region search, %which localize objects from the score distribution on an image are much more efficient than sliding window search. However, for some classifiers and tasks, the projected scores are nearly all positive, and hence maximizing the score of a region results in localizing nearly the entire images as objects, which is meaningless. In this paper, we observe that the large scores are mainly concentrated on or around objects. Based on this observation, we propose a method, named level set maximum-weight connected subgraph (LS-MWCS), which localizes objects with arbitrary shapes by searching regions with the densest score rather than the maximal score. The region density can be controlled by a parameter flexibly. And we prove an important property of the proposed LS-MWCS, which guarantees that the region with the densest score can be searched. Moreover, the LS-MWCS can be efficiently optimized by belief propagation. The method is evaluated on the problem of weakly-supervised object localization, and the quantitative results demonstrate the superiorities of our LS-MWCS compared to other state-of-the-art methods

    Significant cross-species gene flow detected in the Tamias quadrivittatus group of North American chipmunks

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    In the past two decades genomic data have been widely used to detect historical gene flow between species in a variety of plants and animals. The Tamias quadrivittatus group of North America chipmunks, which originated through a series of rapid speciation events, are known to undergo massive amounts of mitochondrial introgression. Yet in a recent analysis of targeted nuclear loci from the group, no evidence for cross-species introgression was detected, indicating widespread cytonuclear discordance. The study used heuristic methods that analyze summaries of the multilocus sequence data to detect gene flow, which may suffer from low power. Here we use the full likelihood method implemented in the Bayesian program BPP to reanalyze these data. We take a stepwise approach to constructing an introgression model by adding introgression events onto a well-supported binary species tree. The analysis detected robust evidence for multiple ancient introgression events affecting the nuclear genome, with introgression probabilities reaching 65%. We estimate population parameters and highlight the fact that species divergence times may be seriously underestimated if ancient cross-species gene flow is ignored in the analysis. Our analyses highlight the importance of using adequate statistical methods to reach reliable biological conclusions concerning cross-species gene flow

    Local Averaging Helps: Hierarchical Federated Learning and Convergence Analysis

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    Federated learning is an effective approach to realize collaborative learning among edge devices without exchanging raw data. In practice, these devices may connect to local hubs instead of connecting to the global server (aggregator) directly. Due to the (possibly limited) computation capability of these local hubs, it is reasonable to assume that they can perform simple averaging operations. A natural question is whether such local averaging is beneficial under different system parameters and how much gain can be obtained compared to the case without such averaging. In this paper, we study hierarchical federated learning with stochastic gradient descent (HF-SGD) and conduct a thorough theoretical analysis to analyze its convergence behavior. In particular, we first consider the two-level HF-SGD (one level of local averaging) and then extend this result to arbitrary number of levels (multiple levels of local averaging). The analysis demonstrates the impact of local averaging precisely as a function of system parameters. Due to the higher communication cost of global averaging, a strategy of decreasing the global averaging frequency and increasing the local averaging frequency is proposed. Experiments validate the proposed theoretical analysis and the advantages of HF-SGD.Comment: 42 pages, 13 figure

    Semi-Supervised Panoptic Narrative Grounding

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    Despite considerable progress, the advancement of Panoptic Narrative Grounding (PNG) remains hindered by costly annotations. In this paper, we introduce a novel Semi-Supervised Panoptic Narrative Grounding (SS-PNG) learning scheme, capitalizing on a smaller set of labeled image-text pairs and a larger set of unlabeled pairs to achieve competitive performance. Unlike visual segmentation tasks, PNG involves one pixel belonging to multiple open-ended nouns. As a result, existing multi-class based semi-supervised segmentation frameworks cannot be directly applied to this task. To address this challenge, we first develop a novel SS-PNG Network (SS-PNG-NW) tailored to the SS-PNG setting. We thoroughly investigate strategies such as Burn-In and data augmentation to determine the optimal generic configuration for the SS-PNG-NW. Additionally, to tackle the issue of imbalanced pseudo-label quality, we propose a Quality-Based Loss Adjustment (QLA) approach to adjust the semi-supervised objective, resulting in an enhanced SS-PNG-NW+. Employing our proposed QLA, we improve BCE Loss and Dice loss at pixel and mask levels, respectively. We conduct extensive experiments on PNG datasets, with our SS-PNG-NW+ demonstrating promising results comparable to fully-supervised models across all data ratios. Remarkably, our SS-PNG-NW+ outperforms fully-supervised models with only 30% and 50% supervision data, exceeding their performance by 0.8% and 1.1% respectively. This highlights the effectiveness of our proposed SS-PNG-NW+ in overcoming the challenges posed by limited annotations and enhancing the applicability of PNG tasks. The source code is available at https://github.com/nini0919/SSPNG.Comment: ACM MM 202

    NICE: Improving Panoptic Narrative Detection and Segmentation with Cascading Collaborative Learning

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    Panoptic Narrative Detection (PND) and Segmentation (PNS) are two challenging tasks that involve identifying and locating multiple targets in an image according to a long narrative description. In this paper, we propose a unified and effective framework called NICE that can jointly learn these two panoptic narrative recognition tasks. Existing visual grounding tasks use a two-branch paradigm, but applying this directly to PND and PNS can result in prediction conflict due to their intrinsic many-to-many alignment property. To address this, we introduce two cascading modules based on the barycenter of the mask, which are Coordinate Guided Aggregation (CGA) and Barycenter Driven Localization (BDL), responsible for segmentation and detection, respectively. By linking PNS and PND in series with the barycenter of segmentation as the anchor, our approach naturally aligns the two tasks and allows them to complement each other for improved performance. Specifically, CGA provides the barycenter as a reference for detection, reducing BDL's reliance on a large number of candidate boxes. BDL leverages its excellent properties to distinguish different instances, which improves the performance of CGA for segmentation. Extensive experiments demonstrate that NICE surpasses all existing methods by a large margin, achieving 4.1% for PND and 2.9% for PNS over the state-of-the-art. These results validate the effectiveness of our proposed collaborative learning strategy. The project of this work is made publicly available at https://github.com/Mr-Neko/NICE.Comment: 18 pages. 9 figures, 9 table

    M3PS: End-to-End Multi-Grained Multi-Modal Attribute-Aware Product Summarization in E-commerce

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    Given the long textual product information and the product image, Multi-Modal Product Summarization (MMPS) aims to attract customers' interest and increase their desire to purchase by highlighting product characteristics with a short textual summary. Existing MMPS methods have achieved promising performance. Nevertheless, there still exist several problems: 1) lack end-to-end product summarization, 2) lack multi-grained multi-modal modeling, and 3) lack multi-modal attribute modeling. To address these issues, we propose an end-to-end multi-grained multi-modal attribute-aware product summarization method (M3PS) for generating high-quality product summaries in e-commerce. M3PS jointly models product attributes and generates product summaries. Meanwhile, we design several multi-grained multi-modal tasks to better guide the multi-modal learning of M3PS. Furthermore, we model product attributes based on both text and image modalities so that multi-modal product characteristics can be manifested in the generated summaries. Extensive experiments on a real large-scale Chinese e-commence dataset demonstrate that our model outperforms state-of-the-art product summarization methods w.r.t. several summarization metrics

    Power of Bayesian and heuristic tests to detect cross-species introgression with reference to gene flow in the Tamias quadrivittatus group of North American chipmunks

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    In the past two decades genomic data have been widely used to detect historical gene flow between species in a variety of plants and animals. The Tamias quadrivittatus group of North America chipmunks, which originated through a series of rapid speciation events, are known to undergo massive amounts of mitochondrial introgression. Yet in a recent analysis of targeted nuclear loci from the group, no evidence for cross-species introgression was detected, indicating widespread cytonuclear discordance. The study used the heuristic method HyDe to detect gene flow, which may suffer from low power. Here we use the Bayesian method implemented in the program bpp to reanalyze these data. We develop a Bayesian test of introgression, calculating the Bayes factor via the Savage-Dickey density ratio using the Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) sample under the model of introgression. We take a stepwise approach to constructing an introgression model by adding introgression events onto a well-supported binary species tree. The analysis detected robust evidence for multiple ancient introgression events affecting the nuclear genome, with introgression probabilities reaching 63%. We estimate population parameters and highlight the fact that species divergence times may be seriously underestimated if ancient cross-species gene flow is ignored in the analysis. We examine the assumptions and performance of HyDe, and demonstrate that it lacks power if gene flow occurs between sister lineages or if the mode of gene flow does not match the assumed hybrid speciation model with symmetrical population sizes. Our analyses highlight the power of likelihood-based inference of cross-species gene flow using genomic sequence data

    Generating Persuasive Responses to Customer Reviews with Multi-Source Prior Knowledge in E-commerce

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    Customer reviews usually contain much information about one's online shopping experience. While positive reviews are beneficial to the stores, negative ones will largely influence consumers' decision and may lead to a decline in sales. Therefore, it is of vital importance to carefully and persuasively reply to each negative review and minimize its disadvantageous effect. Recent studies consider leveraging generation models to help the sellers respond. However, this problem is not well-addressed as the reviews may contain multiple aspects of issues which should be resolved accordingly and persuasively. In this work, we propose a Multi-Source Multi-Aspect Attentive Generation model for persuasive response generation. Various sources of information are appropriately obtained and leveraged by the proposed model for generating more informative and persuasive responses. A multi-aspect attentive network is proposed to automatically attend to different aspects in a review and ensure most of the issues are tackled. Extensive experiments on two real-world datasets, demonstrate that our approach outperforms the state-of-the-art methods and online tests prove that our deployed system significantly enhances the efficiency of the stores' dealing with negative reviews.Comment: Accepted at CIKM 2022 applied researc
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