32 research outputs found

    Microwave photo-association of fine-structure-induced Rydberg (n+2)D5/2nFJ(n+2)D_{5/2}nF_{J} macro-dimer molecules of cesium

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    Long-range (n+2)D5/2 nFJ(n+2)D_{5/2} \, nF_J Rydberg macro-dimers are observed in an ultracold cesium Rydberg gas for 39≤n≤4839\leq n\leq48. Strong dipolar "flip" (⟨D5/2F5/2∣V^dd∣F5/2D5/2⟩\langle D_{5/2} F_{5/2} \vert \hat{V}_{dd} \vert F_{5/2} D_{5/2} \rangle, ⟨D5/2F7/2∣V^dd∣F7/2D5/2⟩\langle D_{5/2} F_{7/2} \vert \hat{V}_{dd} \vert F_{7/2} D_{5/2} \rangle) and "cross" (⟨D5/2F7/2∣V^dd∣F5/2D5/2⟩\langle D_{5/2} F_{7/2} \vert \hat{V}_{dd} \vert F_{5/2} D_{5/2} \rangle) couplings lead to bound, fine-structure-mixed (n+2)D5/2nFJ(n+2)D_{5/2}nF_J macro-dimers at energies between the FJF_J fine-structure levels. The DFDF macro-dimers are measured by microwave photo-association from optically prepared [(n+2)D5/2]2[(n+2)D_{5/2}]_2 Rydberg pair states. Calculated adiabatic potential curves are used to elucidate the underlying physics and to model the DFDF macro-dimer spectra, with good overall agreement. Microwave photo-association allows Franck-Condon tuning, which we have studied by varying the detuning of a Rydberg-atom excitation laser. Further, in Stark spectroscopy we have measured molecular DC electric polarizabilities that are considerably larger than those of the atomic states. The large molecular polarizabilities may be caused by high-ℓ\ell mixing. The observed linewidths of the Stark-shifted molecular lines provide initial evidence for intra-molecular induced-dipole-dipole interaction

    Measurement of the Near Field Distribution of a Microwave Horn Using a Resonant Atomic Probe

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    We measure the near field distribution of a microwave horn with a resonant atomic probe. The microwave field emitted by a standard microwave horn is investigated utilizing Rydberg electromagnetically inducted transparency (EIT), an all-optical Rydberg detection, in a room temperature caesium vapor cell. The ground 6S1/2 , excited 6P3/2 , and Rydberg 56D5/2 states constitute a three-level system, used as an atomic probe to detect microwave electric fields by analyzing microwave dressed Autler–Townes (AT) splitting. We present a measurement of the electric field distribution of the microwave horn operating at 3.99 GHz in the near field, coupling the transition 56D5/2→57P3/2 . The microwave dressed AT spectrum reveals information on both the strength and polarization of the field emitted from the microwave horn simultaneously. The measurements are compared with field measurements obtained using a dipole metal probe, and with simulations of the electromagnetic simulated software (EMSS). The atomic probe measurement is in better agreement with the simulations than the metal probe. The deviation from the simulation of measurements taken with the atomic probe is smaller than the metal probe, improving by 1.6 dB. The symmetry of the amplitude distribution of the measured field is studied by comparing the measurements taken on either side of the field maxima

    Improvement of response bandwidth and sensitivity of Rydberg Receiver using multi-channel excitations

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    We investigate the response bandwidth of a superheterodyne Rydberg receiver at a room-temperature vapor cell, and present an architecture of multi-channel lasers excitation to increase the response bandwidth and keep sensitivity, simultaneously. Two microwave fields, denoted as a local oscillator (LO) ELOE_{LO} and a signal field ESigE_{Sig}, couple two Rydberg states transition of ∣52D5/2⟩→∣53P3/2⟩|52D_{5/2}\rangle\to |53P_{3/2}\rangle. In the presence of the LO field, the frequency difference between two fields can be read out as an intermediate frequency (IF) signal using Rydberg electromagnetically induced transparency (EIT) spectroscopy. The bandwidth of the Rydberg receiver is obtained by measuring the output power of IF signal versus the frequency difference between two fields. The bandwidth dependence on the Rabi frequency of excitation lasers is presented, which shows the bandwidth decrease with the probe Rabi frequency, while it is quadratic dependence on the coupling Rabi frequency. Meanwhile, we investigate the effect of probe laser waist on the bandwidth, showing that the bandwidth is inversely proportional to the laser waist. We achieve a maximum response bandwidth of the receiver about 6.8~MHz. Finally, we design an architecture of multi-channel lasers excitation for increasing the response and keeping the sensitivity, simultaneously. Our work has the potential to extend the applications of Rydberg atoms in communications

    Cesium nDJnD_{J}+6S1/26S_{1/2} Rydberg molecules and their permanent electric dipole moments

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    Cs2_2 Rydberg-ground molecules consisting of a Rydberg, nDJnD_{J} (33 ≤\leq nn ≤\leq 39), and a ground state atom, 6S1/2(F=S_{1/2} (F=3 or 4)), are investigated by photo-association spectroscopy in a cold atomic gas. We observe vibrational spectra that correspond to triplet TΣ^T\Sigma and mixed S,TΣ^{S,T}\Sigma molecular states. We establish scaling laws for the energies of the lowest vibrational states vs principal quantum number and obtain zero-energy singlet and triplet ss-wave scattering lengths from experimental data and a Fermi model. Line broadening in electric fields reveals the permanent molecular electric-dipole moments; measured values agree well with calculations. We discuss the negative polarity of the dipole moments, which differs from previously reported cases.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure