56 research outputs found

    Anomalous enhancement of mechanical properties in the ammonia adsorbed defective graphene

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    Pure graphene is known as the strongest material ever discovered. However, the unavoidable defect formation in the fabrication process renders the strength of defective graphene much lower (~14%) than that of its perfect counterpart. By means of density functional theory computations, we systematically explored the effect of gas molecules (H2, N2, NH3, CO, CO2 and O2) adsorption on the mechanical strength of perfect/defective graphene. The NH3 molecule is found to play a dominant role in enhancing the strength of defective graphene by up to ~15.6%, while other gas molecules decrease the strength of graphene with varying degrees. The remarkable strength enhancement can be interpreted by the decomposition of NH3, which saturates the dangling bond and leads to charge redistribution at the defect site. The present work provides basic information for the mechanical failure of gas-adsorbed graphene and guidance for manufacturing graphene-based electromechanical devices

    Genomes shed light on the evolution of Begonia, a mega‐diverse genus

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    Clarifying the evolutionary processes underlying species diversification and adaptation is a key focus of evolutionary biology. Begonia (Begoniaceae) is one of the most species-rich angiosperm genera with ~2,000 species, most of which are shade-adapted. Here, we present chromosome-scale genome assemblies for four species of Begonia (B. loranthoides, B. masoniana, B. darthvaderiana, and B. peltatifolia), and whole genome shot-gun data for an additional 74 Begonia representatives to investigate lineage evolution and shade adaptation of the genus. The four genome assemblies range in size from 331.75 Mb (B. peltatifolia) to 799.83 Mb (B. masoniana), and harbor 22,059 - 23,444 protein-coding genes. Synteny analysis revealed a lineage specific whole-genome duplication (WGD) that occurred just before the diversification of the Begonia. Functional enrichment of gene families retained after WGD highlight the significance of modified carbohydrate metabolism and photosynthesis possibly linked to shade-adaptation in the genus, which is further supported by expansions of gene families involved in light perception and harvesting. Phylogenomic reconstructions and genomics studies indicate that genomic introgression has also played a role in the evolution of Begonia. Overall, this study provides valuable genomic resources for Begonia and suggests potential drivers underlying the diversity and adaptive evolution of this mega-diverse clade

    Computational discovery and electronic engineering in nanomaterials for photovoltaic and electronic applications

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    This thesis is a computational study for the discovery of nanomaterials for energy and electronic applications. It successfully predicted a series of structures with excellent optical and novel electronic properties. The comprehensive work is expected to guide the experimental realization of next-generation photoelectric and electronic devices in the near future

    Versatile single-layer sodium phosphidostannate(II): Strain-tunable electronic structure, excellent mechanical flexibility, and an ideal gap for photovoltaics

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    Density functional theory (DFT) calculations were performed to study the structural, mechanical, electrical, optical properties, and strain effects in single-layer sodium phosphidostannate(II) (NaSnP). We find the exfoliation of single-layer NaSnP from bulk form is highly feasible because the cleavage energy is comparable to graphite and MoS2. In addition, the breaking strain of the NaSnP monolayer is comparable to other widely studied 2D materials, indicating excellent mechanical flexibility of 2D NaSnP. Using the hybrid functional method, the calculated band gap of single-layer NaSnP is close to the ideal band gap of solar cell materials (1.5 eV), demonstrating great potential in future photovoltaic application. Furthermore, strain effect study shows that a moderate compression (2%) can trigger indirect-to-direct gap transition, which would enhance the ability of light absorption for the NaSnP monolayer. With sufficient compression (8%), the single-layer NaSnP can be tuned from semiconductor to metal, suggesting great applications in nanoelectronic devices based on strain engineering techniques

    Graphene-covered perovskites: an effective strategy to enhance light absorption and resist moisture degradation

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    The long-term stability of methylammonium lead triiodide (MAPbI3) perovskite in moist environments is a paramount challenge to realise the commercialization of perovskite solar cells. In an attempt to address this concern, we have carried out systematic first-principles studies on the MAPbI3 perovskite with a hydrophobic graphene layer interfaced as a water barrier. We find there is a charge transfer at the graphene/MAPbI3 interface and electrons can be excited from graphene into the perovskite surface, leading to well separated electron–hole pairs, i.e. reduced recombination. By studying the optical properties, we find the hybrid graphene/MAPbI3 nanocomposite displays enhanced light absorption compared with the pristine MAPbI3. Furthermore, from an ab initio molecular dynamics simulation, the graphene/MAPbI3 nanocomposite is confirmed to be able to resist the reaction with water molecules, highlighting a great advantage of this nanocomposite in promoting long-term photovoltaic performance
