313 research outputs found

    Multi-scale 3D Convolution Network for Video Based Person Re-Identification

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    This paper proposes a two-stream convolution network to extract spatial and temporal cues for video based person Re-Identification (ReID). A temporal stream in this network is constructed by inserting several Multi-scale 3D (M3D) convolution layers into a 2D CNN network. The resulting M3D convolution network introduces a fraction of parameters into the 2D CNN, but gains the ability of multi-scale temporal feature learning. With this compact architecture, M3D convolution network is also more efficient and easier to optimize than existing 3D convolution networks. The temporal stream further involves Residual Attention Layers (RAL) to refine the temporal features. By jointly learning spatial-temporal attention masks in a residual manner, RAL identifies the discriminative spatial regions and temporal cues. The other stream in our network is implemented with a 2D CNN for spatial feature extraction. The spatial and temporal features from two streams are finally fused for the video based person ReID. Evaluations on three widely used benchmarks datasets, i.e., MARS, PRID2011, and iLIDS-VID demonstrate the substantial advantages of our method over existing 3D convolution networks and state-of-art methods.Comment: AAAI, 201

    Optimal dual martingales, their analysis and application to new algorithms for Bermudan products

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    In this paper we introduce and study the concept of optimal and surely optimal dual martingales in the context of dual valuation of Bermudan options, and outline the development of new algorithms in this context. We provide a characterization theorem, a theorem which gives conditions for a martingale to be surely optimal, and a stability theorem concerning martingales which are near to be surely optimal in a sense. Guided by these results we develop a framework of backward algorithms for constructing such a martingale. In turn this martingale may then be utilized for computing an upper bound of the Bermudan product. The methodology is pure dual in the sense that it doesn't require certain input approximations to the Snell envelope. In an It\^o-L\'evy environment we outline a particular regression based backward algorithm which allows for computing dual upper bounds without nested Monte Carlo simulation. Moreover, as a by-product this algorithm also provides approximations to the continuation values of the product, which in turn determine a stopping policy. Hence, we may obtain lower bounds at the same time. In a first numerical study we demonstrate the backward dual regression algorithm in a Wiener environment at well known benchmark examples. It turns out that the method is at least comparable to the one in Belomestny et. al. (2009) regarding accuracy, but regarding computational robustness there are even several advantages.Comment: This paper is an extended version of Schoenmakers and Huang, "Optimal dual martingales and their stability; fast evaluation of Bermudan products via dual backward regression", WIAS Preprint 157

    Syzygy Order of Big Polygon Spaces

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    For a compact smooth manifold with a torus action, its equivariant cohomology is a finitely generated module over a polynomial ring encoding information about the space and the action. For such a module, we can associate a purely algebraic notion called syzygy order. Syzygy order of equivariant cohomology is closely related to the exactness of Atiyah-Bredon sequence in equivariant cohomology. In this thesis we study a family of compact orientable manifolds with torus actions called big polygon spaces. We compute the syzygy orders of their equivariant cohomologies. The main tool used is a quotient criterion for syzygies in equivariant cohomology. We also generalize a lacunary principle for Morse-Bott functions to manifolds with corners in the process of computation. Some applications of the main result are discussed in the end

    Optimal dual martingales, their analysis and application to new algorithms for Bermudan products

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    In this paper we introduce and study the concept of optimal and surely optimal dual martingales in the context of dual valuation of Bermudan options. We provide a theorem which give conditions for a martingale to be surely optimal, and a stability theorem concerning martingales which are near to be surely optimal in a sense. Guided by these theorems we develop a regression based backward construction of such a martingale in a Wiener environment. In turn this martingale may be utilized for computing upper bounds by non-nested Monte Carlo. As a by-product, the algorithm also provides approximations to continuation values of the product, which in turn determine a stopping policy. Hence, we obtain lower bounds at the same time. The proposed algorithm is pure dual in the sense that it doesn't require an (input) approximation to the Snell envelope, is quite easy to implement, and in a numerical study we show that, regarding the computed upper bounds, it is comparable with the method of Belomestny, et. al. (2009)

    Key pathways and genes controlling the development and progression of clear cell renal cell carcinoma (ccRCC) based on gene set enrichment analysis

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    BACKGROUND: Clear-cell renal cell carcinoma (ccRCC) is one of the most common types of kidney cancer in adults; however, its causes are not completely understood. The study was designed to filter the key pathways and genes associated with the occurrence or development of ccRCC, acquaint its pathogenesis at gene and pathway level, to provide more theory evidence and targeted therapy for ccRCC. METHODS: Gene set enrichment analysis (GSEA) and meta-analysis (Meta) were used to screen the critical pathways and genes which may affect the occurrence and progression of ccRCC on the transcription level. Corresponding pathways of significant genes were obtained with the online website DAVID (http://david.abcc.ncifcrf.gov/). RESULTS: Thirty seven consistent pathways and key genes in these pathways related to ccRCC were obtained with combined GSEA and meta-analysis. These pathways were mainly involved in metabolism, organismal systems, cellular processes and environmental information processing. CONCLUSION: The gene pathways that we identified could provide insight concerning the development of ccRCC. Further studies are needed to determine the biological function for the positive genes

    Boosting In-Context Learning with Factual Knowledge

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    In-Context Learning (ICL) over Large language models (LLMs) aims at solving previously unseen tasks by conditioning on a few training examples, eliminating the need for parameter updates and achieving competitive performance. In this paper, we demonstrate that factual knowledge is imperative for the performance of ICL in three core facets, i.e., the inherent knowledge learned in LLMs, the factual knowledge derived from the selected in-context examples, and the knowledge biases in LLMs for output generation. To unleash the power of LLMs in few-shot learning scenarios, we introduce a novel Knowledgeable In-Context Tuning (KICT) framework to further improve the performance of ICL: 1) injecting factual knowledge to LLMs during continual self-supervised pre-training, 2) judiciously selecting the examples with high knowledge relevance, and 3) calibrating the prediction results based on prior knowledge. We evaluate the proposed approaches on auto-regressive LLMs (e.g., GPT-style models) over multiple text classification and question answering tasks. Experimental results demonstrate that KICT substantially outperforms strong baselines, and improves by more than 13% and 7% of accuracy on text classification and question answering tasks, respectively