23 research outputs found

    A near-infrared fluorescent probe based on a FRET rhodamine donor linked to a cyanine acceptor for sensitive detection of intracellular pH alternations

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    A fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET)-based near-infrared fluorescent probe (B+) for double-checked sensitive detection of intracellular pH changes has been synthesized by binding a near-infrared rhodamine donor to a near-infrared cyanine acceptor through robust C-N bonds via a nucleophilic substitution reaction. To demonstrate the double-checked advantages of probe B+, a near-infrared probe (A) was also prepared by modification of a near-infrared rhodamine dye with ethylenediamine to produce a closed spirolactam residue. Under basic conditions, probe B+ shows only weak fluorescence from the cyanine acceptor while probe A displays nonfluorescence due to retention of the closed spirolactam form of the rhodamine moiety. Upon decrease in solution pH level, probe B+ exhibits a gradual fluorescence increase from rhodamine and cyanine constituents at 623 nm and 743 nm respectively, whereas probe A displays fluorescence increase at 623 nm on the rhodamine moiety as acidic conditions leads to the rupture of the probe spirolactam rings. Probes A and B+ have successfully been used to monitor intracellular pH alternations and possess pKa values of 5.15 and 7.80, respectively

    Detecting Zn(II) Ions in Live Cells with Near-Infrared Fluorescent Probes.

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    Two near-infrared fluorescent probes (A and B) containing hemicyanine structures appended to dipicolylamine (DPA), and a dipicolylamine derivative where one pyridine was substituted with pyrazine, respectively, were synthesized and tested for the identification of Zn(II) ions in live cells. In both probes, an acetyl group is attached to the phenolic oxygen atom of the hemicyanine platform to decrease the probe fluorescence background. Probe A displays sensitive fluorescence responses and binds preferentially to Zn(II) ions over other metal ions such as Cd2+ ions with a low detection limit of 0.45 nM. In contrast, the emission spectra of probe B is not significantly affected if Zn(II) ions are added. Probe A possesses excellent membrane permeability and low cytotoxicity, allowing for sensitive imaging of both exogenously supplemented Zn(II) ions in live cells, and endogenously releases Zn(II) ions in cells after treatment of 2,2-dithiodipyridin

    Detecting Zn(II) Ions in Live Cells with Near-Infrared Fluorescent Probes.

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    Two near-infrared fluorescent probes (A and B) containing hemicyanine structures appended to dipicolylamine (DPA), and a dipicolylamine derivative where one pyridine was substituted with pyrazine, respectively, were synthesized and tested for the identification of Zn(II) ions in live cells. In both probes, an acetyl group is attached to the phenolic oxygen atom of the hemicyanine platform to decrease the probe fluorescence background. Probe A displays sensitive fluorescence responses and binds preferentially to Zn(II) ions over other metal ions such as Cd2+ ions with a low detection limit of 0.45 nM. In contrast, the emission spectra of probe B is not significantly affected if Zn(II) ions are added. Probe A possesses excellent membrane permeability and low cytotoxicity, allowing for sensitive imaging of both exogenously supplemented Zn(II) ions in live cells, and endogenously releases Zn(II) ions in cells after treatment of 2,2-dithiodipyridin


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    Lysosome is an acidic membrane-bound organelle containing more than 70 hydrolytic enzymes that breaks down different biological macromolecules. Substantial lysosomal pH disruption can cause lysosome malfunction and consequently lead to lysosomal storage disease. Therefore, it is essential to precisely monitor lysosomal pH changes in order to explore cellular functions and get insightful understanding of physiological and pathological processes. Fluorescence imaging based on fluorescent probes is a powerful technique to monitor lysosomal pH changes because of advantageous features including operational simplicity, high sensitivity, non-invasive approach, and high spatial resolution. However, most of the reported lysosomal pH probes are based on Stokes-shift fluorescence with lower energy emission under higher energy excitation, and exhibit less than 600 nm absorption and emission wavelengths, which causes cellular and tissue photodamage and contains biological fluorescence background. In order to avoid these issues, we developed near-infrared fluorescent probes based on single-photon anti-Stokes fluorescence with near-infrared excitations and emissions. We significantly improved biocompatibility and water-solubility of fluorescent probes by introducing mannose residues to the fluorophores through oligo(ethylene glycol) tethered spacers for sensitive detection of lysosomal pH changes in two near-infrared channels. In order to take advantage of ratiometric and near-infrared imaging to overcome systematic errors of intensity-based fluorescent probes caused by probe concentration variation and uneven distribution, temperature, solvent polarity, and excitation light fluctuation, we developed ratiometric near-infrared fluorescent probes for ratiometric detection of lysosomal pH changes by introducing tetraphenylethene (TPE) dyes to hemicyanine dyes. Gradual lysosomal pH decreases result in gradual increases of hemicyanine fluorescence, and corresponding concomitant decreases of TPE fluorescence. The probes allow for development of various ratiometric near-infrared fluorescent probes for quantitative and comparative reliable analyses of cations, reactive nitrogen, oxygen and sulfur species by conjugating various biosensing groups into the near-infrared hemicyanine moieties

    Functionalization of BODIPY dyes at 2,6-positions through formyl groups

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    A 2,6-diformyl-BODIPY dye has been modified by transforming its formyl groups at the 2,6-positions into different functional groups such as hydroxyl, carboxylic acid, cyano, nitro and oxime groups, resulting in a series of new BODIPY dyes. The optical properties of the resulting BODIPY dyes significantly depend on the functional groups at the 2,6-positions. © 2012 The Royal Society of Chemistry

    Near-infrared fluorescent probes with BODIPY donors and rhodamine and merocyanine acceptors for ratiometric determination of lysosomal pH variance

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    Three fluorescent probes have been developed by conjugating three different BODIPY donors to rhodamine and merocyanine acceptors for ratiometric determination of lysosomal pH variations. Probe A consists of a 1,3,5,7-tetramethyl-BODIPY donor and a near-infrared rhodamine acceptor bearing a lysosome-targeting morpholine residue. Probe B is composed of a 3,5-dimethyl-BODIPY donor and a near-infrared rhodamine acceptor modified with an o-phenylenediamine residue. Probe C contains a 3-styrene-functionalized BODIPY donor with longer wavelength emission and a near-infrared merocyanine acceptor containing a morpholine residue. Under neutral or basic pH conditions, the probes only show fluorescence from the BODIPY donors under BODIPY excitation because the rhodamine and merocyanine acceptors maintain closed spirolactam configurations. However, excitation at BODIPY absorption wavelengths concomitant with gradual pH decrease results in fluorescence decreases with the BODIPY donors and fluorescence increases from the rhodamine and merocyanine acceptors due to through-bond energy transfer from the donors to the acceptors. This is because the spirolactam ring opens under more acidic conditions and fluorescence of the acceptors results from significantly improved π-conjugation. These experimental results are substantiated with theoretical calculations on models of the different probes. The probes have all been used to determine lysosome pH variations in HeLa cells. Probe B was further utilized to successfully detect pH fluctuations in HeLa cells under oxidative stress induced with NH4Cl and chloroquine

    pH-activatable near-infrared fluorescent probes for detection of lysosomal pH inside living cells

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    Four near-infrared fluorescent probes (A, B, C and D) have been synthesized, characterized, and evaluated for detection of lysosomal pH inside living cells. The fluorescent probes display highly sensitive and selective fluorescent response to acidic pH as the acidic pH results in drastic structural changes from spirocyclic (non-fluorescent) forms to ring-opening (fluorescent) forms of the fluorescent probes. The fluorescence intensities of the fluorescent probes (B, C and D) increase significantly by more than 200-fold from pH 7.4 to 4.2. The fluorescent probe D bearing the N-(2-hydroxyethyl) ethylene amide residue possesses the advantages of high sensitivity, excellent photostability, good cell membrane permeability, strong pH dependence, and low auto-fluorescence background. It has been successfully applied to selectively stain lysosomes and detect lysosomal pH changes inside normal endothelial and breast cancer cells

    A Near-Infrared Fluorescent Probe Based on a FRET Rhodamine Donor Linked to a Cyanine Acceptor for Sensitive Detection of Intracellular pH Alternations

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    A fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET)-based near-infrared fluorescent probe (B+) for double-checked sensitive detection of intracellular pH changes has been synthesized by binding a near-infrared rhodamine donor to a near-infrared cyanine acceptor through robust C-N bonds via a nucleophilic substitution reaction. To demonstrate the double-checked advantages of probe B+, a near-infrared probe (A) was also prepared by modification of a near-infrared rhodamine dye with ethylenediamine to produce a closed spirolactam residue. Under basic conditions, probe B+ shows only weak fluorescence from the cyanine acceptor while probe A displays nonfluorescence due to retention of the closed spirolactam form of the rhodamine moiety. Upon decrease in solution pH level, probe B+ exhibits a gradual fluorescence increase from rhodamine and cyanine constituents at 623 nm and 743 nm respectively, whereas probe A displays fluorescence increase at 623 nm on the rhodamine moiety as acidic conditions leads to the rupture of the probe spirolactam rings. Probes A and B+ have successfully been used to monitor intracellular pH alternations and possess pKa values of 5.15 and 7.80, respectively

    Highly water-soluble, near-infrared emissive BODIPY polymeric dye bearing RGD peptide residues for cancer imaging

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    Near-infrared emissive BODIPY polymeric dye bearing cancer-homing cyclic arginine–glycine–aspartic acid (RGD) peptide residues (polymer B) was prepared by post-polymerization functionalization of BODIPY polymeric dye bearing bromo groups through tetra(ethylene glycol) tethered spacers (polymer A) with thiol-functionalized RGD cancer-homing peptide through thioether bonds under a mild basic condition. Polymer B possesses excellent water solubility, good photostability, biocompatibility and resistance to nonspecific interactions to normal endothelial cells, and can efficiently detect breast tumor cells through specific cooperative binding of cancer-homing RGD peptides to αvβ3 integrins of cancer cells while its parent polymer A without RGD residues fails to target cancer cells

    Ratiometric Near-Infrared Fluorescent Probes Based On Through-Bond Energy Transfer and π-Conjugation Modulation between Tetraphenylethene and Hemicyanine Moieties for Sensitive Detection of pH Changes in Live Cells

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    © 2018 American Chemical Society. In this paper, we present three ratiometric near-infrared fluorescent probes (A-C) for accurate, ratiometric detection of intracellular pH changes in live cells. Probe A consists of a tetraphenylethene (TPE) donor and near-infrared hemicyanine acceptor in a through-bond energy transfer (TBET) strategy, while probes B and C are composed of TPE and hemicyanine moieties through single and double sp 2 carbon-carbon bond connections in a π-conjugation modulation strategy. The specific targeting of the probes to lysosomes in live cells was achieved by introducing morpholine residues to the hemicyanine moieties to form closed spirolactam ring structures. Probe A shows aggregation-induced emission (AIE) property at neutral or basic pH, while probes B and C lack AIE properties. At basic or neutral pH, the probes only show fluorescence of TPE moieties with closed spirolactam forms of hemicyanine moieties, and effectively avoid blind fluorescence imaging spots, an issue which typical intensity-based pH fluorescent probes encounter. Three probes show ratiometric fluorescence responses to pH changes from 7.0 to 3.0 with TPE fluorescence decreases and hemicyanine fluorescence increases, because acidic pH makes the spirolactam rings open to enhance π-conjugation of hemicyanine moieties. However, probe A shows much more sensitive ratiometric fluorescence responses to pH changes from 7.0 to 3.0 with remarkable ratio increase of TPE fluorescence to hemicyanine fluorescence up to 238-fold than probes B and C because of its high efficiency of energy transfer from TPE donor to the hemicyanine acceptor in the TBET strategy. The probe offers dual Stokes shifts with a large pseudo-Stokes shift of 361 nm and well-defined dual emissions, and allows for colocalization of the imaging readouts of visible and near-infrared fluorescence channels to achieve more precisely double-checked ratiometric fluorescence imaging. These platforms could be employed to develop a variety of novel ratiometric fluorescent probes for accurate detection of different analytes in applications of chemical and biological sensing, imaging, and diagnostics by introducing appropriate sensing ligands to hemicyanine moieties to form on-off spirolactam switches