8 research outputs found

    Research on the Mechanism of the Passive Reinforcement of Structural Surface Shear Strength by Bolts under Structural Surface Dislocation

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    In order to study the local deformation of an anchor bolt and the improvement in the shear strength of a structural surface under the misalignment of an anchorage structure surface, FLAC3D software was used to simulate granite, sandstone, and coal specimens with anchorage angles of 90° to analyze the damage of the anchoring agent and the changes in the local axial and shear forces of the anchor bolts with the misalignment of the structural surface. The results show that the anchor bolt near the structural surface had significant local characteristics with the misalignment of the structural surface; that is, the length of the local deformation area of the bolt was approximately equal to the length of the damaged area of the anchoring agent, and the stress on the anchor bolt was in a coupled tensile–shear stress state when the bolt reached the yield state. For the fully grouted bolts, it was this significant local feature that made the shear strength of the structural surface increase rapidly under a small shear displacement so that the structural surface reached a stable state. The improvement in the shear strength of the anchoring structural surface was caused by the misalignment of the structural surface. This is referred to as the passive improvement of the shear strength of the anchoring structural surface, which is the mechanism of the bonding section anchor to control the shear displacement of the structural surface and realize the stability of the rock mass

    Higher Serum Angiotensinogen Is an Indicator of IgA Vasculitis with Nephritis Revealed by Comparative Proteomes Analysis

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    <div><p>IgA vasculitis (IgAV), previously named as Henoch–Schönlein purpura, is the most common systematic vasculitis with unknown etiology. Lack of appropriate study system and/or animal model limits the understanding of its molecular pathogenesis and hinders the identification of targets for rational therapy, especially for its long-term complication, IgAV nephritis (IgAVN). In this study, we applied comparative analysis of serum proteomes to obtain an insight about disease pathogenesis. This study has utilized high sensitivity nanoscale ultra performance liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (nanoLC-MS/MS) to investigate the alterations in serum proteomic profiles in patients with IgAV (n=6), IgAVN (n=6) and healthy subjects (n=7). The differentially expressed proteins were subjected to functional pathway analysis by PANTHER and DAVID software. We identified 107 differentially expressed proteins among three different groups, and functional analysis suggested that, in addition to earlier reported pathways, such as acute phase response, immune response, complement and blood coagulation pathways, hemostasis and Wnt signaling pathway were probably involved in pathogenesis of IgAV. A few differentially abundant proteins identified, such as C4a, serum amyloid A, angiotensinogen, and kininogen 1, were further validated by ELISA. More importantly, we found that angiotensinogen concentration is correlated with IgAVN and could be used as a potential marker for the progression of IgAV. This is the first report of analyzing the proteomic alterations in IgAV patients and the differentially proteins identified in this study may enhance understanding of the pathology of IgAV and a few of them may be used to monitor disease progression.</p></div

    List of differentially expressed proteins identified in IgAV and/or IgAVN patients compared to healthy controls.

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    <p><sup>a</sup>) The scores are summed PLGS scores of peptides of proteins.</p><p><sup>b</sup>) The number of peptides of proteins identified.</p><p>List of differentially expressed proteins identified in IgAV and/or IgAVN patients compared to healthy controls.</p

    The demographic and clinical characteristics of children with IgAV or IgAVN.

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    <p>Joint: 0 = no symptoms;1 = pain and/or slightly swelling; 2 = pain and/or moderately swelling; 3 = pain and/or severely swelling; GI: 0 = no symptom; 1 = slight pain and/or occult stool blood(OSB) (+); 2 = moderate pain and/or OSB(+2,+3); 3 = severe and/or maelena; Kidney: 0 = no proteinuria; 1 = proteinuria(+) and/or hematuria(+); 2 = proteinuria(2+,3+) and/or hematuria(2+,3+); 3 = proteinuria(>3+) and/or hematuria(>3+).</p><p>The demographic and clinical characteristics of children with IgAV or IgAVN.</p

    Summary of the NanoLC—MS/MS data of samples.

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    <p>Venn diagram representing the overlap of proteins with at least 4 unique peptides identified among different groups.</p