79,697 research outputs found

    Cell wall microstructure, pore size distribution and absolute density of hemp shiv

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    This paper, for the first time, fully characterizes the intrinsic physical parameters of hemp shiv including cell wall microstructure, pore size distribution and absolute density. Scanning electron microscopy revealed microstructural features similar to hardwoods. Confocal microscopy revealed three major layers in the cell wall: middle lamella, primary cell wall and secondary cell wall. Computed tomography improved the visualization of pore shape and pore connectivity in three dimensions. Mercury intrusion porosimetry (MIP) showed that the average accessible porosity was 76.67 ± 2.03% and pore size classes could be distinguished into micropores (3–10 nm) and macropores (0.1–1 µm and 20–80 µm). The absolute density was evaluated by helium pycnometry, MIP and Archimedes’ methods. The results show that these methods can lead to misinterpretation of absolute density. The MIP method showed a realistic absolute density (1.45 g cm−3) consistent with the density of the known constituents, including lignin, cellulose and hemi-cellulose. However, helium pycnometry and Archimedes’ methods gave falsely low values owing to 10% of the volume being inaccessible pores, which require sample pretreatment in order to be filled by liquid or gas. This indicates that the determination of the cell wall density is strongly dependent on sample geometry and preparation

    Solar activity forecast with a dynamo model

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    Although systematic measurements of the solar polar magnetic field exist only from mid 1970s, other proxies can be used to infer the polar field at earlier times. The observational data indicate a strong correlation between the polar field at a sunspot minimum and the strength of the next cycle, although the strength of the cycle is not correlated well with the polar field produced at its end. This suggests that the Babcock Leighton mechanism of poloidal field generation from decaying sunspots involves randomness, whereas the other aspects of the dynamo process must be reasonably ordered and deterministic. Only if the magnetic diffusivity within the convection zone is assumed to be high, we can explain the correlation between the polar field at a minimum and the next cycle. We give several independent arguments that the diffusivity must be of this order. In a dynamo model with diffusivity like this, the poloidal field generated at the mid latitudes is advected toward the poles by the meridional circulation and simultaneously diffuses towards the tachocline, where the toroidal field for the next cycle is produced. To model actual solar cycles with a dynamo model having such high diffusivity, we have to feed the observational data of the poloidal field at the minimum into the theoretical model. We develop a method of doing this in a systematic way. Our model predicts that cycle 24 will be a very weak cycle. Hemispheric asymmetry of solar activity is also calculated with our model and compared with observational data.Comment: 17 pages, 18 figures, submitted to MNRA

    Current-driven vortex dynamics in untwinned superconducting single crystals

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    Current-driven vortex dynamics of type-II superconductors in the weak-pinning limit is investigated by quantitatively studying the current-dependent vortex dissipation of an untwinned YBa2Cu3O7 single crystal. For applied current densities (J) substantially larger than the critical current density (Jc), non-linear resistive peaks appear below the thermodynamic first-order vortex-lattice melting transition temperature (Tm), in contrast to the resistive hysteresis in the low-current limit (J < Jc). These resistive peaks are quantitatively analysed in terms of the current-driven coherent and plastic motion of vortex bundles in the vortex-solid phase, and the non-linear current - voltage characteristics are found to be consistent with the collective flux-creep model. The effects of high-density random point defects on the vortex dynamics are also investigated via proton irradiation of the same single crystal. Neither resistive hysteresis at low currents nor peak effects at high currents are found after the irradiation. Furthermore, the current-voltage characteristics within the instrumental resolution become completely ohmic over a wide range of currents and temperatures, despite theoretical predictions of much larger Jc-values for the given experimental variables. This finding suggests that the vortex-glass phase, a theoretically proposed low-temperature vortex state which is stabilized by point disorder and has a vanishing resistivity, may become unstable under applied currents significantly smaller than the theoretically predicted Jc. More investigation appears necessary in order to resolve this puzzling issue

    Magnetization Losses in Multifilament Coated Superconductors

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    We report the results of a study of the magnetization losses in experimental multifilament, as well as control (uniform), coated superconductors exposed to time-varying magnetic field of various frequencies. Both the hysteresis loss, proportional to the sweep rate of the applied magnetic field, and the coupling loss, proportional to the square of the sweep rate, have been observed. A scaling is found that allows us to quantify each of these contributions and extrapolate the results of the experiment beyond the envelope of accessible field amplitude and frequency. The combined loss in the multifilament conductor is reduced by about 90% in comparison with the uniform conductor at full field penetration at sweep rate as high as 3T/s

    Spatio-Temporal Sentiment Hotspot Detection Using Geotagged Photos

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    We perform spatio-temporal analysis of public sentiment using geotagged photo collections. We develop a deep learning-based classifier that predicts the emotion conveyed by an image. This allows us to associate sentiment with place. We perform spatial hotspot detection and show that different emotions have distinct spatial distributions that match expectations. We also perform temporal analysis using the capture time of the photos. Our spatio-temporal hotspot detection correctly identifies emerging concentrations of specific emotions and year-by-year analyses of select locations show there are strong temporal correlations between the predicted emotions and known events.Comment: To appear in ACM SIGSPATIAL 201

    Lattice structures of Larkin-Ovchinnikov-Fulde - Ferrell (LOFF) state

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    Starting from the Ginzburg-Landau free energy describing the normal state to Larkin-Ovchinnikov-Fulde-Ferrell (LOFF) state transition, we evaluate the free energy of seven most common lattice structures such as stripe, square, triangular,Simple Cubic (SC), Face centered Cubic (FCC),Body centered Cubic (BCC) and Quasi-crystal (QC). We find that the stripe phase which is the original LO state, is the most stable phase. This result maybe relevant to the detection of LOFF state in some heavy fermion compounds and the pairing lattice structure of fermions with unequal populations in the BCS side of Feshbach resonance in ultra-cold atoms.Comment: 8 pages, 10 figure

    Public policy and financial stability: the impact of PCA and TARP on U.S. bank non-performing loans

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    This study explores the implications of Prompt Corrective Action (PCA) and the Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP) on the behavior of non-performing loans (NPLs) and real estate non-performing loans (RELs) in the U.S. over 1984-2015 using a Markov switching framework. We find that NPLs and RELs exhibit pronounced episodic behavior switching between non-stationary and stationary regimes. PCA and TARP have a significant impact on banking sector stability by influencing the probability of switching from non-stationary regimes to stationary regimes and by reducing the level of NPLs and RELs. These results are robust to various model specifications and have important implications for bank regulation as well as for the formulation of macro stress-testing