101,116 research outputs found

    Shared-Control for a UAV Operating in the 3D Space

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    This paper presents a shared-control scheme for a UAV moving in a 3D space while its feasible Cartesian position set is defined by a group of linear inequalities. A hysteresis switch is used to combine the human input and the feedback control input based on the definitions of a safe set, a hysteresis set and a “dangerous” set. Case studies given in the paper show the effectiveness of the shared-control algorithm

    Reynolds number dependence of streamwise velocity spectra in turbulent pipe flow

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    Spectra of the streamwise velocity component in fully developed turbulent pipe flow are presented for Reynolds numbers up to 5.7×10^6. Even at the highest Reynolds number, streamwise velocity spectra exhibit incomplete similarity only: while spectra collapse with both classical inner and outer scaling for limited ranges of wave number, these ranges do not overlap. Thus similarity may not be described as complete, and a region varying with the inverse of the streamwise wave number, k1, is not expected, and any apparent k1-1 range does not attract any special significance and does not involve a universal constant. Reasons for this are suggested

    Security oriented e-infrastructures supporting neurological research and clinical trials

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    The neurological and wider clinical domains stand to gain greatly from the vision of the grid in providing seamless yet secure access to distributed, heterogeneous computational resources and data sets. Whilst a wealth of clinical data exists within local, regional and national healthcare boundaries, access to and usage of these data sets demands that fine grained security is supported and subsequently enforced. This paper explores the security challenges of the e-health domain, focusing in particular on authorization. The context of these explorations is the MRC funded VOTES (Virtual Organisations for Trials and Epidemiological Studies) and the JISC funded GLASS (Glasgow early adoption of Shibboleth project) which are developing Grid infrastructures for clinical trials with case studies in the brain trauma domain

    Towards a virtual research environment for paediatric endocrinology across Europe

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    Paediatric endocrinology is a medical specialty dealing with variations of physical growth and sexual development in childhood. Genetic anomalies that can cause disorders of sexual development in children are rare. Given this, sharing and collaboration on the small number of cases that occur is needed by clinical experts in the field. The EU-funded EuroDSD project (www.eurodsd.eu) is one such collaboration involving clinical centres and clinical and genetic experts across Europe. Through the establishment of a virtual research environment (VRE) supporting sharing of data and a variety of clinical and bioinformatics analysis tools, EuroDSD aims to provide a research infrastructure for research into disorders of sex development. Security, ethics and information governance are at the heart of this infrastructure. This paper describes the infrastructure that is being built and the inherent challenges in security, availability and dependability that must be overcome for the enterprise to succeed

    Role of internal gases and creep of Ag in controlling the critical current density of Ag-sheathed Bi2Sr2CaCu2Ox wires

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    High engineering critical current density JE of >500 A/mm2 at 20 T and 4.2 K can be regularly achieved in Ag-sheathed multifilamentary Bi2Sr2CaCu2Ox (Bi-2212) round wire when the sample length is several centimeters. However, JE(20 T) in Bi-2212 wires of several meters length, as well as longer pieces wound in coils, rarely exceeds 200 A/mm2. Moreover, long-length wires often exhibit signs of Bi-2212 leakage after melt processing that are rarely found in short, open-end samples. We studied the length dependence of JE of state-of-the-art powder-in-tube (PIT) Bi-2212 wires and gases released by them during melt processing using mass spectroscopy, confirming that JE degradation with length is due to wire swelling produced by high internal gas pressures at elevated temperatures [1,2]. We further modeled the gas transport in Bi-2212 wires and examined the wire expansion at critical stages of the melt processing of as-drawn PIT wires and the wires that received a degassing treatment or a cold-densification treatment before melt processing. These investigations showed that internal gas pressure in long-length wires drives creep of the Ag sheath during the heat treatment, causing wire to expand, lowering the density of Bi-2212 filaments, and therefore degrading the wire JE; the creep rupture of silver sheath naturally leads to the leakage of Bi-2212 liquid. Our work shows that proper control of such creep is the key to preventing Bi-2212 leakage and achieving high JE in long-length Bi-2212 conductors and coils

    Scaling of the streamwise velocity component in turbulent pipe flow

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    Statistics of the streamwise velocity component in fully developed pipe flow are examined for Reynolds numbers in the range 5.5 x 10^4 ≤ ReD ≤ 5.7 x 10^6. Probability density functions and their moments (up to sixth order) are presented and their scaling with Reynolds number is assessed. The second moment exhibits two maxima: the one in the viscous sublayer is Reynolds-number dependent while the other, near the lower edge of the log region, follows approximately the peak in Reynolds shear stress. Its locus has an approximate (R^+)^{0.5} dependence. This peak shows no sign of ‘saturation’, increasing indefinitely with Reynolds number. Scalings of the moments with wall friction velocity and (UclU)(U_{cl}-\overline{U}) are examined and the latter is shown to be a better velocity scale for the outer region, y/R > 0.35, but in two distinct Reynolds-number ranges, one when ReD 7 x 10^4. Probability density functions do not show any universal behaviour, their higher moments showing small variations with distance from the wall outside the viscous sublayer. They are most nearly Gaussian in the overlap region. Their departures from Gaussian are assessed by examining the behaviour of the higher moments as functions of the lower ones. Spectra and the second moment are compared with empirical and theoretical scaling laws and some anomalies are apparent. In particular, even at the highest Reynolds number, the spectrum does not show a self-similar range of wavenumbers in which the spectral density is proportional to the inverse streamwise wavenumber. Thus such a range does not attract any special significance and does not involve a universal constant

    Further observations on the mean velocity distribution in fully developed pipe flow

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    The measurements by Zagarola & Smits (1998) of mean velocity profiles in fully developed turbulent pipe flow are repeated using a smaller Pitot probe to reduce the uncertainties due to velocity gradient corrections. A new static pressure correction (McKeon & Smits 2002) is used in analysing all data and leads to significant differences from the Zagarola & Smits conclusions. The results confirm the presence of a power-law region near the wall and, for Reynolds numbers greater than 230×10^3 (R+ >5×10^3), a logarithmic region further out, but the limits of these regions and some of the constants differ from those reported by Zagarola & Smits. In particular, the log law is found for 600<y+ <0.12R+ (instead of 600<y+ <0.07R+), and the von Kármán constant κ, the additive constant B for the log law using inner flow scaling, and the additive constant B∗ for the log law using outer scaling are found to be 0.421 ± 0.002, 5.60 ± 0.08 and 1.20 ± 0.10, respectively, with 95% confidence level (compared with 0.436±0.002, 6.15±0.08, and 1.51±0.03 found by Zagarola & Smits). The data also confirm that the pipe flow data for ReD ≤ 13.6×10^6 (as a minimum) are not affected by surface roughness

    Differential expansion for link polynomials

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    The differential expansion is one of the key structures reflecting group theory properties of colored knot polynomials, which also becomes an important tool for evaluation of non-trivial Racah matrices. This makes highly desirable its extension from knots to links, which, however, requires knowledge of the 6j6j-symbols, at least, for the simplest triples of non-coincident representations. Based on the recent achievements in this direction, we conjecture a shape of the differential expansion for symmetrically-colored links and provide a set of examples. Within this study, we use a special framing that is an unusual extension of the topological framing from knots to links. In the particular cases of Whitehead and Borromean rings links, the differential expansions are different from the previously discovered.Comment: 11 page