5,964 research outputs found

    Ascent and descent of Gorenstein homological properties

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    Let φ ⁣:RA\varphi\colon R\rightarrow A be a ring homomorphism, where RR is a commutative noetherian ring and AA is a finite RR-algebra. We give criteria for detecting the ascent and descent of Gorenstein homological properties. As an application, we get a result that supports a question of Avramov and Foxby. We observe that the ascent and descent of Gorenstein homological property can detect the Gorensein properties of rings along φ\varphi. Finally, we describe when φ\varphi induces a triangle equivalence between the stable categories of finitely generated Gorenstein projective modules.Comment: 21 pages, Any comments are welcome

    Singular equivalences induced by bimodules and quadratic monomial algebras

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    We investigate the problem when the tensor functor by a bimodule yields a singular equivalence. It turns out that this problem is equivalent to the one when the Hom functor given by the same bimodule induces a triangle equivalence between the homotopy categories of acyclic complexes of injective modules. We give conditions on when a bimodule appears in a pair of bimodules, that defines a singular equivalence with level. We construct an explicit bimodule, which yields a singular equivalence between a quadratic monomial algebra and its associated algebra with radical square zero. Under certain conditions which include the Gorenstein cases, the bimodule does appear in a pair of bimodules defining a singular equivalence with level.Comment: 20 pages, all comments are welcome

    Empower Sequence Labeling with Task-Aware Neural Language Model

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    Linguistic sequence labeling is a general modeling approach that encompasses a variety of problems, such as part-of-speech tagging and named entity recognition. Recent advances in neural networks (NNs) make it possible to build reliable models without handcrafted features. However, in many cases, it is hard to obtain sufficient annotations to train these models. In this study, we develop a novel neural framework to extract abundant knowledge hidden in raw texts to empower the sequence labeling task. Besides word-level knowledge contained in pre-trained word embeddings, character-aware neural language models are incorporated to extract character-level knowledge. Transfer learning techniques are further adopted to mediate different components and guide the language model towards the key knowledge. Comparing to previous methods, these task-specific knowledge allows us to adopt a more concise model and conduct more efficient training. Different from most transfer learning methods, the proposed framework does not rely on any additional supervision. It extracts knowledge from self-contained order information of training sequences. Extensive experiments on benchmark datasets demonstrate the effectiveness of leveraging character-level knowledge and the efficiency of co-training. For example, on the CoNLL03 NER task, model training completes in about 6 hours on a single GPU, reaching F1 score of 91.71±\pm0.10 without using any extra annotation.Comment: AAAI 201