725 research outputs found

    Studying arsenic trioxide-induced apoptosis of Colo-16 cells with two-photon and confocal laser scanning microscopy

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    With two-photon and confocal laser scanning microscopy in combination with fluorescent probes Hoechst 33342, 2β€²,7β€²-dichlorofluorescin diacetate (DCFH-DA) and Fluo 3-AM, we simultaneously observed arsenic trioxide (As2O3)-induced changes in nuclear morphology, reactive oxygen species (ROS) and intracellular calcium concentration (Ca2+)i within human skin squamous carcinoma cells (Colo-16 cells). Our results indicated that As2O3 induced (Ca2+)i elevation and ROS production within Colo-16 cells, and both (Ca2+)i elevation and ROS production were involved in the apoptosis of Colo-16 cells. These results suggested that two-photon and confocal laser scanning microscopy might provide a real-time, sensitive and noninvasive method for simultaneously multi-parameter observation of As2O3- induced apoptosis at the single cell level.Key words: Two-photon laser scanning microscopy, confocal laser scanning microscopy, human skin squamous carcinoma cells (Colo-16 cells), arsenic trioxide, apoptosi

    Red supergiant stars in the Large Magellanic Cloud. II. Infrared properties and mid-infrared variability

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    The characteristics of IR properties and MIR variability of RSGs in the LMC are analyzed based on 12 bands of NIR to MIR co-added data from 2MASS, Spitzer and WISE, and ∼\sim6.6 years of MIR time-series data collected by the ALLWISE and NEOWISE-R projects. 773 RSGs candidates were compiled from the literature and verified by using the CMD, SED and MIR variability. About 15\% of valid targets in the IRAC1βˆ’IRAC2IRAC1-IRAC2/IRAC2βˆ’IRAC3IRAC2-IRAC3 diagram may show PAH emission. We show that arbitrary dereddening Q parameters related to the IRAC4, S9W, WISE3, WISE4, and MIPS24 bands could be constructed based on a precise measurement of MIR interstellar extinction law. Several peculiar outliers in our sample are discussed, in which one outlier might be a RSG right before the explosion or an x-AGB star in the very late evolutionary stage based on the MIR spectrum and photometry. There are 744 identified RSGs in the final sample having both the WISE1- and WISE2-band time-series data. The results show that the MIR variability is increasing along with the increasing of brightness. There is a relatively tight correlation between the MIR variability, MLR, and the warm dust or continuum, where the MIR variability is evident for the targets with KSβˆ’WISE3>1.0Β magK_S-WISE3>1.0~mag and WISE4<6.5Β magWISE4<6.5~mag, while the rest of the targets show much smaller MIR variability. The MIR variability is also correlated with the MLR for which targets with larger variability also show larger MLR with an approximate upper limit of βˆ’6.1Β MβŠ™/yrβˆ’1-6.1~M_\odot/yr^{-1}. Both the variability and the luminosity may be important for the MLR since the WISE4-band flux is increasing exponentially along with the degeneracy of luminosity and variability. The identified RSG sample has been compared with the theoretical evolutionary models and shown that the discrepancy between observation and evolutionary models can be mitigated by considering both variability and extinction.Comment: 24 pages, 22 figures, A&A accepte

    The Energy-dependent Checkerboard Patterns in Cuprate Superconductors

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    Motivated by the recent scanning tunneling microscopy (STM) experiments [J. E. Hoffman {\it et al.}, Science {\bf 297}, 1148 (2002); K. McElroy {\it et al.}, Nature (to be published)], we investigate the real space local density of states (LDOS) induced by weak disorder in a d-wave superconductor. We first present the energy dependent LDOS images around a single weak defect at several energies, and then point out that the experimentally observed checkerboard pattern in the LDOS could be understood as a result of quasiparticle interferences by randomly distributed defects. It is also shown that the checkerboard pattern oriented along 45045^0 to the Cu-O bonds at low energies would transform to that oriented parallel to the Cu-O bonds at higher energies. This result is consistent with the experiments.Comment: 3 pages, 3 figure

    Quantum tunneling of two coupled single-molecular magnets

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    Two single-molecule magnets are coupled antiferromagnetically to form a supramolecule dimer. We study the coupling effect and tunneling process by means of the numerical exact diagonalization method, and apply them to the recently synthesized supramoleculer dimer [Mn4]2 The model parameters are calculated for the dimer based on the tunneling process. The absence of tunneling at zero field and sweeping rate effect on the step height in the hysterisis loops are understood very well in this theory.Comment: 4 pages including 3 figure and 1 tabl

    Experimental measurement-based quantum computing beyond the cluster-state model

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    The paradigm of measurement-based quantum computation opens new experimental avenues to realize a quantum computer and deepens our understanding of quantum physics. Measurement-based quantum computation starts from a highly entangled universal resource state. For years, clusters states have been the only known universal resources. Surprisingly, a novel framework namely quantum computation in correlation space has opened new routes to implement measurement-based quantum computation based on quantum states possessing entanglement properties different from cluster states. Here we report an experimental demonstration of every building block of such a model. With a four-qubit and a six-qubit state as distinct from cluster states, we have realized a universal set of single-qubit rotations, two-qubit entangling gates and further Deutsch's algorithm. Besides being of fundamental interest, our experiment proves in-principle the feasibility of universal measurement-based quantum computation without using cluster states, which represents a new approach towards the realization of a quantum computer.Comment: 26 pages, final version, comments welcom

    Evolved Massive Stars at Low-metallicity V. Mass-Loss Rate of Red Supergiant Stars in the Small Magellanic Cloud

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    We assemble the most complete and clean red supergiant (RSG) sample (2,121 targets) so far in the Small Magellanic Cloud (SMC) with 53 different bands of data to study the MLR of RSGs. In order to match the observed spectral energy distributions (SEDs), a theoretical grid of 17,820 Oxygen-rich models (``normal'' and ``dusty'' grids are half-and-half) is created by the radiatively-driven wind model of the DUSTY code, covering a wide range of dust parameters. We select the best model for each target by calculating the minimal modified chi-square and visual inspection. The resulting MLRs from DUSTY are converted to real MLRs based on the scaling relation, for which a total MLR of 6.16Γ—10βˆ’36.16\times10^{-3} MβŠ™M_\odot yrβˆ’1^{-1} is measured (corresponding to a dust-production rate of ∼6Γ—10βˆ’6\sim6\times10^{-6} MβŠ™M_\odot yrβˆ’1^{-1}), with a typical MLR of ∼10βˆ’6\sim10^{-6} MβŠ™M_\odot yrβˆ’1^{-1} for the general population of the RSGs. The complexity of mass-loss estimation based on the SED is fully discussed for the first time, indicating large uncertainties based on the photometric data (potentially up to one order of magnitude or more). The Hertzsprung-Russell and luminosity versus median absolute deviation diagrams of the sample indicate the positive relation between luminosity and MLR. Meanwhile, the luminosity versus MLR diagrams show a ``knee-like'' shape with enhanced mass-loss occurring above log⁑10(L/LβŠ™)β‰ˆ4.6\log_{10}(L/L_\odot)\approx4.6, which may be due to the degeneracy of luminosity, pulsation, low surface gravity, convection, and other factors. We derive our MLR relation by using a third-order polynomial to fit the sample and compare our result with previous empirical MLR prescriptions. Given that our MLR prescription is based on a much larger sample than previous determinations, it provides a more accurate relation at the cool and luminous region of the H-R diagram at low-metallicity compared to previous studies.Comment: 16 pages, 19 figures, accepted by A&
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