164 research outputs found

    Double Check Your State Before Trusting It: Confidence-Aware Bidirectional Offline Model-Based Imagination

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    The learned policy of model-free offline reinforcement learning (RL) methods is often constrained to stay within the support of datasets to avoid possible dangerous out-of-distribution actions or states, making it challenging to handle out-of-support region. Model-based RL methods offer a richer dataset and benefit generalization by generating imaginary trajectories with either trained forward or reverse dynamics model. However, the imagined transitions may be inaccurate, thus downgrading the performance of the underlying offline RL method. In this paper, we propose to augment the offline dataset by using trained bidirectional dynamics models and rollout policies with double check. We introduce conservatism by trusting samples that the forward model and backward model agree on. Our method, confidence-aware bidirectional offline model-based imagination, generates reliable samples and can be combined with any model-free offline RL method. Experimental results on the D4RL benchmarks demonstrate that our method significantly boosts the performance of existing model-free offline RL algorithms and achieves competitive or better scores against baseline methods.Comment: NeurIPS 202

    The primacy bias in Model-based RL

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    The primacy bias in deep reinforcement learning (DRL), which refers to the agent's tendency to overfit early data and lose the ability to learn from new data, can significantly decrease the performance of DRL algorithms. Previous studies have shown that employing simple techniques, such as resetting the agent's parameters, can substantially alleviate the primacy bias. However, we observe that resetting the agent's parameters harms its performance in the context of model-based reinforcement learning (MBRL). In fact, on further investigation, we find that the primacy bias in MBRL differs from that in model-free RL. In this work, we focus on investigating the primacy bias in MBRL and propose world model resetting, which works in MBRL. We apply our method to two different MBRL algorithms, MBPO and DreamerV2. We validate the effectiveness of our method on multiple continuous control tasks on MuJoCo and DeepMind Control Suite, as well as discrete control tasks on Atari 100k benchmark. The results show that world model resetting can significantly alleviate the primacy bias in model-based setting and improve algorithm's performance. We also give a guide on how to perform world model resetting effectively

    Off-Policy RL Algorithms Can be Sample-Efficient for Continuous Control via Sample Multiple Reuse

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    Sample efficiency is one of the most critical issues for online reinforcement learning (RL). Existing methods achieve higher sample efficiency by adopting model-based methods, Q-ensemble, or better exploration mechanisms. We, instead, propose to train an off-policy RL agent via updating on a fixed sampled batch multiple times, thus reusing these samples and better exploiting them within a single optimization loop. We name our method sample multiple reuse (SMR). We theoretically show the properties of Q-learning with SMR, e.g., convergence. Furthermore, we incorporate SMR with off-the-shelf off-policy RL algorithms and conduct experiments on a variety of continuous control benchmarks. Empirical results show that SMR significantly boosts the sample efficiency of the base methods across most of the evaluated tasks without any hyperparameter tuning or additional tricks.Comment: 37 page

    Understanding What Affects Generalization Gap in Visual Reinforcement Learning: Theory and Empirical Evidence

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    Recently, there are many efforts attempting to learn useful policies for continuous control in visual reinforcement learning (RL). In this scenario, it is important to learn a generalizable policy, as the testing environment may differ from the training environment, e.g., there exist distractors during deployment. Many practical algorithms are proposed to handle this problem. However, to the best of our knowledge, none of them provide a theoretical understanding of what affects the generalization gap and why their proposed methods work. In this paper, we bridge this issue by theoretically answering the key factors that contribute to the generalization gap when the testing environment has distractors. Our theories indicate that minimizing the representation distance between training and testing environments, which aligns with human intuition, is the most critical for the benefit of reducing the generalization gap. Our theoretical results are supported by the empirical evidence in the DMControl Generalization Benchmark (DMC-GB).Comment: Part of this work is accepted as AAMAS 2024 extended abstrac

    Zero-shot Preference Learning for Offline RL via Optimal Transport

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    Preference-based Reinforcement Learning (PbRL) has demonstrated remarkable efficacy in aligning rewards with human intentions. However, a significant challenge lies in the need of substantial human labels, which is costly and time-consuming. Additionally, the expensive preference data obtained from prior tasks is not typically reusable for subsequent task learning, leading to extensive labeling for each new task. In this paper, we propose a novel zero-shot preference-based RL algorithm that leverages labeled preference data from source tasks to infer labels for target tasks, eliminating the requirement for human queries. Our approach utilizes Gromov-Wasserstein distance to align trajectory distributions between source and target tasks. The solved optimal transport matrix serves as a correspondence between trajectories of two tasks, making it possible to identify corresponding trajectory pairs between tasks and transfer the preference labels. However, learning directly from inferred labels that contains a fraction of noisy labels will result in an inaccurate reward function, subsequently affecting policy performance. To this end, we introduce Robust Preference Transformer, which models the rewards as Gaussian distributions and incorporates reward uncertainty in addition to reward mean. The empirical results on robotic manipulation tasks of Meta-World and Robomimic show that our method has strong capabilities of transferring preferences between tasks and learns reward functions from noisy labels robustly. Furthermore, we reveal that our method attains near-oracle performance with a small proportion of scripted labels

    State Advantage Weighting for Offline RL

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    We present state advantage weighting for offline reinforcement learning (RL). In contrast to action advantage A(s,a)A(s,a) that we commonly adopt in QSA learning, we leverage state advantage A(s,s′)A(s,s^\prime) and QSS learning for offline RL, hence decoupling the action from values. We expect the agent can get to the high-reward state and the action is determined by how the agent can get to that corresponding state. Experiments on D4RL datasets show that our proposed method can achieve remarkable performance against the common baselines. Furthermore, our method shows good generalization capability when transferring from offline to online.Comment: 3rd Offline RL workshop at NeurIPS 2022. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:2206.0798

    Normalization Enhances Generalization in Visual Reinforcement Learning

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    Recent advances in visual reinforcement learning (RL) have led to impressive success in handling complex tasks. However, these methods have demonstrated limited generalization capability to visual disturbances, which poses a significant challenge for their real-world application and adaptability. Though normalization techniques have demonstrated huge success in supervised and unsupervised learning, their applications in visual RL are still scarce. In this paper, we explore the potential benefits of integrating normalization into visual RL methods with respect to generalization performance. We find that, perhaps surprisingly, incorporating suitable normalization techniques is sufficient to enhance the generalization capabilities, without any additional special design. We utilize the combination of two normalization techniques, CrossNorm and SelfNorm, for generalizable visual RL. Extensive experiments are conducted on DMControl Generalization Benchmark and CARLA to validate the effectiveness of our method. We show that our method significantly improves generalization capability while only marginally affecting sample efficiency. In particular, when integrated with DrQ-v2, our method enhances the test performance of DrQ-v2 on CARLA across various scenarios, from 14% of the training performance to 97%

    A Survey of Embodied AI: From Simulators to Research Tasks

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    There has been an emerging paradigm shift from the era of "internet AI" to "embodied AI", where AI algorithms and agents no longer learn from datasets of images, videos or text curated primarily from the internet. Instead, they learn through interactions with their environments from an egocentric perception similar to humans. Consequently, there has been substantial growth in the demand for embodied AI simulators to support various embodied AI research tasks. This growing interest in embodied AI is beneficial to the greater pursuit of Artificial General Intelligence (AGI), but there has not been a contemporary and comprehensive survey of this field. This paper aims to provide an encyclopedic survey for the field of embodied AI, from its simulators to its research. By evaluating nine current embodied AI simulators with our proposed seven features, this paper aims to understand the simulators in their provision for use in embodied AI research and their limitations. Lastly, this paper surveys the three main research tasks in embodied AI -- visual exploration, visual navigation and embodied question answering (QA), covering the state-of-the-art approaches, evaluation metrics and datasets. Finally, with the new insights revealed through surveying the field, the paper will provide suggestions for simulator-for-task selections and recommendations for the future directions of the field.Comment: Under Review for IEEE TETC

    Application of Fibonacci Sequence and Lucas Sequence on the Design of the Toilet Siphon Pipe Shape

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    The purpose of this study was to explore the method for designing the toilet siphon pipe shape to improve flushing performance. The Fibonacci sequence and the Lucas sequence were used to design the structural parameters of the siphon pipe. The flushing processes of the toilet were simulated using the computational fluid dynamics (CFD) method to analyze the flushing performance under different siphon pipe shapes. Experimental studies were conducted to verify the reliability of the simulation results. The results indicated that when the Lucas numbers and the Fibonacci numbers were utilized to regulate the curvature of the siphon pipe in the Xi direction and the Yj direction respectively, the flushing performance of the toilet was optimal. In order to obtain better flushing performance, the curvature of the siphon pipe should be smooth and have obvious transitions at the connections of different sections. When the overall size of the siphon pipe is kept constant, a short siphon pipe length is helpful for the improvement of toilet flushing performance
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