5,793 research outputs found

    Multimodal Prototype-Enhanced Network for Few-Shot Action Recognition

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    Current methods for few-shot action recognition mainly fall into the metric learning framework following ProtoNet. However, they either ignore the effect of representative prototypes or fail to enhance the prototypes with multimodal information adequately. In this work, we propose a novel Multimodal Prototype-Enhanced Network (MORN) to use the semantic information of label texts as multimodal information to enhance prototypes, including two modality flows. A CLIP visual encoder is introduced in the visual flow, and visual prototypes are computed by the Temporal-Relational CrossTransformer (TRX) module. A frozen CLIP text encoder is introduced in the text flow, and a semantic-enhanced module is used to enhance text features. After inflating, text prototypes are obtained. The final multimodal prototypes are then computed by a multimodal prototype-enhanced module. Besides, there exist no evaluation metrics to evaluate the quality of prototypes. To the best of our knowledge, we are the first to propose a prototype evaluation metric called Prototype Similarity Difference (PRIDE), which is used to evaluate the performance of prototypes in discriminating different categories. We conduct extensive experiments on four popular datasets. MORN achieves state-of-the-art results on HMDB51, UCF101, Kinetics and SSv2. MORN also performs well on PRIDE, and we explore the correlation between PRIDE and accuracy


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    The title compound, C13H8BrI2NO, was prepared by the reaction of 3,5-diiodo­salicyl­aldehyde with 4-bromo­phenyl­amine in ethanol. There is an intra­molecular O—H⋯N hydrogen bond in the mol­ecule, which generates an S(6) ring. The dihedral angle between the benzene rings is 2.6 (3)°


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    The asymmetric unit of the title compound, C13H8ClI2NO, contains half of the mol­ecule situated on a mirror plane. The hy­droxy group is involved in the formation of an intra­molecular O—H⋯N hydrogen bond. π–π inter­actions between the benzene rings of neighbouring mol­ecules [centroid–centroid distance = 3.629 (3) Å] form stacks along the b axis. In the crystal, weak C—H⋯O and C—H⋯Cl inter­actions are observed

    Chaos-assisted two-octave-spanning microcombs

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    Since its invention, optical frequency comb has revolutionized a broad range of subjects from metrology to spectroscopy. The recent development of microresonator-based frequency combs (microcombs) provides a unique pathway to create frequency comb systems on a chip. Indeed, microcomb-based spectroscopy, ranging, optical synthesizer, telecommunications and astronomical calibrations have been reported recently. Critical to many of the integrated comb systems is the broad coverage of comb spectra. Here, microcombs of more than two-octave span (450 nm to 2,008 nm) is demonstrated through χ^((2)) and χ^((3)) nonlinearities in a deformed silica microcavity. The deformation lifts the circular symmetry and creates chaotic tunneling channels that enable broadband collection of intracavity emission with a single waveguide. Our demonstration introduces a new degree of freedom, cavity deformation, to the microcomb studies, and our microcomb spectral range is useful for applications in optical clock, astronomical calibration and biological imaging

    Model-Driven Based Deep Unfolding Equalizer for Underwater Acoustic OFDM Communications

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    It is challenging to design an equalizer for the complex time-frequency doubly-selective channel. In this paper, we employ the deep unfolding approach to establish an equalizer for the underwater acoustic (UWA) orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) system, namely UDNet. Each layer of UDNet is designed according to the classical minimum mean square error (MMSE) equalizer. Moreover, we consider the QPSK equalization as a four-classification task and adopt minimum Kullback-Leibler (KL) to achieve a smaller symbol error rate (SER) with the one-hot coding instead of the MMSE criterion. In addition, we introduce a sliding structure based on the banded approximation of the channel matrix to reduce the network size and aid UDNet to perform well for different-length signals without changing the network structure. Furthermore, we apply the measured at-sea doubly-selective UWA channel and offshore background noise to evaluate the proposed equalizer. Experimental results show that the proposed UDNet performs better with low computational complexity. Concretely, the SER of UDNet is nearly an order of magnitude lower than that of MMSE
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