44,966 research outputs found

    Reciprocatory magnetic reconnection in a coronal bright point

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    Coronal bright points (CBPs) are small-scale and long-duration brightenings in the lower solar corona. They are often explained in terms of magnetic reconnection. We aim to study the sub-structures of a CBP and clarify the relationship among the brightenings of different patches inside the CBP. The event was observed by the X-ray Telescope (XRT) aboard the Hinode spacecraft on 2009 August 22−-23. The CBP showed repetitive brightenings (or CBP flashes). During each of the two successive CBP flashes, i.e., weak and strong flashes which are separated by ∼\sim2 hr, the XRT images revealed that the CBP was composed of two chambers, i.e., patches A and B. During the weak flash, patch A brightened first, and patch B brightened ∼\sim2 min later. During the transition, the right leg of a large-scale coronal loop drifted from the right side of the CBP to the left side. During the strong flash, patch B brightened first, and patch A brightened ∼\sim2 min later. During the transition, the right leg of the large-scale coronal loop drifted from the left side of the CBP to the right side. In each flash, the rapid change of the connectivity of the large-scale coronal loop is strongly suggestive of the interchange reconnection. For the first time we found reciprocatory reconnection in the CBP, i.e., reconnected loops in the outflow region of the first reconnection process serve as the inflow of the second reconnection process.Comment: 13 pages, 8 figure

    Orbital Angular Momentum in Scalar Diquark Model and QED

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    We compare the orbital angular momentum of the 'quark' in the scalar diquark model as well as that of the electron in QED (to order {\alpha}) obtained from the Jaffe-Manohar de- composition to that obtained from the Ji relation. We estimate the importance of the vector potential in the definition of orbital angular momentum

    Reactor Fuel Fraction Information on the Antineutrino Anomaly

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    We analyzed the evolution data of the Daya Bay reactor neutrino experiment in terms of short-baseline active-sterile neutrino oscillations taking into account the theoretical uncertainties of the reactor antineutrino fluxes. We found that oscillations are disfavored at 2.6σ2.6\sigma with respect to a suppression of the 235U^{235}\text{U} reactor antineutrino flux and at 2.5σ2.5\sigma with respect to variations of the 235U^{235}\text{U} and 239Pu^{239}\text{Pu} fluxes. On the other hand, the analysis of the rates of the short-baseline reactor neutrino experiments favor active-sterile neutrino oscillations and disfavor the suppression of the 235U^{235}\text{U} flux at 3.1σ3.1\sigma and variations of the 235U^{235}\text{U} and 239Pu^{239}\text{Pu} fluxes at 2.8σ2.8\sigma. We also found that both the Daya Bay evolution data and the global rate data are well-fitted with composite hypotheses including variations of the 235U^{235}\text{U} or 239Pu^{239}\text{Pu} fluxes in addition to active-sterile neutrino oscillations. A combined analysis of the Daya Bay evolution data and the global rate data shows a slight preference for oscillations with respect to variations of the 235U^{235}\text{U} and 239Pu^{239}\text{Pu} fluxes. However, the best fits of the combined data are given by the composite models, with a preference for the model with an enhancement of the 239Pu^{239}\text{Pu} flux and relatively large oscillations.Comment: 9 page

    Parametric survey of longitudinal prominence oscillation simulations

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    It is found that both microflare-sized impulsive heating at one leg of the loop and a suddenly imposed velocity perturbation can propel the prominence to oscillate along the magnetic dip. An extensive parameter survey results in a scaling law, showing that the period of the oscillation, which weakly depends on the length and height of the prominence, and the amplitude of the perturbations, scales with R/g⊙\sqrt{R/g_\odot}, where RR represents the curvature radius of the dip, and g⊙g_\odot is the gravitational acceleration of the Sun. This is consistent with the linear theory of a pendulum, which implies that the field-aligned component of gravity is the main restoring force for the prominence longitudinal oscillations, as confirmed by the force analysis. However, the gas pressure gradient becomes non-negligible for short prominences. The oscillation damps with time in the presence of non-adiabatic processes. Compared to heat conduction, the radiative cooling is the dominant factor leading to the damping. A scaling law for the damping timescale is derived, i.e., τ∼l1.63D0.66w−1.21v0−0.30\tau\sim l^{1.63} D^{0.66}w^{-1.21}v_{0}^{-0.30}, showing strong dependence on the prominence length ll, the geometry of the magnetic dip (characterized by the depth DD and the width ww), and the velocity perturbation amplitude v0v_0. The larger the amplitude, the faster the oscillation damps. It is also found that mass drainage significantly reduces the damping timescale when the perturbation is too strong.Comment: 17 PAGES, 8FIGURE

    The Counting of Generalized Polarizabilities

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    We demonstrate a concise method to enumerate the number of generalized polarizabilities---quantities characterizing the independent observables in singly-virtual Compton scattering---for a target particle of arbitrary spin s. By using crossing symmetry and J^{PC} conservation, we show that this number is (10s+1+delta_{s,0}).Comment: 10 pages, revtex4, no figures. Version to appear in Phys. Rev. D. Paper now divided into sections and clarifying comments added, but physics content unchange

    Leading Chiral Contributions to the Spin Structure of the Proton

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    The leading chiral contributions to the quark and gluon components of the proton spin are calculated using heavy-baryon chiral perturbation theory. Similar calculations are done for the moments of the generalized parton distributions relevant to the quark and gluon angular momentum densities. These results provide useful insight about the role of pions in the spin structure of the nucleon, and can serve as a guidance for extrapolating lattice QCD calculations at large quark masses to the chiral limit.Comment: 8 pages, 2 figures; a typo in Ref. 7 correcte
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