169 research outputs found

    Discussion on Emergency Renewal Design of Indoor Space of Multi-Storey Residential Building under Public Health Emergency

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    In order to deal with public health emergencies, five residential areas in the main urban area of Handan were selected for on-the-spot measurement and questionnaire survey, and the survey data were sorted out and sequenced regression analysis. it is summarized that the main problems of indoor space in emergency are poor spatial independence, unreasonable layout, low flexibility and poor natural lighting effect. On the basis of this, the corresponding optimization strategy is put forward in order to help to update and improve the emergency design of interior space in multi-storey residential buildings

    Propozycja standardu ekologicznej kompensacji dla obszarowych zanieczyszczeń z rolnictwa

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    Non-point source water pollution mainly comes from farmland chemical fertilizers which has become an obstacle of agricultural sustainability and ecological health. As a public policy tool for assessing global ecological crisis and environmental pollution, ecological compensation is important for regional agricultural sustainability. Ecological compensation that farmers receive from governments is based on their reduction of fertilizer application at optimal ecological and economic levels. In this study we estimated the ecological compensation standards for nitrogen non-point pollution in Yixng city with contingent valuation method and cost-benefit method.  Results showed that the range of theoretical values of ecological compensation of nitrogen in Yixing City depended upon its optimal ecological and economic nitrogen application levels. The willingness of farmers to accept the compensation was positively correlated with their farming experience and education. There were about half of farmers willing to accept the compensation. Based on the present study, we found Yixing’s ecological compensation standard for controlling nitrogen non-point pollution was 620.0 yuan/hm2 at the current economic development level.Obszarowe zanieczyszczeń wód z rolnictwa pochodzą ze stosowania nawozów sztucznych, stanowiących przeszkodę na drodze do osiągnięcia rolniczej zrównoważoności i równowagi ekologicznej. W tym kontekście ekologiczna kompensacja, stanowiąca narzędzie polityczne do oceny kryzysu ekologicznego i ogólnego poziomu zanieczyszczenia środowiska, okazuje się także ważna w wymiarze lokalnej zrównoważoności rolniczej. Wysokość świadczeń, które rolniczy dostają od władz, jest uwarunkowana poziomem redukcji stosowania nawozów, którego celem jest osiągnięcie poziomu optymalnego zarówno zer strony ekologicznej, jak i ekonomicznej. W tym artykule, przy pomocy  Metoda wyceny warunkowej i metody kosztów i korzyści, ustaliliśmy standardy ekologicznej kompensacji dla miasta Yixng. Otrzymane rezultaty pozwalają na stwierdzenie, że zakres teoretycznych wartości ekologicznej kompensacji dla azotu w Yixing zależy od ustalenia optymalnych ekologicznych i ekonomicznych pozimów stosowania azotu. Zainteresowanie rolników otrzymaniem odszkodowania okazało się być pozytywnie skorelowane z ich doświadczeniem rolniczym i poziomem wykształcenia. Chęć jego otrzymania zgłosiła połowa z nich. Ustaliliśmy ponadto, że standard ekologicznej kompensacji dla Yixing odnoszący się kontrolowania obszarowych zanieczyszczeń związanych z nawozami azotowymi wynosi 620.0 yuan/hm2 , przy założeniu obecnego poziomu rozwoju ekonomicznego

    Topological Insulators-Based Magnetic Heterostructure

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    The combination of magnetism and topology in magnetic topological insulators (MTIs) has led to unprecedented advancements of time reversal symmetry-breaking topological quantum physics in the past decade. Compared with the uniform films, the MTI heterostructures provide a better framework to manipulate the spin-orbit coupling and spin properties. In this review, we summarize the fundamental mechanisms related to the physical orders host in (Bi,Sb)2(Te,Se)3-based hybrid systems. Besides, we provide an assessment on the general strategies to enhance the magnetic coupling and spin-orbit torque strength through different structural engineering approaches and effective interfacial interactions. Finally, we offer an outlook of MTI heterostructures-based spintronics applications, particularly in view of their feasibility to achieve room-temperature operation.Comment: 33 pages, 11 figure

    A Novel Image Classification Approach for Maize Diseases Recognition

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    Background: The spot, streak and rust are the most common diseases in maize, all of which require effective methods to recognize, diagnose and handle. This paper presents a novel image classification approach to the high accuracy recognition of these maize diseases. Methods: Firstly, the k-means clustering algorithm is deployed in LAB color space to reduce the influence of image noise and irrelevant background, so that the area of maize diseases could be effectively extracted. Then the statistic pattern recognition method and gray level co-occurrence matrix (GLCM) method are jointly used to segment the maize disease leaf images for accurately obtaining their texture, shape and color features. Finally, Support Vector Machine (SVM) classification method is used to identify three diseases. Results: Numerical results clearly demonstrate the feasibility and effectiveness of the proposed method. Conclusion: Our future work will focus on the investigation of how to use the new classification methods in dimensional and large scale data to improve the recognizing performance and how to use other supervised feature selection methods to improve the accuracy further

    Deep Intellectual Property: A Survey

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    With the widespread application in industrial manufacturing and commercial services, well-trained deep neural networks (DNNs) are becoming increasingly valuable and crucial assets due to the tremendous training cost and excellent generalization performance. These trained models can be utilized by users without much expert knowledge benefiting from the emerging ''Machine Learning as a Service'' (MLaaS) paradigm. However, this paradigm also exposes the expensive models to various potential threats like model stealing and abuse. As an urgent requirement to defend against these threats, Deep Intellectual Property (DeepIP), to protect private training data, painstakingly-tuned hyperparameters, or costly learned model weights, has been the consensus of both industry and academia. To this end, numerous approaches have been proposed to achieve this goal in recent years, especially to prevent or discover model stealing and unauthorized redistribution. Given this period of rapid evolution, the goal of this paper is to provide a comprehensive survey of the recent achievements in this field. More than 190 research contributions are included in this survey, covering many aspects of Deep IP Protection: challenges/threats, invasive solutions (watermarking), non-invasive solutions (fingerprinting), evaluation metrics, and performance. We finish the survey by identifying promising directions for future research.Comment: 38 pages, 12 figure