116 research outputs found


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    Penelitian ini disusun seiring dengan makin pesatnya pertumbuhan bank-bank syariah akhir-akhir ini. Perkembangan bank syariah yang semakin pesat dalam beberapa tahun terakhir ini, mendorong penulis untuk melakukan penelitian mengenai analisis kesehatan bank tersebut. Adapun kategorinya adalah sehat, cukup sehat, kurang sehat dan tidak sehat. Penelitian ini dilakukan pada PT. Bank BRI Syariah. Data yang dikumpulkan adalah laporan neraca dan laporan laba rugi. Analisis CAMEL memiliki lima aspek, yaitu aspek permodalan menggunakan rasio CAR (Capital Adequacy Ratio), aspek kualitas aktiva produktif menggunakan rasio KAP (Kualitas Aktiva Produktif) dan PPAP (Penyisihan Penghapusan Aktiva Produktif), aspek manajemen menggunakan rasio NPM (Net Profit Margin), aspek rentabilitas menggunakan rasio ROA (Return On Assets) dan BOPO (Beban Operasional terhadap Pendapatan Operasional), dan aspek likuiditas menggunakan rasio NCM-CA (Net CallMoney to Current Assets) dan LDR (Loan to Deposit Ratio). Berdasarkan hasil penelitan yang telah dilakukan pada PT Bank BRI Syariah nilai CAMEL pada tahun 2011 82,92 adalah SEHAT, tahun 2012 80,47 adalah SEHAT, tahun 2013 92,47 adalah SEHAT dan tahun 2014 72,43 adalah CUKUP SEHAT

    Analisis Pelaksanaan Pembiayaan Multiguna Pada Bank BRI Syariah (Studi Kasus Pada Bank BRI Syariah Kantor Cabang Cianjur)

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    Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi dinamika perekonomian bangsa Indonesia, karena setelah adanydlcrisis moneter pada tahun 1998 kinerja perbankan menjadi buruk. Setelah /crisis kinerja perbankan menunjukkan perkembangan, maka muncullah Bank BRI Syaiiah yang memberikan produk pembiayaan multiguna yaitu pembiayaan konsumer tanpa agunan. Pada prinsipnya untuk mendapatkan pembiayaan tanpa agunan yang disalurkan bank memerlukan proses yang sulit akan tetapi lain halnya dengan Bank BRISyariah Kantor Cabang Cianjur yang semakin banyak didatangi nasabah yang akan mengajukan pembiayaan multiguna setelah pembiayaan tersebut diluncurkan dan semuanya berhasil. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mendeskripsikan pelaksanaan pembiayaan multiguna dapat memberikan kemudahan bagi nasabah. Penelitian ini menggunakan penelitian kualilalif dengan pendekatan deskript if dengan metode wawancara, yang menganalisis data dengan cara mengumpulkan, merangkum dan memilih hal-hal mengenai pembiayaan multiguna, setelah itu disajikan dalam bentuk jlowchat (bagan hubungan antar kategori) dan barulah bisa ditarik kesimpulan tentangpelaksanaan pembiayaan multiguna apakah memberikan kemudahan bagi nasabah atau tidak. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa proses pelaksanaan pembiayaan multiguna meliputi: permohonan pembiayaan multiguna, perjanjian MOU (Memorandum of Understanding), persetujuan komite pembiayaan, pembukaan rekening nasabah, penandatanganan akad, persetujuan dan pencairan yang dilakukan secara individu maupun kolektif. Analisis yang digunakan oleh Bank BRI Cabang Cianjur adalah 5C+6A

    Analisis Kinerja Keuangan Sebelum dan Sesudah Right Issue

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    This Research was meant to analyze the differences in the company's financial performance before and after the rights issue for companies on the IDX for the period 2015-2016. The financial performance measurement method uses the analysis of the wicoxon signed rank test which uses several financial ratios from several components. In the income statement and balance sheet, namely Current Ratio (CR), Debt to equity ratio (DER), Total asset turnover (TATO), Return on equity (ROE). Sampling in this study using purposive sampling method, the sample in this study amounted to 15 companies on the IDX that carried out rights issues for the period 2015-2016. The results of this study indicate that there are significant differences in the ratio of CR, DER and TATO two years before and two years after the rights issue, while in the ROE ratio there are no significant differences two years before and two years after the rights issue. This result shows that the company's financial performance two years before and two years after the rights issue is more efficient in increasing short-term and long-term debt and in utilizing the company's sales assets to increase. Keywords: Right Issue, Current Ratio, Work Analysi

    Analisis Target Laba Dalam Memaksimalkan Laba Umkm Alvo Archery Kota Sukabumi

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    This study aims to implement a profit target analysis at the Alvo Archery UKM so that the planned profit target is achieved. This study uses the method of observation and direct interviews with UKM Alvo Archery to obtain the required data. Research Results, Alvo Archery MSMEs must sell products: 108 horse bow units, 131 units of Batman, 95 units of brave units, 159 units of Adult units, Elegant Kids with 396 units, Adult Street Fighter with 193 units, Street Fighter Kids with 173 units, 143 units of elegant long bow, 128 units of Mindful, 157 units of Extreme, 128 units of Fight Black, 157 units of KZN 117, 1299 Arrows of Alvo Fiber, 2320 units of Arrow Bambu Sponge, 2320 Arrow Ramin Sponge unit, Target Board 50x50x5 as many as 773, Target Board 100x100x5 as many as 286 units. Conclusion, based on the above data, then Alvo Archery MSMEs must make profit planning in advance so that the desired profit can be achieved. From the results of the above calculations, Alvo Archery MSMEs must sell their products as much as calculated above so that the planned profits are achieved and get the maximum profit. Keywords: Target Profit, Profit, UMK

    Analisis Strategi Orientasi Pasar Dan Penggunaan Sosial Media Instagram Terhadap Keunggulan Bersaing

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    The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of market orientation and social media on competitive advantage. The method used in this research is descriptive, associative method with a quantitative approach. The sampling technique used in this study was Non Probability Sampling (purposive sampling) and saturated sampling (Census). The samples taken in this study were 36 MSME Food and Beverage companies in Sukabumi City. The data analysis technique used in this research is multiple correlation coefficient, determination coefficient test, simultaneous test (f test), multiple linear regression, and partial test (t test) to determine the extent of the influence of the two independent variables under study on the variable. dependent. The results showed that there was a positive and significant influence of the market orientation variable on competitive advantage of 0.907, and there was a positive and significant influence of the social media variable on the competitive advantage variable of 0.944. As well as the positive and significant influence of market orientation and social media in increasing competitive advantage by 0.930 or 90.3%, while the remaining 0.970 or 9.7% is influenced by various factors outside of this study. From these results it can be seen that market orientation variables and social media have a positive and significant effect in increasing competitive advantage, although the most dominant influence on competitive advantage is market orientation.   Keywords: Market Orientation, Social Media, Competitive Advantag

    Analisis Tingkat Kecukupan Dana, Likuiditas, Dan Beban Klaim Terhadap Kesehatan Perusahaan Asuransi Syariah

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    Insurance institutions must grant the best company performance so that they can be comprised in the criteria for a healthy and appropriate insurance company in paying their customers' claims. Public trust in insurance is influenced by the health of the insurance company and the accuracy of insurance in paying claims. One way to assess the health condition of an insurance company is to use Return on Equity. Return on Equity at PT AIA Financial was still below the unsafe percentage because almost all the percentage of Return on Equity had been below 40%. Therefore, it was important to know what things influenced Return on Equity so that Return on Equity of PT. AIA Financial could be able to be in a safe spot. Furthermore, the way to observe the financial performance of an insurance company required to calculate the level of adequacy of funds, liquidity, and claims expense in advance. The research was aimed at determining the influence of the Adequacy of Funds, Liquidity, and Claims Expenses toward Company's Health Level which was projected in Return On Equity. The research methods applied in the research were descriptive and associative. The result of the research shows that the Adequacy level of Funds does not influence Return On Equity. Meanwhile, Liquidity and Claims Expenses does influence Return On Equity. Keyword : Adequacy of Funds, Liquidity, Claims Expense, and Return On Equit

    Pengaruh Lingkungan Internal Dan Strategi Inovasi Terhadap Kinerja Perusahaan (Studi Pada PT.Glostar Indonesia 1 Cikembar)

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    Glostar Indonesia 1 Cikembar is a company engaged in shoes manufacturing. The problems identified at PT. Glostar Indonesia was unachieved target of production that had been set by the company. The problem was predicted to be caused by machine breakdowns during production activities and the lack of awareness as well as sense of responsibility of employees towards the company's goals. The research was aimed at determining the amount of the influence of internal environment towards firm performance as well as finding out the amount of the influence of innovation strategy towards firm performance at PT. Glostar Indonesia 1 Cikembar.Objects of the research were Internal Environment (X1), Innovation Strategy (X2) and Firm Perfromance (Y). The method applied in the research was quantitative with descriptive and associative approach. The technique of sampling used in the research was saturated sampling method (census). Samples taken in the research were amounted to 35 namely the management level of PT. Glostar Indonesia 1 Cikembar consisted of managers and supervisors. The techniques of analzying data used were multiple linear regression analysis including determination coefficient test, multiple linear coefficients, simultaneous (F test) and partial (T test) tests. Based on the results of the research obtained, there is a positive and significant influence from internal environment variable towards firm performance amounted to 0.751. There is also a positive and significant influence from innovation strategy towards firm performance amounted to 0.956. Subsequently, there is a positive and significant influence from both internal environment and innovation strategy in improving firm performance amounted to 0.984 or namely 96.8%; meanwhile, the rest of 0.32 or namely 32% is influence by other factors out of this research. From the above results it can be interpreted that there is a positive and significant influence from internal environment variable and innovation strategy variable in improving firm performance.   Keywords : Internal Environment, Innovation Strategy, Firm Performanc

    Pengaruh Kecerdasan Intelektual Dan Keterampilan Kerja Terhadap Kinerja Karyawan (Studi Pada Karyawan Bank Bjb Kantor Cabang Cianjur)

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    This study aims to determine the effect of intellectual intelligence and work skills on the performance of employees of Bank BJB Cianjur Branch Office. The method used in this research is descriptive method and associative method with a quantitative approach. The sampling technique in this study used a saturated sample of 127 employees of Bank BJB Cianjur Branch Office. The types of data used in this study are primary data and secondary data. The measurement of this study used a Likert scale. The results of this study indicate that (1) there is a positive and significant influence between intellectual intelligence on the performance of employees of Bank BJB Cianjur Branch Office of 0.431. (2) there is a positive and significant influence between work skills on the performance of Bank BJB employees at the Cianjur Branch Office of 0.702. (3) there is a positive and significant influence between intellectual intelligence and work skills on employee performance with a very strong interpretation. Based on the calculation results show multiple linear regression equations, as follows: Y = 4.150 + 0.158X1 + 0.567X2. The contribution given by the variable of intellectual intelligence and work skills is 73.3% and the remaining 26.7% is influenced by other factors not included in this study.   Keywords: Intellectual Intelligence, Work Skills, Employee Performanc

    Analisis Reputasi Merek Dan Kualitas Produk Terhadap Keputusan Pembelian

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    Based on the results of the study it was found that purchasing decisions had decreased, which was seen from the data on the best-selling laptop brands in 2020, where the Lenovo laptop brand was ranked 4th, only obtaining an assessment index of 10.3%. This study aims to determine the effect of brand reputation and product quality on purchasing decisions at the Muhammadiyah University of Sukabumi. The method used in this research is descriptive and associative with a quantitative approach. The data collection method uses a questionnaire, which is then analyzed using multiple regression with the classical assumption test. The sampling technique in this study used a probability sampling technique, the samples used in this study were 100 student respondents at the Muhammadiyah University of Sukabumi. The results of this study show that there is a simultaneous relationship between the variables Brand Reputation and Product Quality on Purchasing Decisions with the results F count 113.458 > F table 3.089 and the T-Test test shows that the brand reputation variable on purchasing decisions has an insignificant positive effect, while the variable Product quality has a positive and significant effect on purchasing decisions. Keywords: Brand Reputation, Product Quality, Purchase Decisio

    Analisis Kepercayaan Konsumen Dalam Memediasi Hubungan Antara Cash On Delivery Dengan Keputusan Pembelian Di Sosial Media Facebook

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    This study aims to determine the effect of trust in mediating the relationship of cash on delivery on purchasing decisions. The research method used is the method of causality. The sample in this study was 347 members of the Facebook Sukabumi Shopping SS Online Buying Forum who had used COD services, which were taken using a simple random sampling technique. Researchers used path analysis data analysis techniques with the help of the AMOS 25 data processing application.The results of this study found that cash on delivery has a significant effect on trust, trust has a significant effect on purchasing decisions and trust is a mediating variable in the relationship between cash on delivery and purchasing decisions. Then trust becomes a bridge in the relationship between cash on delivery and purchasing decisions.   Keyword  : Cash On Delivery, Facebook, Trust, Purchase Decisio
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