221 research outputs found

    Direct observation of band-gap closure for a semiconducting carbon nanotube in a large parallel magnetic field

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    We have investigated the magnetoconductance of semiconducting carbon nanotubes (CNTs) in pulsed, parallel magnetic fields up to 60 T, and report the direct observation of the predicted band-gap closure and the reopening of the gap under variation of the applied magnetic field. We also highlight the important influence of mechanical strain on the magnetoconductance of the CNTs.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Supercollision cooling in undoped graphene

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    Carrier mobility in solids is generally limited by electron-impurity or electron-phonon scattering depending on the most frequently occurring event. Three body collisions between carriers and both phonons and impurities are rare; they are denoted supercollisions (SCs). Elusive in electronic transport they should emerge in relaxation processes as they allow for large energy transfers. As pointed out in Ref. \onlinecite{Song2012PRL}, this is the case in undoped graphene where the small Fermi surface drastically restricts the allowed phonon energy in ordinary collisions. Using electrical heating and sensitive noise thermometry we report on SC-cooling in diffusive monolayer graphene. At low carrier density and high phonon temperature the Joule power PP obeys a PTe3P\propto T_e^3 law as a function of electronic temperature TeT_e. It overrules the linear law expected for ordinary collisions which has recently been observed in resistivity measurements. The cubic law is characteristic of SCs and departs from the Te4T_e^4 dependence recently reported for metallic graphene below the Bloch-Gr\"{u}neisen temperature. These supercollisions are important for applications of graphene in bolometry and photo-detection

    Stacking-order dependent transport properties of trilayer graphene

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    We report markedly different transport properties of ABA- and ABC-stacked trilayer graphenes. Our experiments in double-gated trilayer devices provide evidence that a perpendicular electric field opens an energy gap in the ABC trilayer, while it causes the increase of a band overlap in the ABA trilayer. In a perpendicular magnetic field, the ABA trilayer develops quantum Hall plateaus at filling factors of \nu = 2, 4, 6... with a step of \Delta \nu = 2, whereas the inversion symmetric ABC trilayer exhibits plateaus at \nu = 6 and 10 with 4-fold spin and valley degeneracy.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Electric transport properties of single-walled carbon nanotubes functionalized by plasma ion irradiation method

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    Flux-driven simulations of turbulence collapse

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    Using three-dimensional nonlinear simulations of tokamak turbulence, we show that an edge transport barrier (ETB) forms naturally once input power exceeds a threshold value. Profiles, turbulence-driven flows, and neoclassical coefficients are evolved self-consistently. A slow power ramp-up simulation shows that ETB transition is triggered by the turbulence-driven flows via an intermediate phase which involves coherent oscillation of turbulence intensity and E × B flow shear. A novel observation of the evolution is that the turbulence collapses and the ETB transition begins when RT > 1 at t = tR (RT: normalized Reynolds power), while the conventional transition criterion (ω E × B > γ l i n where ω E × B denotes mean flow shear) is satisfied only after t = tC ( >tR), when the mean flow shear grows due to positive feedback

    PmoB subunit of particulate methane monooxygenase (pMMO) in Methylococcus capsulatus (Bath): The Cu^I sponge and its function

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    In this study, we describe efforts to clarify the role of the copper cofactors associated with subunit B (PmoB) of the particulate methane monooxygenase (pMMO) from Methylococcus capsulatus (Bath) (M. capsulatus). This subunit exhibits strong affinity toward Cu^I ions. To elucidate the high copper affinity of the subunit, the full-length PmoB, and the N-terminal truncated mutants PmoB_(33–414) and PmoB_(55–414), each fused to the maltose-binding protein (MBP), are cloned and over-expressed into Escherichia coli (E. coli) K12 TB1 cells. The Y374F, Y374S and M300L mutants of these protein constructs are also studied. When this E. coli is grown with the pmoB gene in 1.0 mM Cu^(II), it behaves like M. capsulatus (Bath) cultured under high copper stresswith abundant membrane accumulation and high CuI content. The recombinantPmoB proteins are verified by Western blotting of antibodies directed against the MBP sub-domain in each of the copper-enriched PmoB proteins. Cu K-edge X-rayabsorption near edge spectroscopy (XANES) of the copper ions confirms that all the PmoB recombinants are Cu^I proteins. All the PmoB proteins show evidence of a “dicopper site” according to analysis of the Cu extended X-ray absorption edge fine structure (EXAFS) of the membranes. No specific activities toward methane and propene oxidation are observed with the recombinant membrane-bound PmoB proteins. However, significant production of hydrogen peroxide is observed in the case of the PmoB_(33–414) mutant. Reaction of the dicopper site with dioxygenproduces hydrogen peroxide and leads to oxidation of the CuI ions residing in the C-terminal sub-domain of the PmoB subunit