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    In this paper an attempt is made to present the analysis by Gautama of “human emotions” expressed through body, speech and mind. In his Nyayasutra 1.1.2 he theorises this. According to him, emotions are the outcome of misconception, misunderstanding, misinterpretation, or ignorance. Emotions can be good and bad. But looking from the point of view of ultimate goal of life namely, liberation, even good emotions are nothing but binding factors and as long as these are entertained one cannot be out of the cycle of death and birth. Misunderstanding creates emotions; emotions contribute to the formation of attitudes, good or bad, which lead to good or bad acts which, in turn, leave behind impressions which are responsible for keeping a man in the cycle of death and birth. All human sufferings, therefore, are rooted in misunderstanding. One must, therefore, break this chain and that can be broken only by true cognition or knowledge of fact or truth. In my view, the Nyayasutra 1.1.2 is a comprehensive analysis of human emotion, behaviour, action and purpose and a philosophy of transformation of human life

    Supplemental Oxygen for Paratroopers and Sky Divers

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    Parajumping and sky diving in Armed Forces are used for rapid and strategic troop’s deployments. In the combat free fall (CFF), the troops are paradropped from high altitudes in excess of 30,000 ft above mean sea level (AMSL) when they glide to a great distance, often within the enemy lines. Physiology of parajumping necessitates supplemental oxygen above 15,000 ft AMSL. Possibility of serious hypoxia and decompression sickness mandate the usage of supplemental oxygen through dedicated equipment. Other considerations such as effects of hypoxia on tissue oxygenation, physical and mental performance, neuronal functions, night vision, and prevailing anxiety factors, etc. also assume significance. Factors like intermittent hypoxic exposures, free fall, effects of posture during fall, and possible microgravity become mitigating factors. Owing to limited oxygen supply being carried by the paratroopers, using dilution method in providing the breathing gas too assumes importance at times as a trade-off between requirements and supply. This paper reviews the literatures to extent possible and recommends certain concepts for an optimal oxygen usage during the high altitude parajumps.Defence Science Journal, 2012, 62(1), pp.51-57, DOI:http://dx.doi.org/10.14429/dsj.62.59

    Identification of Salmonella Strains of Phyllosphere Food Poisoning by Melt Curve Analysis: In Silico approach

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    During last few decades, there have been increased incidences of outbreak of diseases due to consumption of fresh vegetables and fruits contaminated with human pathogens.  Such threats warrant rapid detection test. The standard method of diagnosis relies on culture-plate and serological methods which lack discrimination and are time consuming having several drawbacks, inconsistency and are less efficient. We applied bioinformatics approaches to develop of a real- time PCR simulation for detecting Salmonella serovars which are involved in most disease outbreaks associated with phyllosphere. Salmonella enterica subspecies enterica (designated as S. enterica) are common in plants, on surface as well as present internally in tissues. Though more than 2500 serovars of Salmonella enterica are known but the reports of serovars colonizing in plants are limited. Nucleotide sequence variation in target genes, viz. PurE, SucA, hisD, hivA and fliC were used in in silico to differentiate Salmonella serovars. A large number of reference sequences of target genes were retrieved from NCBI, and common conserved region were used for development of multiplex primer design using muPlex. Primer thermodynamic properties and secondary structure were assessed using Beacon designer. Sequences were truncated to remove sequences outside of the region bounded by the primers.  We performed in silico DNA melting simulations with several Salmonella serovars using the programs umelt, and tested the utility of the programs for assay design, which will save time and cost of in vitro testing several multiple primers in RT PCR.Keywords- In Silico; Salmonella ; Phyllosphere;Real-time PCR (RT-PCR

    Magnetization and Magneto-resistance in Y(Ba1-xSrx)2Cu3O7-{\delta} (x = 0.00 - 0.50) superconductor

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    Here we present the magnetic properties and upper critical field (BC2) of polycrystalline Y(Ba1-xSrx)2Cu3O7-{\delta} superconductors, which are being determined through detailed ac/dc susceptibility and resistivity under magnetic field (RTH) study. All the samples are synthesized through solid state reaction route. Reduction in Meissner fraction (the ratio of field cooled to zero field cooled magnetization) is observed with increasing Sr content, suggesting occurrence of flux pining in the doped samples. The ac susceptibility and resistivity measurements reveal improved grain couplings in Sr substituted samples. Consequently the inter-grain critical current density (Jc), upturn curvature near the Tc in temperature dependence of upper critical field [BC2(T)], and BC2 are enhanced. Both Jc and BC2 increase in lower Sr substitution (up to x = 0.10) samples followed by decrease in higher doping due to degradation in effective pining and grain coupling.Comment: 17 pages text + Figs, [email protected]

    Reduced Order Model of Position Control System

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    In this paper, simple approach is proposed to determine reduced order model of a unstable open-loop position control system. This approach is based on Krishnamurthy’s approach on Routh criterion on reduced order modelling. The results are simulated in Matlab environment

    Information needs assessment in digital environment

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    The information needs represent gaps in the current knowledge of the user. The professional can assess the information needs of clientele at two levels: first, by analyzing the characteristics of the community served; and second, by analyzing the needs of specific individuals when and where they seek information. Assessment of information need typically occurs through a communication process called interview of information user. The process of assessment of information need through interview can be divided in eight stages. These are determining the purpose, researching the topic, selecting interviewees, structuring the interview, conducting the interview, preparing the report, presenting the report and feedback & further refinement. These have been changed in digital era due to introduction of Internet, e-mail, online groups and blogs. Identifying information needs is a complex process as some of the respondents may think that it is a wastage of time as it is a somewhat time taking process and may attempt to test whether the information provider will provide the information or not. This paper takes up the change brought up due to introduction of digital means in all the eight steps mentioned in assessment of information need through interview

    Aerosol and pollutant transport and their impact on radiative forcing over the tropical Indian ocean during the January - February 1996 pre-INDOEX cruise

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    Measurements of aerosol bulk composition, optical depth, size distribution and the incoming solar radiation flux were carried out over the coastal waters of India, the Arabian sea and the tropical Indian Ocean during a cruise conducted in January 1996. Aerosol concentrations were relatively high throughout much of the cruise, even when the ship was at considerable distances from land. In this paper, we link the observed spatial variations and meridional gradients in the measurements to monsoonal and inter-hemispheric transport across the ITCZ using a high resolution global reanalysis that highlights the winter monsoon. We show that the northeast monsoonal low level flow can transport sulfates, mineral dust and other aerosols from the Indian sub-continent to the ITCZ within 6–7 days. These transports result in an increase the aerosol optical depth (AOD) at the equator by as much as 0.2 and a decrease in the solar radiative forcing at the sea surface by about 10–20 Wm-2. The high concentrations of continental aerosols are a result of three factors: strong (about 6–10 m/s) near-surface northerly flow; a shallow boundary layer of about 400 to 800 m thick, which traps the pollutants; subsidence, associated with the northeast monsoon, which suppresses rainfall over most of the Arabian sea and thus minimizes the wet removal process. In addition dust can be transported in the middle troposphere from the Arabian desert to the cruise region 4000 km away with a transit time of 2–3 days. There is strong evidence of interhemispheric transports effected by eddies that wrap around the ITCZ. These eddies bring clean southern hemisphere air to about 10°N in the Indian Ocean and carry polluted continental air into the southern-hemisphere. In this manner, substantial amounts of aerosols and other pollutants can be routinely transported to the southern-hemisphere Indian Ocean during the northeast monsoon. Thus, in order to understand the connection between continental emissions and impacts over the Indian Ocean, it is necessary to focus on the rôle of the northeast monsoon in the large-scale atmospheric circulation over this region
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