76 research outputs found

    Linking Locations: Storytelling with Pervasive Technology

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    With online location-aware smart phones in more and more pockets, storytelling is moving to the streets. Simultaneously, an increasing abundance of Linked Data is being made available, complete with geographical information. In this paper, we review the state of the art and suggest approaches to, and issues with, a storytelling system that combines these two technologies

    The Xeros data model: tracking interpretations of archaeological finds

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    At an archaeological dig, interpretations are built around discovered artifacts based on measurements and informed intuition. These interpretations are semi-structured and organic, yet existing tools do not capture their creation or evolution. Patina of Notes (PoN) is an application designed to tackle this, and is underpinned by the Xeros data model. Xeros is a graph structure and a set of operations that can deal with the addition, edition, and removal of interpretations. This data model is a specialisation of the W3C PROV provenance data model, tracking the evolution of interpretations. The model is presented, with operations defined formally, and characteristics of the representation that are beneficial to implementations are discussed

    Annotation of Heterogenous Media Using OntoMedia

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    While ontologies exist for the annotation of monomedia, interoperability between these schemes is an important issue. The OntoMedia ontology consists of a generic core, capable of representing a diverse range of media, as well as extension ontologies to focus on specific formats. This paper provides an overview of the OntoMedia ontologies, together with a detailed case study when applied to video, a scripted form, and an associated short story

    The narrative braid: a model for tackling the narrative paradox in adaptive documentaries

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    The Narrative Paradox is a theory that describes interaction and narrative cohesion as being in tension, and asserts that the structure of a narrative is disrupted by user adaptivity, leading to possible incoherence as the system accounts for interaction. We propose an approach that may reduce this disruption. Specifically, we propose to model a narrative as a collection of threads, woven together into the discourse as a narrative braid. By separately maintaining logical coherence within a thread and thematic coherence between threads we believe it is possible to introduce inter- activity while maintaining a strong narrative structure. We discuss how this may be applied to adaptive documentaries which, with a wide base of recorded material and diverse plot threads, provide a rich medium for initial experimentation in this area

    A middleware for a large array of cameras

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    Large arrays of cameras are increasingly being employed for producing high quality image sequences needed for motion analysis research. This leads to the logistical problem with coordination and control of a large number of cameras. In this paper, we used a lightweight multi-agent system for coordinating such camera arrays. The agent framework provides more than a remote sensor access API. It allows reconfigurable and transparent access to cameras, as well as software agents capable of intelligent processing. Furthermore, it eases maintenance by encouraging code reuse. Additionally, our agent system includes an automatic discovery mechanism at startup, and multiple language bindings. Performance tests showed the lightweight nature of the framework while validating its correctness and scalability. Two different camera agents were implemented to provide access to a large array of distributed cameras. Correct operation of these camera agents was confirmed via several image processing agents

    Querying improvised music: Do you sound like yourself?

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    Improvisers are often keen to assess how their performance practice stands up to an ideal: whether that ideal is of technical accuracy or instant composition of material meeting complex harmonic constraints at speed. This paper reports on the development of an interface for querying and navigating a collection of recorded material for the purpose of presenting information on musical similarity, and the application of this interface to the investigation of a set of recordings by jazz performers. We investigate the retrieval performance of our tool, and in analysing the ‘hits’ and particularly the ‘misses’, provide information suggesting a change in one of the authors’ improvisation style

    “Just whack it on until it gets hot”: working with IoT data in the home

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    This paper presents findings from a co-design project that aims to augment the practices of professional energy advisors with environmental data from sensors deployed in clients’ homes. Premised on prior ethnographic observations we prototyped a sensor platform to support the work of tailoring advice-giving to particular homes. We report on the deployment process and the findings to emerge, particularly the work involved in making sense of or accounting for the data in the course of advice-giving. Our ethnomethodological analysis focuses on the ways in which data is drawn upon as a resource in the home visit, and how understanding and advice-giving turns upon unpacking the indexical relationship of the data to the situated goings-on in the home. This insight, coupled with further design workshops with the advisors, shaped requirements for an interactive system that makes the sensor data available for visual inspection and annotation to support the situated sense-making that is key to giving energy advice

    “Just whack it on until it gets hot”: working with IoT data in the home

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    This paper presents findings from a co-design project that aims to augment the practices of professional energy advisors with environmental data from sensors deployed in clients’ homes. Premised on prior ethnographic observations we prototyped a sensor platform to support the work of tailoring advice-giving to particular homes. We report on the deployment process and the findings to emerge, particularly the work involved in making sense of or accounting for the data in the course of advice-giving. Our ethnomethodological analysis focuses on the ways in which data is drawn upon as a resource in the home visit, and how understanding and advice-giving turns upon unpacking the indexical relationship of the data to the situated goings-on in the home. This insight, coupled with further design workshops with the advisors, shaped requirements for an interactive system that makes the sensor data available for visual inspection and annotation to support the situated sense-making that is key to giving energy advice
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