23 research outputs found

    Inlej retineri kao nosači tela mosta u bočnom segmentu - prikaz slučaja

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    Inlay retained adhesive restorations are an interesting alternative to conventional methods when a single tooth is missing. The aim of this paper was to present possibilities for the application of inlay retained adhesive prosthodontic restorations based on composite systems. The clinical procedure is minimally invasive and simple to conduct. The introduction of fiber-reinforced composites as well as the improvement of adhesive cementing techniques makes these restorations a long-term solution with good esthetic and functional results. This case report offers an insight into the clinical procedure during the preparation of inlay retained adhesive restorations.Inlej retinirane adhezivne nadoknade predstavljaju interesantnu alternativu konvencionalnim metodama, u slučaju nedostatka pojedinačnog zuba. Cilj ovog rada je bio da ukaže na mogućnosti primene inlay retiniranih adhezivnih protetskih nadoknada baziranih na kompozitnim sistemima. Klinička procedura je minimalno invazivna, i jednostavna za izvođenje. Uvođenje vlaknima-ojačanih kompozita, kao i poboljšanje adhezivnih tehnika cementiranja čine ove restauracije dugotrajnim rešenjem, sa dobrim estetskim i funkcionalnim rezultatima. Ovaj prikaz slučaja iz prakse daje uvid u kliničke postupke tokom izrade inlej retiniranih adhezivnih nadoknada

    Mogućnosti rekonstrukcije endodontski lečenih zuba s velikim oštećenjima krunice - dva prikaza iz prakse

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    The prognosis of endodontically treated teeth depends not only on the success of the endodontic treatment, but also on the type of reconstruction. The use of fiber-reinforced resin (FRR) posts to restore endodontically treated teeth has gained popularity due to its mechanical and esthetic characteristics as well as properties of modern adhesive systems. The aim of this article was to show a clinical technique to reconstruct endodontically treated teeth with great loss of tooth structure using direct fiber-reinforced post systems and direct composite restorations. The first case was a patient with the fractured right second lower premolar. The tooth was endodontically treated and reconstructed thereafter. After the preparation of the root canal and cementation of a FRR post, particular attention was paid to the incremental and curing techniques adopted to reconstruct coronal part of the tooth. The second case was a patient with the fractured first right lower incisor. This tooth was treated in the same way. Direct composite reconstruction of endodontically treated teeth is an alternative to the prosthodontic therapy and can postpone prosthodontic therapy for a long time.Prognoza endodontski lečenog zuba ne zavisi samo od uspešno izvedene endodontske terapije, već i od pravilne restauracije zuba i njegovog vraćanja u funkciju. Kompozitni kočići ojačani vlaknima poslednjih godina dobijaju na popularnosti u rekonstrukciji endodontski lečenih zuba zahvaljujući svojim estetskim i biomehaničkim osobinama, te mogućnosti ostvarivanja adhezivne veze za zub. Cilj ovog rada je da na primerima iz prakse ukaže na mogućnost konzervativne terapije endodontski lečenih zuba s velikim oštećenjima krunice primenom kompozitnih kanalnih kočića. Kod jedne pacijentkinje s frakturom donjeg desnog drugog premolara obavljeno je najpre endodontsko lečenje, a potom je urađena konzervativna restauracija. Posle preparacije prostora za kanalni kočić i njegovog cementiranja, krunični deo zuba je restauriran direktnim kompozitnim ispunom slojevitom tehnikom. Na isti način je lečen i donji desni centralni sekutić druge pacijentkinje. Restauracija devitalizovanih zuba s opsežnim lezijama konzervativnim lečenjem je dobra alternativa protetičkoj restauraciji, koja protetički tretman može odložiti za duži vremenski period

    Primena CAD/CAM tehnologije u projektovanju i izradi mostova pune anatomske forme na bazi cirkonijum-dioksida

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    Daily progress of dentistry, especially in the field of prosthodontics is introducing new materials and technologies. With the increasing need for aesthetically acceptable and non-metal materials, it came to development and improvement of ceramic materials and computer based systems (CA). The patient came in order to compensate the missing left lateral incisor. Since the adjacent teeth are brushed and the print was taken, casted model has been scanned using 3Shape D800 laboratory scanner. Dental restoration has been designed using 3Shape DentalSystem Premium software and the available tools. After completing the virtual design, the data are sent to the program responsible for CAM Zenotec® mini CAD/CAM device. As a result, the compensation with the full morphology was obtained without the need for finishing works.Stomatologija, posebno stomatološka protetika svakodnevno napreduje uvođenjem novih materijala i tehnologija. Kako se javlja sve veća potreba za estetski prihvatljivim i bezmetalnim materijalima, došlo je do razvoja i unapređenja keramičkih materijala i računarima podržanih sistema (CA). Pacijent se javio radi nadoknade nedostajućeg levog bočnog sekutića. Pošto su susedni zubi zbrušeni i uzet otisak, izliven je model koji je skeniran pomoću 3Shape D 800 laboratorijskog skenera. Zubna nadoknada je dizajnirana pomo ću 3Shape DentalSystem Premium softvera korišćenjem raspoloživih alata. Nakon završenog dizajna virtuelni podaci su poslati u program odgovoran za CAM Zenotec® mini CAD/CAM uređaja. Kao rezultat, dobijena je nadoknada pune morfologije bez potrebe za dorađivanjem

    Application of Replica Technique and SEM in Accuracy Measurement of Ceramic Crowns

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    The paper presents a comparative study of the measuring values of the marginal gap related to the ceramic crowns made by dental CAD/CAM system using the replica technique and SEM. The study was conducted using three experimental groups, which consisted of ceramic crowns manufactured by the Cerec CAD/CAM system. The scanning procedure was carried out using three specialized dental 3D digitization systems from the Cerec family - two types of extraoral optical scanning systems and an intraoral optical scanner. Measurements of the marginal gap were carried out using the replica technique and SEM. The comparison of aggregate values of the marginal gap using the replica technique showed a statistically significant difference between the systems. The measured values of marginal gaps of ceramic crowns using the replica technique were significantly lower compared to those measured by SEM. The results indicate that the choice of technique for measuring the accuracy of ceramic crowns influences the final results of investigation

    Klinička evaluacija inlej-retiniranih adhezivnih mostova tokom dvogodišnjeg opservacionog perioda

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    Introduction. Inlay retained adhesive restorations present a conservative approach when a single tooth is missing in the posterior region. Material and methods. Twenty five restorations were included in the clinical study. Patient selection, preparation technique as well as denture fabrication followed current principles in this area. Patients were examined every 6 months over a 2 year examination period. Results were statistically analyzed. Results. The success rate for the first year comes to 91.1%, while cumulative success probability during the second year (24 months) was 86.6%. Furthermore, colour, texture and marginal staining were satisfactory during the observation period. Conclusion. Fibre-reinforced composite adhesive dentures are a tooth preserving, minimally invasive, aesthetic and reliable treatment option for single tooth replacement in the posterior area.Uvod. Inlej retinirani adhezivni mostovi predstavljaju konzervativni modalitet tretmana nedostatka pojedinačnog zuba u bočnoj regiji. Materijal i metod. U kliničku studiju, uključeno je 25 adhezivnih nadoknada. Odabir pacijenata, principi preparacije, kao i tehnika izrade mostova urađeni su prema važećim standardima u ovoj oblasti. Pacijenti su praćeni na svakih 6 meseci tokom dvogodišnjeg perioda. Rezultati su statistički obrađeni. Rezultati. Uspešnost nadoknada u prvoj godini iznosi 91.1%, dok kumulativna uspešnost tokom druge godine (24 meseca) iznosi 86.6%. Takođe, ocena boje, teksture i marginalnog prebojavanja daje zadovoljavajuće rezulate tokom perioda praćenja. Zaključak. Kompozitne nadoknade ojačane vlaknima su minimalno invazivni, estetski i pouzdan način tretmana minimalne krezubosti bočnog segmenta denticije

    Utvrđivanje korozionih karakteristika stomatološke legure sa induktivno spregnutim plazma masenim spektrometrom

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    Corrosion resistance is one of the characteristics that dental alloy should possess as it should be placed in the oral cavity. Adverse tissue reactions of the gingiva and the periodontium close to dental cast alloys may be caused by the effects of released metal elements. Corrosion effect of dental Co-Cr-Mo alloy was investigated by ICP MS according to the EN ISO 10271 and EN ISO 22674. Co- Cr dental alloy Remanium GM 800+ (Dentaurum Ispringen, Germany was tested in artificial saliva for 7 days at 37ºC. The released metals were detected by Nexion 300X ICP MS (Perkin Elmer, USA). The results showed that the metal release was very low for Co, Cr and Mo, far below the permitted levels. ICP-MS can be considered as very reliable method for such a research.Otpornost na koroziju je jedna od karakteristika koju poseduju stomatološke legure koje trebaju biti postavljene u usnoj duplji. Neželjene reakcije tkiva gingive i parodoncijuma sa stomatološkim legurama može biti uzrokovano efektima oslobođenih metalnih elemenata. Efekat korozije stomatološke Co- Cr -Mo legure ispitana je ICP MS prema EN ISO 10271 i EN ISO 22674 . Co- Cr stomatološke legure Remanium GM 800 + ( Dentaurum Ispringen , testirano u Nemačkoj u veštačkoj pljuvački tokom 7 dana na 37º C. Otkriveni su oslobođeni metali Nekion 300Ks ICP MS ( Perkin Elmer , SAD ). Rezultati su pokazali veoma slabo oslobađanje metala, Cr i Mo , daleko ispod dozvoljenih nivoa. ICP -MS može smatrati veoma pouzdan metod za ovakvo istraživanje

    Re-CAD/CAM pristup projektovanju i izradi zubnih keramičkih navlaka u kombinaciji sa ručnim individualnim prilagođavanjem

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    CAD/CAM technology in dentistry offers high-end ceramic restorations, known for its quality, preciseness, swiftness and repeatability. However, some features are still human-dependent. A young female patient required smile enhancement, since suffering from colour change on three devitalized frontal teeth. After fiber post placement, teeth were prepared for metal-free restoration. Consequently, abutments were scanned using extraoral scanner (Sirona, InEos Blue; Beinsheim, Germany). CAD software (version 3.8) has been used to create three crown copings, with cut-back in the incisal region. After finalization of the virtual modeling, data file has been transferred to a milling unit (Sirona, MCXL, Beinsheim, Germany) that produced crown copings out of a ceramic block (IPS e.max CAD, Ivoclar Vivadent, Schaan, Liechtestein). Crowns were tried for the fit and occlusion in the so-called blue stage, after which final strength and shape has been achieved by thermal treatment in the ceramic furnace. Individualization has been done manually, creating special effect in the cut-back region. Crowns were cemented adhesively. CAD/CAM offers modern and relevant way of producing ceramic restorations, however, special effects still require manual adjustments.CAD/CAM tehnologije u stomatologiji nude visoko kvalitetne keramičke zamene, poznate po kvalitetu, preciznosti, brzini izrade i ponovljivosti. Međutim neke opcije još uvek zavise od ljudske intervencije. Mlada pacijentkinja je imala zahtev za poboljšanjem osmeha, pošto je patila od promene boje na tri prednja nezdrava zuba. Posle instalacije vlaknene podloge, zubi su bili spremni za bez-metalnu reparaciju. Otisci su bili skenirani ekstraoralnim skenerom (Sirona, InEos Blue, Beinsheim, Nemačka). CAD softver (verzija 3.8) je korišćen za generisanje tri navlake. Po završetku virtuelnog modeliranja podaci su prebačeni na glodalicu (Sirona, MCXL, Beinsheim, Nemačka) koja je izradila navlake od keramičkih blokova (IPS-a, max CAD, Ivoclar Vivadent, Schaan, Lihtenštajn). Navlake su posle isprobane zbog procene naleganja i začepljenja u tzv. plavoj etapi, posle čega je konačno očvršćavanje i oblikovanje postignuto termičkom obradom u peći za keramiku. Individualno prilagođavanje je izvršeno ručno, sa izradom posebnog efekta u zadnjem delu. Navlake su cementirane adhezijom. CAD/CAM nudi moderan i važan način u izradi keramičkih implanta ali posebni efekti još uvek zahtevaju intervenciju čoveka

    Analysis of accuracy and precision of optical 3D digitisation devices in dental computer-aided-design and computer-aided-manufacturing systems

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    The implementation of intraoral and extraoral computer-aided-design and computer-aided-manufacturing (CAD/CAM) systems in prosthetic dentistry has simplified the procedure, shortened the period of design and manufacture and improved accuracy and aesthetic properties of dental restorations. Three-dimensional (3D) digitisation has become an adequate replacement for conventional dental impressions. The market offers a variety of diverse optical intraoral and extraoral CAD/CAM systems equipped with digitisation devices that are based on different working principles. The main goal of this research is to determine whether precision and accuracy differ among optical digitisation devices. The research includes five high-end devices: Cerec AC, Cerec InEos, Trios, KaVo Everest and Sinergia Scan. The evaluation methodology of the experiment is based on CAD inspection. The results, obtained from accuracy and precision measurements with tolerance levels of 0.01, 0.25 and 0.05 mm, indicate that there is a difference in accuracy and precision between optical digitisation devices based on different working principles

    Management of Non-Classic Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia in Pregnant Woman - Non-Referral Center Experience- Case Report

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    Congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH) is a rare autosomal recessive disorder with mutations in genes involved in cortisol and aldosterone production. Based on overall 21-OHase activity, CAH is divided into classic (C-CAH) and non-classic (NC-CAH). Females who suffered from NC-CAH have had increased infertility rates and higher miscarriage susceptibility. The treatment of CAH in pregnancy is still debatable. We present 22-years-old pregnant female (seventh week of gestation), who is currently under dexamethasone (DEX) since almost seven years for NC-CAH. At presentation, she is normotensive, non-obese, with no signs of hirsutism and Cushing syndrome. Seven days after the first visit, an endocrinologist makes informative talk with the patient and her mother about NC-CAH, pregnancy, and drugsassociated risks. Current Clinical Practice Guideline for CAH treatment suggests the use of protocols approved by Institutional Review Boards at Centers experienced in CAH treatment. In women with CAH who are planning a pregnancy, a close relationship between endocrinologist, reproductive gynaecologist and molecular biologist is of great interest. Prenatal management with DEX is advised in particular circumstances. In remaining, the switch from DEX to other glucocorticoids that do not penetrate placenta is advise

    Mehanička svojstva litijum-siliko-fluoroapatitnih keramičkih sistema

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