17 research outputs found

    Determination of coincidence summing correction factors for 22na point source

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    The coincidence summing effect plays an important role in HPGe spectrometry, especially at low source-detector distances, due to a large solid angle; therefore, the calculation of correction factors is necessary. The aim of the research described in this paper was to compare values of correction factors for a 22Na point source obtained using the GESPECOR software package (Monte-Carlo method) and experimentally obtained values. Measurements were performed using a semiconductor HPGe spectrometer and the point source axially positioned at nine different distances from the detector end-cap. For the purpose of determining correction factors, a system of equations was formed, which, besides nuclear data as the input parameters, uses the experimentally obtained values of the total count in the entire spectrum, as well as the counts in the full energy peaks. The system of equations was solved for each particular case and correction factors were determined. By comparing the results obtained using the experimental and Monte-Carlo method, it was found that the correction factors for the 22Na point source have discrepancies less than 3%. The significance of these discrepancies was also verified from a statistical point of view using a Student's t-test. © 2019 RAD Association. All rights reserved.Conference of 6th International Conference on Radiation and Applications in Various Fields of Research, RAD 2018 ; Conference Date: 18 June 2018 Through 22 June 2018; Conference Code:14955

    Radon exhalation rate of some building materials common in Serbia

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    It is well-known that radon is the second important human carcinogen for lung cancer, after smoking. The major sources of indoor radon concentrations are soil and building material. Under certain conditions, a dose received from the inhalation of radon and its progenies can be higher than a dose received from the external exposure due to radium concentration in building materials. In this contribution, the results of the radon and thoron exhalation rate measurement from 9 commonly used building materials are reported. Exhalation rate measurements were performed with accumulation chamber method using active device for measurement of radon concentration. © 2019 RAD Association. All rights reserved.Conference of 6th International Conference on Radiation and Applications in Various Fields of Research, RAD 2018 ; Conference Date: 18 June 2018 Through 22 June 2018; Conference Code:14955

    Određivanje korekcionih faktora za koincidentno sumiranje u slučaju tačkastog izvora Y88

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    У гама спектрометрији се често сусрећемо са ефектом коинцидентног сумирања, а самим тим постоји потреба за одређивањем корекционих фактора. Циљ истраживања описаног у овом раду је поређење вредности корекционих фактора за тачкасти извор 88Y добијених помоћу софтверског пакета GESPECOR (Монте Карло методом) и експериментално добијених вредности. Мерења су обављена помоћу полупроводничког HPGe спектрометра, при чему је тачкасти извор био позициониран на аксијалној оси детектора на девет различитих растојања од капе детектора. Формиран је систем једначина, који осим нуклеарних података, као улазне параметре користи и експериментално добијене вредности тоталног одброја у целом спектру, као и одброја испод фотопикова. На основу решавања система једначина одређени су корекциони фактори за коинцидентно сумирање. Упоређивањем резултата, утврђено је да се вредности корекционих фактора добијених помоћу ове две методе разликују до 3 %.In gamma ray spectrometry often deals with coincidence summing effect, and therefore calculation of correction factors is necessary. Coincidence summing effect play an important role in HPGe spectrometry at low source-detector distances, due to the large solid angle subtended by the detector at the source. The aim of research described in this paper was to compare values of correction factors for point source 88Y obtained using the software package GESPECOR (Monte-Carlo method) and experimentally obtained values. Measurements were performed using a semiconductor HPGe spectrometer, wherein point source was axially located on detector at nine different distances. The system of equations was formed whereas net areas in full energy peaks as well as in entire spectrum were used as input data. The system was solved and correction factors for point source 88Y were determined. By comparing the obtained values, it was found that correction factors obtained by these two methods have discrepancy less than 3 %.Зборник радова : XXIX симпозијум ДЗЗСЦГ : Сребрно језеро, 27-29. септембар 2017. годин

    Određivanje korekcionih faktora za koincidentno sumiranje u slučaju tačkastog izvora Y88

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    У гама спектрометрији се често сусрећемо са ефектом коинцидентног сумирања, а самим тим постоји потреба за одређивањем корекционих фактора. Циљ истраживања описаног у овом раду је поређење вредности корекционих фактора за тачкасти извор 88Y добијених помоћу софтверског пакета GESPECOR (Монте Карло методом) и експериментално добијених вредности. Мерења су обављена помоћу полупроводничког HPGe спектрометра, при чему је тачкасти извор био позициониран на аксијалној оси детектора на девет различитих растојања од капе детектора. Формиран је систем једначина, који осим нуклеарних података, као улазне параметре користи и експериментално добијене вредности тоталног одброја у целом спектру, као и одброја испод фотопикова. На основу решавања система једначина одређени су корекциони фактори за коинцидентно сумирање. Упоређивањем резултата, утврђено је да се вредности корекционих фактора добијених помоћу ове две методе разликују до 3 %.In gamma ray spectrometry often deals with coincidence summing effect, and therefore calculation of correction factors is necessary. Coincidence summing effect play an important role in HPGe spectrometry at low source-detector distances, due to the large solid angle subtended by the detector at the source. The aim of research described in this paper was to compare values of correction factors for point source 88Y obtained using the software package GESPECOR (Monte-Carlo method) and experimentally obtained values. Measurements were performed using a semiconductor HPGe spectrometer, wherein point source was axially located on detector at nine different distances. The system of equations was formed whereas net areas in full energy peaks as well as in entire spectrum were used as input data. The system was solved and correction factors for point source 88Y were determined. By comparing the obtained values, it was found that correction factors obtained by these two methods have discrepancy less than 3 %.Зборник радова : XXIX симпозијум ДЗЗСЦГ : Сребрно језеро, 27-29. септембар 2017. годин

    Variations in specific activities determination in soil samples for different geometries and HPGe detectors

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    Gamaspektrometrija je jedna od najčešće korišćenih metoda za kvalitativno i kvantitativno određivanje sadržaja radionuklida u zemljištu i drugim uzorcima iz životne sredine. Meren je 31 uzorak zemljišta sa teritorije opštine Aleksandrovac, pri čemu su za svaki uzorak korišćene dve različite geometrije (cilindrična kutijica i marineli posuda). Određene su specifične aktivnosti radioizotopa uranovog i torijumovog niza, kao i 235U, 40K i 137Cs. Uzorci zemlje u geometriji cilindrične kutijice mereni sa na dva HPGe detektora različitih efikasnosti i karakteristika, dok su uzorci u marineli posudi mereni samo na jednom HPGe detektoru. U radu su prikazani rezultati poređenja specifičnih aktivnosti istih radionuklida dobijenih merenjem uzoraka u različitim geometrijama na istom HPGe detektoru kao i uzoraka u geometriji cilindrične kutijice merenih na različitim detektorima. Analizirani su uzroci nastalih varijacija.Gamma ray spectrometry is an analytical method that allows the identification and quantification of gamma emitting radioisotopes in soil and other environmental samples. 31 samples of soil were collected from different location in the territory of Aleksandrovac municipality. All soil samples were dried, milled and sealed in two different geometries (500 ml Marinelli beaker and 125 ml cylindrical boxes) and stored for six weeks in order to reach radioactive equilibrium between 226Ra and its descendants. All samples stored in cylindrical boxes were measured by means of two coaxial semiconductor HPGe detectors with different characteristics, while samples stored in Marinelli beakers were measured only by means of one coaxial semiconductor HPGe detector. The activity concentrations of radionuclides 40K, 137Cs, 235U, 226Ra, 238U and 228Ac in all soil samples were determined. Variations in specific activities determination for different geometries measured using one of the detectors, as well as for cylindrical box geometry measured using both detectors, are presented in this paper. The causes of these variations are analyzed.Зборник радова : XXIX симпозијум ДЗЗСЦГ : Сребрно језеро, 27-29. септембар 2017. годин

    Radionuclide Content in Laundry Detergents Commercially Available on the Serbian Market and Assessment of Radiological Environmental Hazards

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    Laundry detergents are chemicals widely used in everyday life, and in numerous industry branches. In order to perceive the radiological aspect of environmental pollution by wastewater, the analysis of laundry detergents available on the Serbian market was undertaken. Laundry detergent samples were measured by means of gamma spectrometry and the results are presented in this paper. Analysis of the obtained activity concentrations showed that laundry detergents in Serbia mostly fulfill the international recommendation and requirements regarding the phosphate content. Besides that, the content of the detected radionuclides in laundry detergent samples indicates the minor radiological risk to the environment via wastewaters

    Coincidence summing corrections factors for volume 60Co sources measured by scintillation NaI(Tl) spectrometers

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    21st International Conference on Radionuclide Metrology and its Applications; May 15-19, Buenos Aires, Argentina, 2017

    Coincidence summing corrections for volume 60Co sources measured by scintillation NaI(Tl) spectrometers

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    21st International Conference on Radionuclide Metrology and its Applications; May 15-19, Buenos Aires, Argentina, 2017

    Determination of Pb-210 by direct gamma-ray spectrometry, beta counting via Bi-210 and alpha-particle spectrometry via Po-210 in coal, slag and ash samples from thermal power plant

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    In order to compare three different techniques and estimate radiological impact, activity concentration of Pb-210 in coal, slag and ash samples from thermal power plant Nikola Tesla, Serbia, were measured, and results are presented in this study. Determination of Pb-210 was carried out in three ways: using HPGe gamma spectrometer and via in-growth of Po-210 and Bi-210 by alpha-particle spectrometry and proportional counting, respectively. The results obtained for three different techniques were compared. Statistical analysis and comparison of methods were carried out by combination of Z score and chi (2) statistical tests. Tests results, as well as values of measured activities concentrations obtained by alpha and gamma spectrometry, showed that gamma spectrometry is a valid alternative to time-consuming alpha spectrometry for low level activity measurements of Pb-210. This remark is also valid even for gamma spectrometers with poor efficiency in low energy region

    Radon exhalation rate of some building materials common in Serbia

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    It is well-known that radon is the second important human carcinogen for lung cancer, after smoking. The major sources of indoor radon concentrations are soil and building material. Under certain conditions, a dose received from the inhalation of radon and its progenies can be higher than a dose received from the external exposure due to radium concentration in building materials. In this contribution, the results of the radon and thoron exhalation rate measurement from 9 commonly used building materials are reported. Exhalation rate measurements were performed with accumulation chamber method using active device for measurement of radon concentration. © 2019 RAD Association. All rights reserved.Conference of 6th International Conference on Radiation and Applications in Various Fields of Research, RAD 2018 ; Conference Date: 18 June 2018 Through 22 June 2018; Conference Code:14955