16 research outputs found

    Local2Global: a distributed approach for scaling representation learning on graphs

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    We propose a decentralised “local2global” approach to graph representation learning, that one can a-priori use to scale any embedding technique. Our local2global approach proceeds by first dividing the input graph into overlapping subgraphs (or “patches”) and training local representations for each patch independently. In a second step, we combine the local representations into a globally consistent representation by estimating the set of rigid motions that best align the local representations using information from the patch overlaps, via group synchronization. A key distinguishing feature of local2global relative to existing work is that patches are trained independently without the need for the often costly parameter synchronization during distributed training. This allows local2global to scale to large-scale industrial applications, where the input graph may not even fit into memory and may be stored in a distributed manner. We apply local2global on data sets of different sizes and show that our approach achieves a good trade-off between scale and accuracy on edge reconstruction and semi-supervised classification. We also consider the downstream task of anomaly detection and show how one can use local2global to highlight anomalies in cybersecurity networks

    Think locally, act locally: Detection of small, medium-sized, and large communities in large networks

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    It is common in the study of networks to investigate intermediate-sized (or “meso-scale”) features to try to gain an understanding of network structure and function. For example, numerous algorithms have been developed to try to identify “communities,” which are typically construed as sets of nodes with denser connections internally than with the remainder of a network. In this paper, we adopt a complementary perspective that “communities” are associated with bottlenecks of locally-biased dynamical processes that begin at seed sets of nodes, and we employ several different community-identification procedures (using diffusion-based and geodesic-based dynamics) to investigate community quality as a function of community size. Using several empirical and synthetic networks, we identify several distinct scenarios for “size-resolved community structure” that can arise in real (and realistic) networks: (i) the best small groups of nodes can be better than the best large groups (for a given formulation of the idea of a good community); (ii) the best small groups can have a quality that is comparable to the best medium-sized and large groups; and (iii) the best small groups of nodes can be worse than the best large groups. As we discuss in detail, which of these three cases holds for a given network can make an enormous difference when investigating and making claims about network community structure, and it is important to take this into account to obtain reliable downstream conclusions. Depending on which scenario holds, one may or may not be able to successfully identify “good” communities in a given network (and good communities might not even exist for a given community quality measure), the manner in which different small communities fit together to form meso-scale network structures can be very different, and processes such as viral propagation and information diffusion can exhibit very different dynamics. In addition, our results suggest that, for many large realistic networks, the output of locally-biased methods that focus on communities that are centered around a given seed node might have better conceptual grounding and greater practical utility than the output of global community-detection methods. They also illustrate subtler structural properties that are important to consider in the development of better benchmark networks to test methods for community detection

    Assessment of network module identification across complex diseases

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    Many bioinformatics methods have been proposed for reducing the complexity of large gene or protein networks into relevant subnetworks or modules. Yet, how such methods compare to each other in terms of their ability to identify disease-relevant modules in different types of network remains poorly understood. We launched the ‘Disease Module Identification DREAM Challenge’, an open competition to comprehensively assess module identification methods across diverse protein–protein interaction, signaling, gene co-expression, homology and cancer-gene networks. Predicted network modules were tested for association with complex traits and diseases using a unique collection of 180 genome-wide association studies. Our robust assessment of 75 module identification methods reveals top-performing algorithms, which recover complementary trait-associated modules. We find that most of these modules correspond to core disease-relevant pathways, which often comprise therapeutic targets. This community challenge establishes biologically interpretable benchmarks, tools and guidelines for molecular network analysis to study human disease biology