45 research outputs found

    Physical description of transport processes inside an Open Top Chamber in relation to field conditions

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    The impact of ozone, nitrogen oxides and other air pollutants on plants in natural vegetations cannot be described by simple exposure-yield response relationships. Outdoor experiments in which plants are exposed to ambient air pollutant levels yield conflicting results from year to year because the interacting environmental effects are complex and not constant. The best way to study the effects of air pollutants on plants is still one of the issues scientists are dealing with. The experimental design plays an important role in extrapolating the experimental results to real field conditions. To determine the impact of air pollutants on a crop requires growing conditions which are as natural as possible and the simultaneous control of ambient pollutant levels. The Open Top Chamber is one of the experimental set-ups to study the effect of air pollutants on plants. The original objective of the OTC design was to create an environment closely resembling field conditions while, at the same time, allowing control of air quality. The U.S. NCLAN programme was the first to use OTC's on a large scale. Nowadays the use of OTC's shifts from air pollutant exposure experiments to carbon dioxide fumigation experiments. OTC's have been used by KEMA to study the effects of air pollution on natural vegetation, in particular on the biomass production of agricultural crops in The Netherlands. The chamber consists of a cylindrical construction (diameter: 3 m; height: 3 m) with an open top through which filtered or non-filtered air is blown by a fan. Gaseous air pollutants can be added simultaneously to the incoming air. Experimental results have shown differences in plant growth and development between non-filtered OTC's and ambient plots. It is obvious that the use of OTC's introduces a degree of artificiality which makes it impossible to duplicate field conditions exactly. The major aims of the present study are: - to give a physical description of the transport processes (mass, momentum and energy) inside a KEMA-type OTC in relation to field conditions, - to determine the influence of the ventilation rate and the atmospheric boundary layer on the turbulent transport processes inside an OTC. The study is composed of a theoretical as well as an experimental part. An OTC identical to the KEMA-type OTC was situated at the weather station of the Agricultural University's Meteorological Department. Broad beans were grown in the chamber. Wind velocity, temperature, humidity, radiation and concentrations of gaseous air pollutants were continuously measured at various positions inside and outside the OTC. Turbulence parameters were measured occasionally (wind velocity, temperature fluctuations). The experimental results have been used to derive the prior conditions needed for the two models used and served as a tool to verify the simulation results. The first model simulates the turbulent exchange processes inside and outside the OTC. The model has been used to determine the influence of the OTC environment, ventilation rate and plants on mean air flow and turbulence inside the chamber. The second model is a resistance model which has been developed primarily to calculate the mass and energy fluxes to or from various parts of the OTC system. The model yields information about the temperature, humidity and ozone concentration inside the chamber in relation to field conditions. A special module calculates the bulk exchange processes between soil-vegetation and atmosphere inside as well as outside an OTC. We conclude that typical OTC effects on the chamber microclimate such as - filter effects, - a 10-20% reduction of global and PAR radiation load, an increase of long-wave radiation intensity - a mean temperature increase of the order of 1 K, - a mean vapour pressure deficit increase of the order of 1 mbar, cannot be prevented without creating a kind of laboratory chamber. Furthermore, the typical non-natural flow pattern cannot be changed without removing the whole OTC- configuration. The exposure- response curves derived under OTC conditions cannot be used directly to estimate a quantitative effect under field conditions. An extrapolation of the exposure-response curves derived under OTC conditions to field conditions taking into account the differences in microclimate between OTC and field conditions can improve the quality of the experimental results.</p

    Van bodemdilemma’s naar integrale verduurzaming. Casus: Vruchtbaar Flevoland, van bodemdegradatie en diepploegen naar integrale duurzame productie in Flevoland

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    De jonge bodem van Flevoland staat bekend als een van de meest vruchtbare van Nederland. Daarom wordt Flevoland ook wel de groentetuin van Europa genoemd. Toch neemt de kwaliteit van de bodem structureel af. Steeds meer akkerbouwers gaan daarom over tot diepploegen, een drastische en slechts tijdelijke oplossing. Een belangrijke oorzaak van de achteruitgang is dat betrokkenen in de agrarische keten het belang van die bodem weliswaar erkennen, maar geen gezamenlijk verantwoordelijkheid nemen. Dit blijkt uit deze publicatie die op 15 april 2015 aan Gedeputeerde Bert Gijsberts van Flevoland is overhandigd. De onafhankelijke wetenschappelijke Raad voor Integrale Duurzame Landbouw en Voeding (RIDLV) stelt zich als hoofddoel om vanuit wetenschap en maatschappij oplossingsrichtingen aan te dragen die tot de ontwikkeling naar een integrale aanpak voor een duurzame landbouw en voeding leiden

    Van bodemdilemma’s naar integrale verduurzaming : casus: Vruchtbaar Flevoland, van bodemdegradatie en diepploegen naar integrale duurzame productie in Flevoland

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    Met deze casus ‘Vruchtbaar Flevoland, van bodemdegradatie naar integrale verduurzaming’ wil de Raad laten zien hoe het belang van een duurzame bodem als basis van onze voedselketen uit het zicht is van de andere schakels in de keten en wat de perspectieven kunnen zijn om in de productieketen medeverantwoordelijkheid te scheppen om tot integraal duurzaam bodemgebruik te komen

    Naar een integrale benadering van duurzame landbouw en gezonde voeding : visie van de Wetenschappelijke Raad voor Integrale Duurzame Landbouw en Voeding

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    Duurzame landbouw en gezonde voeding staan hoog op de maatschappelijke agenda. Aan beide uitdagingen wordt gewerkt en daarbij zijn diverse successen geboekt. Maar er zijn nog grote veranderingen nodig en sommige problemen zijn juist toegenomen. Hoewel landbouw en voeding nauw samenhangen worden beide vraagstukken nog vaak gescheiden aangepakt. De problemen met landbouw en voeding hebben diverse oorzaken. Volgens de Raad voor Integrale Duurzame Landbouw en Voeding is er één belangrijke maar onderbelichte oorzaak: dat voedselproductie goeddeels is losgemaakt uit zijn ecologische en sociale context. Daardoor zijn vitale relaties en interacties verloren gegaan

    Towards an integral approach to sustainable agriculture and healthy nutrition : vision of the Scientific Council for Integral Sustainable Agriculture and Nutrition

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    Sustainable agriculture and healthy nutrition are high on the social agenda. Work is now being done to face both challenges, often with measurable success. However, huge changes are still needed and some problems have even been exacerbated. Although agriculture and nutrition are closely linked, both issues are often dealt with in isolation. The problems facing agriculture and nutrition have a range of different causes. According to the Council for Integral Sustainable Agriculture and Nutrition there is one important but underexposed cause: to a large extent, food production has been removed from its ecological and social context. As a consequence, vital relationships and interactions have been lost

    Testen Kema sonische anemometer.

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