16 research outputs found

    MPI exhibited by single bnAbs and bnAb combinations.

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    <p>The observed MPI for single bnAbs (A) and predicted MPI values for 2, 3 and 4 bnAb combinations (B-D) are shown. Vertical lines indicate each of the 200 panel viruses and are ordered by MPI values for CAP256-VRC26.25 in all panels. For each virus, the MPI for a bnAb or a bnAb combination is represented by a symbol as shown to the right. The percentage of viruses with MPI <95% for each bnAb and bnAb combination is also indicated.</p

    BH predicted IC<sub>80</sub> potency-breadth curves scores for all candidate 2, 3 and 4 bnAb combinations against the clade C virus panel.

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    <p>Potency-breadth curves for all candidate 2 (A), 3 (B) and 4 (C) bnAb combinations are shown for a total of 1,622 bnAb combinations (81 double-, 431 triple-, 1,110 quadruple-bnAb combinations), using BH model predicted IC<sub>80</sub> scores. Each combinationā€™s potency-breadth curve is color coded according to the number of bnAbs of different specificities in the combination, e.g. all 4-bnAb combinations that had two V2g bnAbs, and 1 each of other specificities, were assigned to the same category and were color coded blue in (C). The best-in-category bnAb combinations are highlighted in darker colors in A-C, and the others are shown by matched lighter colors. In (B) and (C), ā€œ0/1ā€ indicates combinations in which the indicated epitope may or may not have been covered by a representative bnAb. Combinations with a given total number of bnAbs that have 2 bnAbs targeting a single epitope and up to one bnAb targeting other epitopes were grouped together into categories. Such categories are represented as e.g. ā€œ2 CD4bs + 0/1 V2g + 0/1V3g + 0/1 MPERā€ in the figure, which in the case of 4 bnAb combinations, are composed of combination types ā€œ2 CD4bs + V2g + V3gā€, ā€œ2CD4bs + V2g + MPERā€ and ā€œ2CD4bs + V3g + MPER.</p

    Comparison of best-in-category bnAb combinations for potency and breadth of neutralization.

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    <p>Comparisons of best combinations from each category within the 2- (A-C), 3- (D-F) and 4- (G-I) bnAb combinations are presented. Shown below each combination are its geometric mean and median IC<sub>80</sub> titer and the percent viral coverage at IC<sub>80</sub> < 10 Ī¼g/ml (A, D, G). Combinations are ordered using geometric mean IC<sub>80</sub> titers, and a combination is indicated as better than (ā€˜>ā€˜) the proceeding combination when the difference in geometric mean IC<sub>80</sub> exceeded 0.001 Ī¼g/ml, otherwise it is indicated as similar (ā€˜~ā€™). The distributions of IC<sub>80</sub> scores for the best combinations were compared using a Wilcoxon Rank Sum Test, and only those p-values with q-value < 0.1 are shown. Potency-breadth curves (B, E, H) and distributions of IC<sub>80</sub> values (C, F, I) for the top 2 combinations are shown. Grey lines in C, F, I connect the predicted IC<sub>80</sub> values for the same virus.</p

    Extent of neutralization by multiple active bnAbs from best-in-category combinations.

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    <p>Modified IC<sub>80</sub> potency-breadth curves are shown for best-in-category 2, 3, and 4 bnAb combinations. These modified curves measure the fraction of all 200 viruses that are neutralized at predicted combination IC<sub>80</sub> values, but limited by counting only those viruses that were simultaneously neutralized by at least 1, 2 or 3 bnAbs in the combination. Potency-breadth curves are shown for the best 2 bnAb combinations in which at least 1 or 2 bnAbs were required to be simultaneously active at IC<sub>80</sub> thresholds of <1 Ī¼g/ml, 5 Ī¼g/ml or 10 Ī¼g/ml (A). Similar potency-breadth curves are shown for the best 3 bnAb (B) or 4 bnAb (C) combinations in which at least 2 or 3 bnAbs were required to be simultaneously active at these IC<sub>80</sub> thresholds. The modified potency-breadth curves in this figure do not reach the indicated IC<sub>80</sub> thresholds when 2 or more bnAbs are required to be active because the curves are driven by the IC<sub>80</sub> value of the more potent active bnAb in the combination, which is often much lower than the activity threshold IC80.</p

    Comparison of Additive and Bliss-Hill models for predicting bnAb combination neutralization scores.

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    <p>Additive and Bliss-Hill models were used to analyze bnAb combination IC<sub>80</sub> scores for the Clade C Panel. In (A), BH model predictions are plotted against observed IC<sub>80</sub> values for 20 viruses, with different bnAb combinations (n = 10) shown by different colors and/or symbols. (B) For each bnAb combination tested, the absolute difference between the predicted and the observed Log<sub>10</sub> IC<sub>80</sub> values for each virus was calculated using both BH and additive models (Fig D in <a href="http://www.plospathogens.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.ppat.1005520#ppat.1005520.s001" target="_blank">S1 Text</a>). Median Log<sub>10</sub> differences using BH model are shown as blue bars and using additive model are shown as green bars, with vertical grey bars representing half the interquartile range. Wilcoxon paired rank test was used to determine whether the Bliss Hill model provides a statistically significantly smaller prediction error for this panel of viruses. Fig D in <a href="http://www.plospathogens.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.ppat.1005520#ppat.1005520.s001" target="_blank">S1 Text</a> illustrates each of the paired model predictions for the Envs and antibody combinations tested. The additive model often slightly underestimates the observed combination potency, while BH model estimates are closer to the observed. Combinations of bnAbs for which the p-value was smaller than the threshold established by a false discovery rate of q<0.1 are indicated. See Figs C and E in <a href="http://www.plospathogens.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.ppat.1005520#ppat.1005520.s001" target="_blank">S1 Text</a> for equivalent analysis using the Kong et al. dataset [<a href="http://www.plospathogens.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.ppat.1005520#ppat.1005520.ref060" target="_blank">60</a>].</p

    Neutralization activity of bnAbs against clade C virus panel.

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    <p>Potency-breadth curves are presented for both IC<sub>50</sub> (A) and IC<sub>80</sub> (B) titers. BnAbs are color coded and grouped by target epitopes. Bold lines indicate bnAbs that were best in class for V2-glycan (V2g), V3-glycan (V3g), CD4bs, and MPER epitopes. Dashed vertical lines indicated the lowest and highest concentration tested. Neutralization data are also presented as scatter plots of IC<sub>50</sub> (C) and IC<sub>80</sub> (D) titers in which each virus is represented by an individual dot. The highest concentration tested for each bnAb and the percentage of viruses neutralized are indicated. Solid bars represent median titers. Heat maps of IC<sub>50</sub> (E) and IC<sub>80</sub> (F) were generated using the Heatmap tool on the Los Alamos HIV Database. In the heatmaps, rows represent viruses, and columns represent bnAbs. The darker hues indicate more potent neutralization, and blue (for contrast) indicates the virus had IC<sub>50</sub> or IC<sub>80</sub> above threshold, unable to reach this level of neutralization at the highest concentration of bnAb tested. The order of viruses is same in panels E and F.</p

    IIP for bnAbs and bnAb combinations.

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    <p>IIP values (log<sub>10</sub> reduction) are shown for the best-in-class single bnAbs and their combinations at 1 Ī¼g/ml (A), 10 Ī¼g/ml (B) and 100 Ī¼g/ml (C). In each panel, numbers in the top row show median IIP values and in the bottom row show the percentage of viruses with IIP > 5. The dotted horizontal lines are at IIP = 5.</p

    Comparison of best 2, 3 and 4 bnAb combinations.

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    <p>(A) Potency-breadth curves for the best combinations are shown. IC<sub>80</sub> scores for combinations were compared using Wilcoxon rank sum test. (B) Fraction of viruses (total n = 200) predicted to have < 95% neutralization at 10 Ī¼g/ml for the best combinations. Fisherā€™s exact test was used to calculate the statistical significance. (C) IIP calculated at 10 Ī¼g/ml for the best combinations against each of the 200 panel viruses. Statistical significance of the difference in IIP values was found using Wilcoxon rank sum test. (D) Fraction of viruses neutralized by at least 2 bnAbs in the best combinations at single bnAb IC<sub>80</sub> thresholds of < 10 Ī¼g/ml. Fisherā€™s exact test was used to calculate statistical significance. (E, F, G) show heatmaps of IC<sub>80</sub> values for the best single bnAbs and the best bnAb combinations respectively. Rows represent viruses, and columns represent single and combination bnAbs. Same ordering of viruses is used in E-G. Darker hues of red indicate more potent neutralization and grey cells indicate IC<sub>80</sub> above threshold. In (G), blue shades indicate viruses that were neutralized by less than 2 bnAbs (left panel) or by less than 3 bnAbs (right panel) at single bnAb at IC<sub>80</sub> < 10 Ī¼g/ml.</p

    Comparison of neutralization susceptibility and viral characteristics of pre- and post-seroconversion clade C panel viruses.

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    <p>Pseudotyped clade C viruses were partitioned into three infection stage groups according to their sequential gain of HIV-1 specific antibody responses as a marker of time from infection; pre-seroconversion (Ab-) (n = 58) indicated in blue, indeterminate (Ab-/+) (n = 26) indicated in grey and post-seroconversion (Ab+) (n = 55) indicated in red. Each point represents the geometric mean of viruses tested for neutralization sensitivity using a panel of 30 South African sera. (A) Serum neutralization potency as measured by GMT, over the 30 sera/plasma included in this study; sera below the threshold of detection (dilutions of 1:20 was the limit tested) were given the value of 10. The two subgroups evident among the pre-seroconversion viruses did not cluster phylogenetically. One-sided Wilcoxon rank sum test employed with median values shown in red and interquartile ranges in black (B) Neutralization breadth per infection stage against 30 clade C serum samples measured as the percentage of viruses neutralized at ID<sub>50</sub> > 1:20. Three very sensitive viruses, two tier 1A (SO032_A2.8ā€“1, CH0505.w4.3) and one tier 1B, (6644.v2.c33), were excluded from the analysis. (C), (D) V1V2 loop amino acid length variation and glycan density per infection stage. Mann-Whitney two-sided tests used in panel B, C and D, with median values shown in red and interquartile ranges in black. Uncorrected p-values <0.05 are provided, however as four comparisons were made, only p-values <0.015 should be considered significant.</p