12 research outputs found

    How to detect fluctuating order in the high-temperature superconductors

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    We discuss fluctuating order in a quantum disordered phase proximate to a quantum critical point, with particular emphasis on fluctuating stripe order. Optimal strategies for extracting information concerning such local order from experiments are derived with emphasis on neutron scattering and scanning tunneling microscopy. These ideas are tested by application to two model systems - the exactly solvable one dimensional electron gas with an impurity, and a weakly-interacting 2D electron gas. We extensively review experiments on the cuprate high-temperature superconductors which can be analyzed using these strategies. We adduce evidence that stripe correlations are widespread in the cuprates. Finally, we compare and contrast the advantages of two limiting perspectives on the high-temperature superconductor: weak coupling, in which correlation effects are treated as a perturbation on an underlying metallic (although renormalized) Fermi liquid state, and strong coupling, in which the magnetism is associated with well defined localized spins, and stripes are viewed as a form of micro-phase separation. We present quantitative indicators that the latter view better accounts for the observed stripe phenomena in the cuprates.Comment: 43 pages, 11 figures, submitted to RMP; extensively revised and greatly improved text; one new figure, one new section, two new appendices and more reference

    Octopus, a computational framework for exploring light-driven phenomena and quantum dynamics in extended and finite systems

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    Over the last few years, extraordinary advances in experimental and theoretical tools have allowed us to monitor and control matter at short time and atomic scales with a high degree of precision. An appealing and challenging route toward engineering materials with tailored properties is to find ways to design or selectively manipulate materials, especially at the quantum level. To this end, having a state-of-the-art ab initio computer simulation tool that enables a reliable and accurate simulation of light-induced changes in the physical and chemical properties of complex systems is of utmost importance. The first principles real-space-based Octopus project was born with that idea in mind, i.e., to provide a unique framework that allows us to describe non-equilibrium phenomena in molecular complexes, low dimensional materials, and extended systems by accounting for electronic, ionic, and photon quantum mechanical effects within a generalized time-dependent density functional theory. This article aims to present the new features that have been implemented over the last few years, including technical developments related to performance and massive parallelism. We also describe the major theoretical developments to address ultrafast light-driven processes, such as the new theoretical framework of quantum electrodynamics density-functional formalism for the description of novel light-matter hybrid states. Those advances, and others being released soon as part of the Octopus package, will allow the scientific community to simulate and characterize spatial and time-resolved spectroscopies, ultrafast phenomena in molecules and materials, and new emergent states of matter (quantum electrodynamical-materials)

    Fully coupled Maxwell-Kohn-Sham systems: Electromagnetic field propagation in Schrödinger-like form and ab initio self-consistent light-matter simulations

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    Light-matter interactions have always been an essential aspect of research. They cover the main properties of light and matter in atomic and molecular systems, in condensed phase, in chemical reactions, and in optics. This thesis presents a feasible implementation to simulate three-dimensional, real-time, real-space self-consistently coupled light-matter systems based on the theoretical background of a generalized Pauli-Fierz field theory. Due to the one-to-one correspondence between external fields and internal variables, we use a Kohn-Sham construction to approach the many-body problem in a non-relativistic low energy regime. The formalism leads in mean-field and effective nuclei approximation to coupled Ehrenfest-Maxwell-Pauli-Kohn-Sham equations. In the first part of the thesis, we use a complex bilinear representation of the classical microscopic and macroscopic Maxwell's equations based on the Riemann-Silberstein vector. Maxwell's equations in Riemann-Silberstein representation have the form of an inhomogeneous Schrödinger equation, which allows to introduce time-evolution operators similar to quantum mechanics and to use existing time-evolution algorithms. In this manner, the Riemann-Silberstein propagation scheme can solve the microscopic Maxwell's equation in vacuum and the macroscopic ones in linear media. Such a Riemann-Silberstein implementation for propagating electromagnetic fields requires proper boundary conditions. Therefore, we introduce incident plane wave boundaries to simulate incoming plane waves, as well as perfectly matched layer boundaries for efficient absorption. We demonstrate our novel Riemann-Silberstein Maxwell propagation implementation for different typical electromagnetic applications, for instance, external current densities, plane wave propagation and field scattering in a linear medium. Our approach provides an alternative method of simulating electromagnetic fields compared to the standard finite-difference time-domain approach. In the second part of the thesis, we couple the Kohn-Sham current density from our generalized Pauli-Fierz Hamiltonian self-consistently to the Riemann-Silberstein propagator, and in turn the electromagnetic field to the Kohn-Sham Hamiltonian. Including the back reaction of the matter on the electromagnetic field goes beyond what is typically considered in literature. Starting with full minimal coupling, we derive for the Kohn-Sham Hamiltonian a multipole expansion based on the Power-Zienau-Woolley transformation. We introduce a predictor-corrector scheme that provides a practical method to simulate self-consistent light-matter systems. Propagating both, the matter wavefunctions as well as the electromagnetic fields alongside, allows to improve the effciency by exploiting the different length- and time-scales of light and matter. As consequence of taking the back-reaction of the electromagnetic field into account, we are able to define electromagnetic detectors next to the absorbing boundaries, which allows to analyze directly spectroscopic signals in the outgoing radiation in the far-field of the simulation box. We present a first application of our novel approach by inducing plasmons in a nanoplasmonic system by an external laser and investigate the corresponding nano-optical effects, in particular the electromagnetic field enhancements in the vicinity of the nanoparticles. It reveals that the self-consistent fully coupled forward-backward simulations lead to significant changes in observables compared to a conventional forward-only coupling. The differences are larger than the ones found between using local density and gradient corrected approximations for the exchange-correlation functionals. Additionally, the directly measured outgoing electromagnetic fields show also harmonic generation only beyond dipole approximation. Overall, the presented implementation is a comprehensive tool to handle fully coupled light-matter systems, especially for nano-optics, nano-plasmonics, (photo) electrocatalysis, light propagation with orbital angular momentum or light-tailored chemical reactions in optical cavities.Die Wechselwirkung zwischen elektromagnetischen Feldern und Materie bildet die Basis für den Zusammenhalt von Atomen, Molekülen und Festkörpern. Während eine fundamentale Beschreibung der elementaren gekoppelten Größen, geladene Teilchen und Photonen, durch die Mitte des 20. Jahrhunderts entwickelten Quantenelektrodynamik die Wechselwirkung sehr exakt beschreibt, so wird der Einfluss und die Berechnung mit steigender Teilchenzahl immer schwieriger. Aus diesem Grund werden oft vereinfachte Modelle oder Näherungen angewendet, bei denen nicht die volle Wechselwirkung berücksichtigt wird. So wird meist die Rückkopplung der Materie auf das elektromagnetische Feld vernachlässigt. In dieser Arbeit wird auf Basis eines generalisierten Pauli-Fierz Hamiltonians die vollständige Licht-Materie Kopplung betrachtet und mit Hilfe der quantenelektrodynamischen Dichtefunktionaltheorie eine Methode und Implementierung vorgestellt, die realistische, dreidimensionale Licht-Materie Vielteilchensysteme simulieren kann. Zu Beginn der Arbeit stellen wir eine alternative Beschreibung der inhomogenen Maxwell'schen Gleichungen mit Hilfe des komplexen bilinearen Riemann-Silberstein Vektors vor. In dieser Darstellung wird das mikroskopische elektromagnetische Feld durch zwei linear unabhängige Riemann-Silberstein Vektoren beschrieben, die einmal selbst und deren Riemann-Silberstein Maxwell Gleichungen durch komplexe Konjugation ineinander übergehen. Es kann gezeigt werden, dass mit diesen zwei verschiedenen Vektordarstellungen die Spin-Natur, hier in Form der Helizität, des Photonfeldes dargestellt wird. Im Falle der mikroskopischen Gleichungen, koppeln die beiden unterschiedlichen Helizitätsvektoren nicht, erst bei der Bestimmung der makroskopischen Riemann-Silberstein Maxwell-Gleichungen im linearen Medium findet eine Kopplung statt. In der Riemann-Silberstein Darstellung haben die kombinierten Ampère'schen und Faraday'schen Gleichungen eine zur Schrödinger Gleichung äquivalente Form. Damit lässt sich die zeitliche Entwicklung des elektromagnetischen Feldes durch eine quantenmechanische Propagation darstellen. Basierend auf dieser Riemann-Silberstein Formulierung stellen wir eine Implementierung vor, die die Zetentwicklung elektromagnetischer Felder simuliert. Dazu gehören verschiedene Randbedingungen, wie einfallende Ebene Wellen und absorbierende Box-Ränder, die ausgehende Signale möglichst ohne Reflexionen simuliert. Anhand mehrerer typischer Beispielanwendungen demonstrieren wir, dass unsere Implementierung eine Alternative zu der gängigen Finite-Differenzen-Methode im Zeitbereich für elektromagnetische Felder bietet. Im weiteren Verlauf der Arbeit wird die klassische Stromdichte der Maxwell Gleichungen durch die quantenmechanischen Betrachtung der Materie bestimmt. Dazu nutzen wir, ausgehend von einem verallgemeinerten Pauli-Fierz Hamiltonian, einen Kohn-Sham Hamiltonian, dessen Stromdichte direkt an das elektromagnetische Feld gekoppelt ist. In umgekehrter Richtung beeinflusst das Elektromagnetische Feld durch die minimale Kopplung die Materie. Ausgehend vom Prinzip der minimalen Kopplung gehen wir mit Hilfe der Power-Zienau-Woolley Transformation in einen Hamiltonian über, dessen Wechselwirkung zwischen elektromagnetischen Feld und Materie durch Multipolterme des elektromagnetischen Feldes dargestellt wird. Damit die beiden Systeme, Materie und elektromagnetisches Feld, selbstkonsistent propagagiern, führen wir eine Prädiktor-Korrektor-Verfahren ein. Zusätzlich nutzen wir die unterschiedlichen Längen- und Zeitskalen der Systeme aus, um eine bessere Effizienz der Implementierung vor allem bei groß Systemen zu erhalten. Im letzten Teil der Arbeit zeigen wir den Einfluss der vollständigen Vorwärts-Rückwärts- Kopplung am Beispiel eines nanoplasmonischen Dimers. Wir vergleichen konventionelle rein vorwärts gekoppelten Licht-Materie Simulationen mit der hier neu entwickelten vollständigen selbstkonsistenten Licht-Materie Kopplung. Die zum Teil stark abweichenden Ergebnisse werden anschaulich dargestellt und verdeutlichen die Notwendigkeit der Betrachtung einer vollständigen Licht-Materie Kopplung. Diese Einschätzung wird auch durch unsere Berechnungen mit unterschiedlichen Dichtefunktionalen verdeutlicht, bei der die Unterschiede der Ergebnisse zwischen den Funktionalen der lokalen und gradientkorrigierten Dichtenäherung kleiner waren als die Unterschiede zwischen vorwärts- und vollständiger Kopplung. Insgesamt bietet die Implementierung damit eine praktikable Möglichkeit vollständig gekoppelte Systeme zu simulieren, z.B. für die Nanooptik, Nanoplasmonik oder Elektrokatalyse, um nur einige zu nennen

    Light-matter interactions within the Ehrenfest–Maxwell–Pauli–Kohn–Sham framework: fundamentals, implementation, and nano-optical applications

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    In recent years significant experimental advances in nano-scale fabrication techniques and in available light sources have opened the possibility to study a vast set of novel light-matter interaction scenarios, including strong coupling cases. In many situations nowadays, classical electromagnetic modeling is insufficient as quantum effects, both in matter and light, start to play an important role. Instead, a fully self-consistent and microscopic coupling of light and matter becomes necessary. We provide here a critical review of current approaches for electromagnetic modeling, highlighting their limitations. We show how to overcome these limitations by introducing the theoretical foundations and the implementation details of a density-functional approach for coupled photons, electrons, and effective nuclei in non-relativistic quantum electrodynamics. Starting point of the formalism is a generalization of the Pauli–Fierz field theory for which we establish a one-to-one correspondence between external fields and internal variables. Based on this correspondence, we introduce a Kohn-Sham construction which provides a computationally feasible approach for ab-initio light-matter interactions. In the mean-field limit, the formalism reduces to coupled Ehrenfest–Maxwell–Pauli–Kohn–Sham equations. We present an implementation of the approach in the real-space real-time code Octopus using the Riemann–Silberstein formulation of classical electrodynamics to rewrite Maxwell's equations in Schrödinger form. This allows us to use existing very efficient time-evolution algorithms developed for quantum-mechanical systems also for Maxwell's equations. We show how to couple the time-evolution of the electromagnetic fields self-consistently with the quantum time-evolution of the electrons and nuclei. This approach is ideally suited for applications in nano-optics, nano-plasmonics, (photo) electrocatalysis, light-matter coupling in 2D materials, cases where laser pulses carry orbital angular momentum, or light-tailored chemical reactions in optical cavities just to name but a few

    Pathologische Anatomie der Coronarinsuffizienz einschließlich des Herzinfarkts

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