12 research outputs found

    VGEA: an RNA viral assembly toolkit.

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    Next generation sequencing (NGS)-based studies have vastly increased our understanding of viral diversity. Viral sequence data obtained from NGS experiments are a rich source of information, these data can be used to study their epidemiology, evolution, transmission patterns, and can also inform drug and vaccine design. Viral genomes, however, represent a great challenge to bioinformatics due to their high mutation rate and forming quasispecies in the same infected host, bringing about the need to implement advanced bioinformatics tools to assemble consensus genomes well-representative of the viral population circulating in individual patients. Many tools have been developed to preprocess sequencing reads, carry-out de novo or reference-assisted assembly of viral genomes and assess the quality of the genomes obtained. Most of these tools however exist as standalone workflows and usually require huge computational resources. Here we present (Viral Genomes Easily Analyzed), a Snakemake workflow for analyzing RNA viral genomes. VGEA enables users to map sequencing reads to the human genome to remove human contaminants, split bam files into forward and reverse reads, carry out de novo assembly of forward and reverse reads to generate contigs, pre-process reads for quality and contamination, map reads to a reference tailored to the sample using corrected contigs supplemented by the user's choice of reference sequences and evaluate/compare genome assemblies. We designed a project with the aim of creating a flexible, easy-to-use and all-in-one pipeline from existing/stand-alone bioinformatics tools for viral genome analysis that can be deployed on a personal computer. VGEA was built on the Snakemake workflow management system and utilizes existing tools for each step: fastp (Chen et al., 2018) for read trimming and read-level quality control, BWA (Li & Durbin, 2009) for mapping sequencing reads to the human reference genome, SAMtools (Li et al., 2009) for extracting unmapped reads and also for splitting bam files into fastq files, IVA (Hunt et al., 2015) for de novo assembly to generate contigs, shiver (Wymant et al., 2018) to pre-process reads for quality and contamination, then map to a reference tailored to the sample using corrected contigs supplemented with the user's choice of existing reference sequences, SeqKit (Shen et al., 2016) for cleaning shiver assembly for QUAST, QUAST (Gurevich et al., 2013) to evaluate/assess the quality of genome assemblies and MultiQC (Ewels et al., 2016) for aggregation of the results from fastp, BWA and QUAST. Our pipeline was successfully tested and validated with SARS-CoV-2 (n = 20), HIV-1 (n = 20) and Lassa Virus (n = 20) datasets all of which have been made publicly available. VGEA is freely available on GitHub at: https://github.com/pauloluniyi/VGEA under the GNU General Public License

    Emergence and spread of two SARS-CoV-2 variants of interest in Nigeria.

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    Identifying the dissemination patterns and impacts of a virus of economic or health importance during a pandemic is crucial, as it informs the public on policies for containment in order to reduce the spread of the virus. In this study, we integrated genomic and travel data to investigate the emergence and spread of the SARS-CoV-2 B.1.1.318 and B.1.525 (Eta) variants of interest in Nigeria and the wider Africa region. By integrating travel data and phylogeographic reconstructions, we find that these two variants that arose during the second wave in Nigeria emerged from within Africa, with the B.1.525 from Nigeria, and then spread to other parts of the world. Data from this study show how regional connectivity of Nigeria drove the spread of these variants of interest to surrounding countries and those connected by air-traffic. Our findings demonstrate the power of genomic analysis when combined with mobility and epidemiological data to identify the drivers of transmission, as bidirectional transmission within and between African nations are grossly underestimated as seen in our import risk index estimates

    A year of genomic surveillance reveals how the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic unfolded in Africa.

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    The progression of the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) pandemic in Africa has so far been heterogeneous, and the full impact is not yet well understood. In this study, we describe the genomic epidemiology using a dataset of 8746 genomes from 33 African countries and two overseas territories. We show that the epidemics in most countries were initiated by importations predominantly from Europe, which diminished after the early introduction of international travel restrictions. As the pandemic progressed, ongoing transmission in many countries and increasing mobility led to the emergence and spread within the continent of many variants of concern and interest, such as B.1.351, B.1.525, A.23.1, and C.1.1. Although distorted by low sampling numbers and blind spots, the findings highlight that Africa must not be left behind in the global pandemic response, otherwise it could become a source for new variants

    The evolving SARS-CoV-2 epidemic in Africa: Insights from rapidly expanding genomic surveillance.

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    Investment in severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) sequencing in Africa over the past year has led to a major increase in the number of sequences that have been generated and used to track the pandemic on the continent, a number that now exceeds 100,000 genomes. Our results show an increase in the number of African countries that are able to sequence domestically and highlight that local sequencing enables faster turnaround times and more-regular routine surveillance. Despite limitations of low testing proportions, findings from this genomic surveillance study underscore the heterogeneous nature of the pandemic and illuminate the distinct dispersal dynamics of variants of concern-particularly Alpha, Beta, Delta, and Omicron-on the continent. Sustained investment for diagnostics and genomic surveillance in Africa is needed as the virus continues to evolve while the continent faces many emerging and reemerging infectious disease threats. These investments are crucial for pandemic preparedness and response and will serve the health of the continent well into the 21st century

    The evolving SARS-CoV-2 epidemic in Africa: Insights from rapidly expanding genomic surveillance

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    INTRODUCTION Investment in Africa over the past year with regard to severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) sequencing has led to a massive increase in the number of sequences, which, to date, exceeds 100,000 sequences generated to track the pandemic on the continent. These sequences have profoundly affected how public health officials in Africa have navigated the COVID-19 pandemic. RATIONALE We demonstrate how the first 100,000 SARS-CoV-2 sequences from Africa have helped monitor the epidemic on the continent, how genomic surveillance expanded over the course of the pandemic, and how we adapted our sequencing methods to deal with an evolving virus. Finally, we also examine how viral lineages have spread across the continent in a phylogeographic framework to gain insights into the underlying temporal and spatial transmission dynamics for several variants of concern (VOCs). RESULTS Our results indicate that the number of countries in Africa that can sequence the virus within their own borders is growing and that this is coupled with a shorter turnaround time from the time of sampling to sequence submission. Ongoing evolution necessitated the continual updating of primer sets, and, as a result, eight primer sets were designed in tandem with viral evolution and used to ensure effective sequencing of the virus. The pandemic unfolded through multiple waves of infection that were each driven by distinct genetic lineages, with B.1-like ancestral strains associated with the first pandemic wave of infections in 2020. Successive waves on the continent were fueled by different VOCs, with Alpha and Beta cocirculating in distinct spatial patterns during the second wave and Delta and Omicron affecting the whole continent during the third and fourth waves, respectively. Phylogeographic reconstruction points toward distinct differences in viral importation and exportation patterns associated with the Alpha, Beta, Delta, and Omicron variants and subvariants, when considering both Africa versus the rest of the world and viral dissemination within the continent. Our epidemiological and phylogenetic inferences therefore underscore the heterogeneous nature of the pandemic on the continent and highlight key insights and challenges, for instance, recognizing the limitations of low testing proportions. We also highlight the early warning capacity that genomic surveillance in Africa has had for the rest of the world with the detection of new lineages and variants, the most recent being the characterization of various Omicron subvariants. CONCLUSION Sustained investment for diagnostics and genomic surveillance in Africa is needed as the virus continues to evolve. This is important not only to help combat SARS-CoV-2 on the continent but also because it can be used as a platform to help address the many emerging and reemerging infectious disease threats in Africa. In particular, capacity building for local sequencing within countries or within the continent should be prioritized because this is generally associated with shorter turnaround times, providing the most benefit to local public health authorities tasked with pandemic response and mitigation and allowing for the fastest reaction to localized outbreaks. These investments are crucial for pandemic preparedness and response and will serve the health of the continent well into the 21st century

    Emergence and Genomic Characterization of Multidrug Resistant <i>Candida auris</i> in Nigeria, West Africa

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    Candida auris is an emerging multidrug-resistant fungal pathogen that has become a worldwide public health threat due to the limitations of treatment options, difficulty in diagnosis, and its potential for clonal transmission. Four ICU patients from three different healthcare facilities in Southern Nigeria presented features suggestive of severe sepsis and the blood cultures yielded the growth of Candida spp., which was identified using VITEK 2 as C. auris. Further confirmation was performed using whole genome sequencing (WGS). From the genomic analysis, two had mutations that conferred resistance to the antifungal azole group and other non-synonymous mutations in hotspot genes, such as ERG2, ERG11, and FKS1. From the phylogenetic analysis, cases 2 and 4 had a confirmed mutation (ERG11:Y132F) that conferred drug resistance to azoles clustered with clade 1, whilst cases 1 and 3 clustered with clade 4. Three of the patients died, and the fourth was most likely a case of colonization since he received no antifungals and was discharged home. These first cases of C. auris reported from Nigeria were most likely introduced from different sources. It is of public health importance as it highlights diagnostic gaps in our setting and the need for active disease surveillance in the region

    The Prevalence of Undiagnosed <i>Salmonella enterica</i> Serovar <i>Typhi</i> in Healthy School-Aged Children in Osun State, Nigeria

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    Typhoid fever remains a significant public health concern due to cases of mis-/overdiagnosis. Asymptomatic carriers play a role in the transmission and persistence of typhoid fever, especially among children, where limited data exist in Nigeria and other endemic countries. We aim to elucidate the burden of typhoid fever among healthy school-aged children using the best surveillance tool(s). In a semi-urban/urban state (Osun), 120 healthy school-aged children under 15 years were enrolled. Whole blood and fecal samples were obtained from consenting children. ELISA targeting the antigen lipopolysaccharide (LPS) and anti-LPS antibodies of Salmonella Typhi, culture, polymerase chain reaction (PCR), and next-generation sequencing (NGS) were used to analyze the samples. At least one of the immunological markers was detected in 65.8% of children, with 40.8%, 37.5%, and 39% of children testing positive for IgM, IgG, and antigen, respectively. Culture, PCR, and NGS assays did not detect the presence of Salmonella Typhi in the isolates. This study demonstrates a high seroprevalence of Salmonella Typhi in these healthy children but no carriage, indicating the inability to sustain transmission. We also demonstrate that using a single technique is insufficient for typhoid fever surveillance in healthy children living in endemic areas

    Molecular characterization of non-aureus staphylococci and Mammaliicoccus from Hipposideros bats in Southwest Nigeria

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    Abstract Bats are not only ecologically valuable mammals but also reservoirs of zoonotic pathogens. Their vast population, ability to fly, and inhabit diverse ecological niches could play some role in the spread of antibiotic resistance. This study investigated non-aureus staphylococci and Mammaliicoccus colonization in the Hipposideros bats at Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife, Nigeria. Pharyngeal samples (n = 23) of the insectivorous bats were analyzed, and the presumptive non-aureus staphylococcal and Mammaliicoccus isolates were confirmed by matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization-time of flight mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF MS). The isolates were characterized based on antibiotic susceptibility testing and whole-genome sequencing (WGS). Six bacterial genomes were assembled, and three species were identified, including Mammaliicoccus sciuri (n = 4), Staphylococcus gallinarum (n = 1), and Staphylococcus nepalensis (n = 1). All the isolates were resistant to clindamycin, while the M. sciuri and S. gallinarum isolates were also resistant to fusidic acid. WGS analysis revealed that the M. sciuri and S. gallinarum isolates were mecA-positive. In addition, the M. sciuri isolates possessed some virulence (icaA, icaB, icaC, and sspA) genes. Multi-locus sequence typing identified two new M. sciuri sequence types (STs) 233 and ST234. The identification of these new STs in a migratory mammal deserves close monitoring because previously known ST57, ST60, and ST65 sharing ack (8), ftsZ (13), glpK (14), gmk (6), and tpiA (10) alleles with ST233 and ST234 have been linked to mastitis in animals. Moreover, the broad host range of M. sciuri could facilitate the dispersal of antibiotic resistance genes. This study provides evidence of the importance of including migratory animals in monitoring the development and spread of antibiotic resistance

    Streamlined inactivation, amplification, and Cas13-based detection of SARS-CoV-2

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    The COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted that new diagnostic technologies are essential for controlling disease transmission. Here, we develop SHINE (Streamlined Highlighting of Infections to Navigate Epidemics), a sensitive and specific diagnostic tool that can detect SARS-CoV-2 RNA from unextracted samples. We identify the optimal conditions to allow RPA-based amplification and Cas13-based detection to occur in a single step, simplifying assay preparation and reducing run-time. We improve HUDSON to rapidly inactivate viruses in nasopharyngeal swabs and saliva in 10 min. SHINE’s results can be visualized with an in-tube fluorescent readout — reducing contamination risk as amplification reaction tubes remain sealed — and interpreted by a companion smartphone application. We validate SHINE on 50 nasopharyngeal patient samples, demonstrating 90% sensitivity and 100% specificity compared to RT-qPCR with a sample-to-answer time of 50 min. SHINE has the potential to be used outside of hospitals and clinical laboratories, greatly enhancing diagnostic capabilities