141 research outputs found

    The differential impact of socioeconomic status indicators on values and self-mastery (El impacto diferencial de los indicadores del nivel socioeconómico en los valores y el autodominio)

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    Socioeconomic status and social class are measured with a wide and complex range of indicators with little attention paid to the impact these choices may have on empirical findings. This research tests whether different socioeconomic indicators consistently predict motivational differences in the same sample. Two studies were conducted in the United Kingdom. The first study (N = 430) examined the relationship between income, employment, education and personal values. The study found inconsistent relationships between different socioeconomic indicators and value preferences. A similar pattern of inconsistent relationships between socioeconomic status indicators and measures of self-mastery, and personal values, was found in the second study (N = 959). The only universal finding across all socioeconomic indicators in both studies was the null relationship with self-transcendence value preferences. These results indicate that we need to be more cautious in framing socioeconomic status as a construct and more rigorous in assessing differences observed across social classes

    Social relationships, stigma, and wellbeing through experiences of homelessness in the United Kingdom

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    People occupying stigmatized social positions often withdraw from sources of social support, becoming stressed, depressed, and isolated. Homelessness is globally prevalent and stigmatized. Despite the overwhelming evidence that homelessness is associated with experiences of isolation and poor mental health, there is a sparse understanding of how stigma and social relationships interact with mental health in this context. This mixed-method study presents evidence that relationship breakdown is a common precedent to experiences of homelessness. It further shows that people withdraw from potential sources of support due to the stigma associated with homelessness. The findings demonstrate that universal forms of social contact and perceived social support do not consistently associate with mental health. Rather, distinct types of support, from different support sources, are associated with higher levels of mental health. Policy implications considering the relationship of stigma and social relationships within the context of homelessness are discussed

    Spatiotemporal variability in the O-18-salinity relationship of seawater across the tropical Pacific Ocean

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    The relationship between salinity and the stable oxygen isotope ratio of seawater (δ18Osw) is of utmost importance to the quantitative reconstruction of past changes in salinity from δ18O values of marine carbonates. This relationship is often considered to be uniform across water masses, but the constancy of the δ18Osw-salinity relationship across space and time remains uncertain, as δ18Osw responds to varying atmospheric vapor sources and pathways, while salinity does not. Here we present new δ18Osw-salinity data from sites spanning the tropical Pacific Ocean. New data from Palau, Papua New Guinea, Kiritimati, and Galápagos show slopes ranging from 0.09 ‰/psu in the Galápagos to 0.32‰/psu in Palau. The slope of the δ18Osw-salinity relationship is higher in the western tropical Pacific versus the eastern tropical Pacific in observations and in two isotope-enabled climate model simulations. A comparison of δ18Osw-salinity relationships derived from short-term spatial surveys and multiyear time series at Papua New Guinea and Galápagos suggests spatial relationships can be substituted for temporal relationships at these sites, at least within the time period of the investigation. However, the δ18Osw-salinity relationship varied temporally at Palau, likely in response to water mass changes associated with interannual El Niño–Southern Oscillation (ENSO) variability, suggesting nonstationarity in this local δ18Osw-salinity relationship. Applying local δ18Osw-salinity relationships in a coral δ18O forward model shows that using a constant, basinwide δ18Osw-salinity slope can both overestimate and underestimate the contribution of δ18Osw to carbonate δ18O variance at individual sites in the western tropical Pacific.We are grateful for the dedicated water samplers who enabled this research: Lori J. Bell and Gerda Ucharm of the Coral Reef Research Foundation, Palau; Rosa Maritza Motoche Gonzalez and the Fuerza Aerea Ecuatoriana, Santa Cruz, Galapagos, Ecuador; Taonateiti Kabiri and the students of Tennessee Primary School, London, Kiritimati; and the Manus Weather Observers, U.S. Department of Energy ARM Climate Research Facility, Manus, Papua New Guinea. We would like to thank the Galapagos National Park, the Kiritimati Ministry of Environment Lands and Agricultural Development for sample permits, and the Charles Darwin Research Station for logistical support. Funding sources for this work includes NSF-AGS-PF 1049664 to J.L.C., NSF P2C2-1203785 to K.M.C., J.L.C., and D.N. This research was also supported by the Office of Biological and Environment Research of the U.S. Department of Energy as part of the Atmospheric Radiation Measurement Climate Research Facility. Isotope data are available as supporting information associated with the manuscript. (1049664 - NSF-AGS-PF; P2C2-1203785 - NSF; Office of Biological and Environment Research of the U.S. Department of Energy as part of the Atmospheric Radiation Measurement Climate Research Facility

    “La oralidad en el desarrollo del lenguaje de los niños de 3 a 4 años”

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    The current research was carried with the purpose to diagnose orality into language development from children 3 to 4 years old, Initial Education, specifically, Pujilí Educational Unit, located in the Pujilí canton, Cotopaxi Province, zone 3 and its impact about language development. The problem is generated by the information lack, who has the teacher about orality to be executed, correctly, into infant language development, as well as the confidence lack by children part has impeded the socialization process at demonstrating shyness, for participation within class. To perform this research, it was made a bibliographical review within the educational field by using the same qualitative approach, what allowed getting real information, from the direct interaction between the researcher and the study object, as well as, it was used the experimental and ethnographic methods, the same, which allowed to study the variables, at observing a social research phenomenon with the data collection techniques help and instruments, whose it made possible to collect information from different contexts. The general objective this research was to identify the children's oral language development, through the interview and the observation sheet application, to develop orality into children 3 to 4 years, from "Pujilí" Educational Unit, the research type was exploratory, it allows knowing, what activities use with the children, such as dynamics, orofacial exercises, imitation activities, repeating animal sounds, songs and tongue twisters, it worked with the 25 students, 10 boys, 15 girls and 1 teacher, at allowing case study, concluding, what the playful pedagogical strategies should be applied with greater emphasis according to the student' needs, this case should be determined activities, which help the communication and social relationships development, allowing the child to express their emotions and ideas, towards others.La presente investigación se llevó a cabo con el propósito de diagnosticar la oralidad en el desarrollo del lenguaje de los niños de 3 a 4 años de Educación Inicial, específicamente de la Unidad Educativa Pujilí”, ubicada en el cantón Pujilí, Provincia de Cotopaxi, zona 3 y su incidencia en el desarrollo del lenguaje. El problema se genera por el desconocimiento de información que posee la docente acerca de la oralidad para ser ejecutado correctamente en el desarrollo del lenguaje de los infantes, como también la falta de confianza por parte de los niños ha impedido el proceso de socialización demostrando la timidez para la participación durante la clase. Para efectuar esta investigación se realizó una revisión bibliográfica dentro del campo educativo utilizando el enfoque cualitativo mismo que permitió obtener una información real a partir de la interacción directa entre el investigador y el objeto de estudio, como también se utilizó los métodos experimental y etnográficos, mismos que permitieron estudiar las variables al observar un fenómeno social de investigación con la ayuda de técnicas e instrumentos de recolección de datos, que posibilitaron la recolección de información desde diferentes contextos. El objetivo general de esta investigación fue identificar el desarrollo del lenguaje oral de los niños por medio de la aplicación de la entrevista y la ficha de observación, para desarrollar la oralidad en los niños de 3 a 4 años de la Unidad Educativa “Pujilí”, el tipo de investigación fue exploratoria, porque permitió conocer que actividades utilizaron con los niños como dinámicas, ejercicios bucofaciales, actividades de imitación, repetir sonidos de animales, canciones y trabalenguas, se trabajó con los 25 estudiantes 10 niños, 15 niñas y 1 docente permitiendo realizar el estudio de caso, llegando a concluir que las estrategias pedagógicas lúdicas deben ser aplicadas con mayor énfasis de acuerdo a la necesidad del estudiante en este caso se deben determinar actividades que ayuden al desarrollo de la comunicación y relación social, permitiendo que el niño exprese sus emociones e ideas hacia los demás

    Long Noncoding RNAs: Emerging Players in Medulloblastoma

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    Central Nervous System tumors are the leading cause of cancer-related death in children, and medulloblastoma has the highest incidence rate. The current therapies achieve a 5-year survival rate of 50–80%, but often inflict severe secondary effects demanding the urgent development of novel, effective, and less toxic therapeutic strategies. Historically identified on a histopathological basis, medulloblastoma was later classified into four major subgroups—namely WNT, SHH, Group 3, and Group 4—each characterized by distinct transcriptional profiles, copy-number aberrations, somatic mutations, and clinical outcomes. Additional complexity was recently provided by integrating gene- and non-gene-based data, which indicates that each subclass can be further subdivided into specific subtypes. These deeper classifications, while getting over the typical tumor heterogeneity, indicate that different forms of medulloblastoma hold different molecular drivers that can be successfully exploited for a greater diagnostic accuracy and for the development of novel, targeted treatments. Long noncoding RNAs are transcripts that lack coding potential and play relevant roles as regulators of gene expression in mammalian differentiation and developmental processes. Their cell type- and tissue-specificity, higher than mRNAs, make them more informative about cell- type identity than protein-coding genes. Remarkably, about 40% of long noncoding RNAs are expressed in the brain and their aberrant expression has been linked to neuro-oncological disorders. However, while their involvement in gliomas and neuroblastomas has been extensively studied, their role in medulloblastoma is still poorly explored. Here, we present an overview of current knowledge regarding the function played by long noncoding RNAs in medulloblastoma biology

    Odor Sensitivity After Intranasal Insulin Application Is Modulated by Gender

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    Obesity constitutes a global health care problem, and often eating habits are to blame. For intervention, a thorough understanding of energy intake and expenditure is needed. In recent years, the pivotal role of insulin in connection to energy intake was established. Olfactory sensitivity may be a target of cerebral insulin action to maintain body weight. With this experiment, we aimed to explore the influence of intranasal insulin on olfactory sensitivity for the odors n-butanol and peanut in a placebo-controlled, double-blind setting in a within-subject design. All subjects participated in two experimental sessions on separate days and received either intranasal insulin or placebo in a pseudorandomized order. Application was followed by two olfactory threshold tests for n-butanol and peanut in a pseudorandomized order. After a single dose of intranasal insulin (40 IU) or placebo (0.4 ml), olfactory sensitivity for the odorants n-butanol and peanut were examined in 30 healthy normosmic participants (14 females). Measured blood parameters revealed no decrease in plasma glucose, however, insulin, leptin and cortisol levels were affected following intranasal application. Females' but not males' olfactory sensitivity for n-butanol was lower after intranasal insulin administration vs. placebo. In contrast, olfactory sensitivity for peanut was not influenced by intranasal insulin application. Our results indicate that the effects of cortical insulin levels on processing of specific odors is likely modulated by gender, as central increase of insulin concentration led to a reduced olfactory sensitivity for n-butanol in women only, which might be due to differentially regulated insulin and leptin signaling in men and women

    Aplicación de un modelo de gestión administrativo y financiero para la Empresa Comercial “Autos de Lujo” de la ciudad de Riobamba provincia de Chimborazo, como herramienta de control y apoyo en la toma de decisiones en el año 2013

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    El presente trabajo investigativo nace con la expectativa de mejorar la gestión empresarial, por lo que es necesario la aplicación de un modelo de gestión administrativo y financiero en la empresa comercial “Autos de Lujo” de la ciudad de Riobamba, como herramienta de control y apoyo en la toma de decisiones. El estudio empezó con el planteamiento del problema, justificación y objetivos, luego se desarrolló el marco teórico que sirvió como premisa de la investigación para sustentar las variables y contribuir al diseño de la propuesta, se abordó la metodología de la investigación, tipos de estudio, métodos y herramientas, igualmente se elaboró la metodología para desarrollo de la propuesta que fue realizada en base a los autores como: Córdoba, Lerma, Bárcena, entre otros, los mismos que proporcionan una guía para establecer el tipo de herramienta organizacional y financiera para Autos de Lujo. La información para la investigación se recopiló en base a encuestas, entrevistas, levantamiento de inventario e información contable. El desarrollo de la propuesta se ha dividido en dos partes; la parte administrativa contiene una filosofía empresarial, estructura organizacional, acompaña de una delimitación de funciones, mapa estratégico y en la parte financiera se realizó la estructuración de los estados financieros e indicadores; estos modelos se encuentran apoyados con su respectivo software. Finalmente se concluyó que la aplicación del modelo de gestión permitirá que la empresa logre un crecimiento sólido, por lo que se recomendó mantener actualizada la información, a fin de lograr un sistema de control eficiente.The administrative and financial Management Model comes to life with the expectation of contributing to the efficient step in all the entrepreneurial processes; An organization can develop her commercial activities based in general, uncounted guidelines with techniques and the tools of financial management made suitable for their correct functioning, to of existing would provide the company correct and opportune decisions, based in truthful and reliable information, achieving bigger profitability levels that way and sustained growth. The study has split into five chapters. Initially, the proposal of the problem, background, delimitation and the objectives are sketched. From now on developed the theoretic frame that served like premises as the investigation to hold variables and contributing in the design and elaboration of the administrative and financial management model. At a later time tackle the methodology of investigation, hypothesis with his respective variables, opinion polls, tabulation and analysis of results. Next becomes elaborate a kind of organizational and financial tool for the Business Venture deluxe Cars, the one that the administrative part will look reinforced with an entrepreneurial philosophy, organizational structure, he accompanies of a delimitation of functions, strategic map; The financial part with the structuring of the respective balances and financial indicators; These models find themselves backed up with their respective software. At last, findings and punctual recommendations became established