11 research outputs found

    Mean (and 95% confidence intervals) for mRNA copy numbers estimated by mixed-effects modeling for IL-4, IL-6, and IL-8.

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    <p>Data represent back-transformed results of log<sub>10</sub>-transformed data. Values in columns with the same letter indicate absence of statistical significance between groups for a given age. Values in rows with differing superscripted numbers indicate significant (P<0.05) differences among ages within group.</p><p>Mean (and 95% confidence intervals) for mRNA copy numbers estimated by mixed-effects modeling for IL-4, IL-6, and IL-8.</p

    Boxplots of log<sub>10</sub> values of mRNA copy numbers by age and treatment group: blue boxes are data from the control (saline) group and red boxes are data from the CpG-treated foals.

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    <p>The triangles in the middle of boxes represent the median value; the bottom and top of the boxes represent the 25<sup>th</sup> and 75<sup>th</sup> percentiles, respectively. The vertical lines extending from the boxes to horizontal lines represent multiples of 1.75 of the respective interquartile distance. Numbers above boxes represent within-treatment group differences among ages: within treatment group, ages with different numbers differed significantly (P<0.05) between groups. Asterisks denote days on which values were significantly (P<0.05) different between the control and Cp-G-treated foals. Arrows along the horizontal axis indicate ages when treatment (saline or CpG) was administered.</p

    Mean (and 95% confidence intervals) for neutrophil parameters determined using flow cytometry (please see text for details) and estimated by mixed-effects modeling.

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    <p>Values in columns with the same letter indicate absence of statistical significance between groups for a given age. Values in rows with differing superscripted numbers indicate significant (P<0.05) differences among ages within group.</p><p>Mean (and 95% confidence intervals) for neutrophil parameters determined using flow cytometry (please see text for details) and estimated by mixed-effects modeling.</p

    Joint analysis of <i>TRPM2</i> SNP UKUL3936.

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    <p>*Median (range) reported for frequency of allele A, along with the proportion of A alleles among all alleles represented for each group. Joint analysis includes genotypes derived from SNP array and PCR genotyping.</p

    Boxplots of values of liberated 4-methylumbelliferone (4-MU) measured fluorometrically by age and treatment group: blue boxes are data from the control (saline) group and red boxes are data from the CpG-treated foal (see <b>Figure 1</b> for boxplot description).

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    <p>Numbers above boxes represent within-treatment group differences among ages: within treatment group, ages with different numbers differed significantly (P<0.05) between groups. Asterisks denote days on which values were significantly (P<0.05) different between the control and Cp-G-treated foals. Arrows along the horizontal axis indicate ages when treatment (saline or CpG was administered.</p

    Mean ratios of total and <i>R. equi</i>-specific IgA in naso-pharyngeal samples.

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    <p>Relative quantities on day 32 relative to day 2 (log<sub>10</sub>-transformed) of IgA from 34 foals in 4 treatment groups as described in Fig. 2. Bars with differing letters indicate significant (P<0.05) differences among groups. A) Mean ratio (95% confidence interval) concentration total IgA; B) Mean ratio OD <i>R. equi</i>-specific IgA; C) Proportion of foals with increase in total IgA from day 32 relative to day 2; D) Proportion of foals with increase in <i>R. equi</i>-specific IgA from day 32 relative to day 2.</p