2,220 research outputs found

    Summer Learning Loss among Elementary School Children with Reading Disabilities

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    This study investigated whether students with reading disabilities (RD) showed greater regression in reading skills than did non-RD students over the summer vacation. The RD group consisted of 30 students in grades 4 to 6 from a private school for students with learning disabilities and a comparison group of 30 average readers in grades 4 to 6 attending a public school. All students were tested in May/June and September on measures of reading achievement, phonological processing, and oral receptive vocabulary. Significant regression in the RD group’s scores was found on speed of sight word reading, speeded phonological decoding, and untimed sight word reading. These results suggested that students with RD tend to decline in areas that require automatic reading skills. Implications for students with RD in relation to periods of extended absence from formal literacy instruction are discussed

    The Status of a PA Endangered Bird- the Upland Sandpiper

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    The upland sandpiper (Bartramia Longuardia) has experienced a steep population decline in the northeastern U.S. since the mid-20th Century. In Pennsylvania it was found in less than 0.5% of atlas blocks during the Second Atlas of Breeding Birds in Pennsylvania project (2nd PBBA; 2004-09) and breeding was confirmed at only two locations. Due to continued declines and a small population size, the upland sandpiper was listed as PA endangered in 2012. During May 2012 the areas around 15 2nd PBBA upland sandpiper sightings were resurveyed by Gettysburg College students and volunteer birdwatchers. The aim was to establish whether the atlas records related to persisting populations. We used five-minute audio playback at up to 10 locations within 4km of the atlas sightings. A maximum of 19 pairs/calling male upland sandpipers were found across the state in 2012, most of them on or close to reclaimed surface mines. However, locating such a scarce species can be problematic, and it is still not known to what extent the species is under-reported. To help direct future surveys we analyzed data from the 2nd PBBA and the 2012 survey to produce a habitat suitability model for the upland sandpiper in Pennsylvania. We used a GIS framework to determine areas of suitable habitat and then stratified these by proximity to recent (2004-2012) upland sandpiper sightings. We recommend that our suitability model be used to establish a sampling protocol for more thorough statewide upland sandpiper survey every five years, in order that the species’ precarious status can be closely monitored

    Current End-of-Life Care Needs and Care Practices in Acute Care Hospitals

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    A descriptive-comparative study was undertaken to examine current end-of-life care needs and practices in hospital. A chart review for all 1,018 persons who died from August 1, 2008 through July 31, 2009 in two full-service Canadian hospitals was conducted. Most decedents were elderly (73.8%) and urbanite (79.5%), and cancer was the most common diagnosis (36.2%). Only 13.8% had CPR performed at some point during this hospitalization and 8.8% had CPR immediately preceding death, with 87.5% having a DNR order and 30.8% providing an advance directive. Most (97.3%) had one or more life-sustaining technologies in use at the time of death. These figures indicate, when compared to those in a similar mid-1990s Canadian study, that impending death is more often openly recognized and addressed. Technologies continue to be routinely but controversially used. The increased rate of end-stage CPR from 2.9% to 8.8% could reflect a 1994+ shift of expected deaths out of hospital

    An Examination of Palliative or End-of-Life Care Education in Introductory Nursing Programs across Canada

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    An investigation was done to assess for and describe the end-of-life education provided in Canadian nursing programs to prepare students for practice. All 35 university nursing schools/faculties were surveyed in 2004; 29 (82.9%) responded. At that time, all but one routinely provided this education, with that school developing a course (implemented the next year). As compared to past surveys, this survey revealed more class time, practicum hours, and topics covered, with this content and experiences deliberately planned and placed in curriculums. A check in 2010 revealed that all of these schools were providing death education similar to that described in 2004. These findings indicate that nurse educators recognize the need for all nurses to be prepared to care for dying persons and their families. Regardless, more needs to be done to ensure novice nurses feel capable of providing end-of-life care. Death education developments will be needed as deaths increase with population aging

    The Self-Esteem of African American Women: The Impact of Black Church Attendance

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    The purpose of this study was to examine the influence of church involvement on African American women’s self-esteem. Specifically, this study was concerned with church attendance and the variable education on the total self-esteem scores of African American women. An Ex-Post Facto Research Design was used to collect and analyze the data. Two instruments were used to collect data for the study: The Coopersmith Self-Esteem Inventory (CSEI) and a demographic questionnaire. The CSEI is adjudged to have excellent validity and reliability coefficients (Coopersmith, 1987). The data were tested through the application of the One-Way Analysis of Variance, the t-Test of Independence, and the Scheffe Post-hoc Test. Findings revealed that education and regular church attendance did produce a significant influence on the total self-esteem scores of African American women

    Assessing Population Structure and Genetic Diversity in US Suffolk Sheep to Define a Framework for Genomic Selection

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    Long-term sustainability of breeds depends on having sufficient genetic diversity for adaptability to change, whether driven by climatic conditions or by priorities in breeding programs. Genetic diversity in Suffolk sheep in the United States was evaluated in four ways: 1) using genetic relationships from pedigree data [(n = 64 310 animals recorded in the US National Sheep Improvement Program (NSIP)]; 2) using molecular data (n = 304 Suffolk genotyped with the OvineHD BeadChip); 3) comparing Australian (n = 109) and Irish (n = 55) Suffolk sheep to those in the United States using molecular data; and 4) assessing genetic relationships (connectedness) among active Suffolk flocks (n = 18) in NSIP. By characterizing genetic diversity, a goal was to define the structure of a reference population for use for genomic selection strategies in this breed. Pedigree-based mean inbreeding level for the most recent year of available data was 5.5%. Ten animals defined 22.8% of the current gene pool. The effective population size (Ne) ranged from 27.5 to 244.2 based on pedigree and was 79.5 based on molecular data. Expected (HE) and observed (HO) heterozygosity were 0.317 and 0.306, respectively. Model-based population structure included 7 subpopulations. From Principal Component Analysis, countries separated into distinct populations. Within the US population, flocks formed genetically disconnected clusters. A decline in genetic diversity over time was observed from both pedigree and genomic-based derived measures with evidence of population substructure as measured by FST. Using these measures of genetic diversity, a framework for establishing a genomic reference population in US Suffolk sheep engaged in NSIP was proposed

    Age-Based Differences in Care Setting Transitions over the Last Year of Life

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    Context. Little is known about the number and types of moves made in the last year of life to obtain healthcare and end-of-life support, with older adults more vulnerable to care setting transition issues. Research Objective. Compare care setting transitions across older (65+ years) and younger individuals. Design. Secondary analyses of provincial hospital and ambulatory database data. Every individual who lived in the province for one year prior to death from April 1, 2005 through March 31, 2007 was retained (N = 19, 397). Results. Transitions averaged 3.5, with 3.9 and 3.4 for younger and older persons, respectively. Older persons also had fewer ER and ambulatory visits, fewer procedures performed in the last year of life, but longer inpatient stays (42.7 days versus 36.2 for younger persons). Conclusion. Younger and older persons differ somewhat in the number and type of end-of-life care setting transitions, a matter for continuing research and healthcare policy