1,281 research outputs found

    Distribution of the Oscillation Period in the Underdamped One Dimensional Sinai Model

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    We consider the Newtonian dynamics of a massive particle in a one dimemsional random potential which is a Brownian motion in space. This is the zero temperature nondamped Sinai model. As there is no dissipation the particle oscillates between two turning points where its kinetic energy becomes zero. The period of oscillation is a random variable fluctuating from sample to sample of the random potential. We compute the probability distribution of this period exactly and show that it has a power law tail for large period, P(T)\sim T^{-5/3} and an essential singluarity P(T)\sim \exp(-1/T) as T\to 0. Our exact results are confirmed by numerical simulations and also via a simple scaling argument.Comment: 9 pages LateX, 2 .eps figure

    Small-World Networks: Links with long-tailed distributions

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    Small-world networks (SWN), obtained by randomly adding to a regular structure additional links (AL), are of current interest. In this article we explore (based on physical models) a new variant of SWN, in which the probability of realizing an AL depends on the chemical distance between the connected sites. We assume a power-law probability distribution and study random walkers on the network, focussing especially on their probability of being at the origin. We connect the results to L\'evy Flights, which follow from a mean field variant of our model.Comment: 11 pages, 4 figures, to appear in Phys.Rev.

    Correlation effects in a simple model of small-world network

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    We analyze the effect of correlations in a simple model of small world network by obtaining exact analytical expressions for the distribution of shortest paths in the network. We enter correlations into a simple model with a distinguished site, by taking the random connections to this site from an Ising distribution. Our method shows how the transfer matrix technique can be used in the new context of small world networks.Comment: 10 pages, 3 figure

    Parity lifetime of bound states in a proximitized semiconductor nanowire

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    Quasiparticle excitations can compromise the performance of superconducting devices, causing high frequency dissipation, decoherence in Josephson qubits, and braiding errors in proposed Majorana-based topological quantum computers. Quasiparticle dynamics have been studied in detail in metallic superconductors but remain relatively unexplored in semiconductor-superconductor structures, which are now being intensely pursued in the context of topological superconductivity. To this end, we introduce a new physical system comprised of a gate-confined semiconductor nanowire with an epitaxially grown superconductor layer, yielding an isolated, proximitized nanowire segment. We identify Andreev-like bound states in the semiconductor via bias spectroscopy, determine the characteristic temperatures and magnetic fields for quasiparticle excitations, and extract a parity lifetime (poisoning time) of the bound state in the semiconductor exceeding 10 ms.Comment: text and supplementary information combine

    Superconductivity enhanced conductance fluctuations in few layer graphene nanoribbons

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    We investigate the mesoscopic disorder induced rms conductance variance ήG\delta G in a few layer graphene nanoribbon (FGNR) contacted by two superconducting (S) Ti/Al contacts. By sweeping the back-gate voltage, we observe pronounced conductance fluctuations superimposed on a linear background of the two terminal conductance G. The linear gate-voltage induced response can be modeled by a set of inter-layer and intra-layer capacitances. ήG\delta G depends on temperature T and source-drain voltage VsdV_{sd}. ήG\delta G increases with decreasing T and ∣Vsd∣|V_{sd}|. When lowering ∣Vsd∣|V_{sd}|, a pronounced cross-over at a voltage corresponding to the superconducting energy gap Δ\Delta is observed. For |V_{sd}|\ltequiv \Delta the fluctuations are markedly enhanced. Expressed in the conductance variance GGSG_{GS} of one graphene-superconducutor (G-S) interface, values of 0.58 e^2/h are obtained at the base temperature of 230 mK. The conductance variance in the sub-gap region are larger by up to a factor of 1.4-1.8 compared to the normal state. The observed strong enhancement is due to phase coherent charge transfer caused by Andreev reflection at the nanoribbon-superconductor interface.Comment: 15 pages, 5 figure

    Transport signatures of quasiparticle poisoning in a Majorana island

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    We investigate effects of quasiparticle poisoning in a Majorana island with strong tunnel coupling to normal-metal leads. In addition to the main Coulomb blockade diamonds, "shadow" diamonds appear, shifted by 1e in gate voltage, consistent with transport through an excited (poisoned) state of the island. Comparison to a simple model yields an estimate of parity lifetime for the strongly coupled island (~ 1 {\mu}s) and sets a bound for a weakly coupled island (> 10 {\mu}s). Fluctuations in the gate-voltage spacing of Coulomb peaks at high field, reflecting Majorana hybridization, are enhanced by the reduced lever arm at strong coupling. In energy units, fluctuations are consistent with previous measurements.Comment: includes supplementary materia

    Phase transitions in a network with range dependent connection probability

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    We consider a one-dimensional network in which the nodes at Euclidean distance ll can have long range connections with a probabilty P(l)∌l−ήP(l) \sim l^{-\delta} in addition to nearest neighbour connections. This system has been shown to exhibit small world behaviour for ÎŽ<2\delta < 2 above which its behaviour is like a regular lattice. From the study of the clustering coefficients, we show that there is a transition to a random network at ÎŽ=1\delta = 1. The finite size scaling analysis of the clustering coefficients obtained from numerical simulations indicate that a continuous phase transition occurs at this point. Using these results, we find that the two transitions occurring in this network can be detected in any dimension by the behaviour of a single quantity, the average bond length. The phase transitions in all dimensions are non-trivial in nature.Comment: 4 pages, revtex4, submitted to Physical Review

    Childhood motor performance is increased by participation in organized sport: the CHAMPS Study-DK

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    Evidence suggests that motor performance in children is declining globally. We tested whether participation in organized sport is associated with motor performance, and estimate the effect of 30 months participation in organized sport on motor performance. Study participants were 1067 primary school students, enrolled in the Danish Childhood Health, Activity, and Motor Performance School study. Participation in organized sport was reported via text messaging. Coordination-related motor performance composite, fitness-related motor performance composite, and total motor performance composite were calculated. Data were analyzed using Generalized Estimating Equations. Participation in organized sport was positively associated with motor performance (all composites) in models that did and did not control for baseline motor performance. For models that did not control for baseline motor performance, this equated to 2–6% increases in motor performance per weekly sport session; for models that did control for baseline motor performance, this equated to 1–5% increases in motor performance per weekly sport session. Positive associations between participation in organized sport and motor performance identify participation in organized sport as a way to improve motor performance in children. These results might provide the basis to determine whether participation in organized sport could be beneficial for children with developmental movement disorders

    Organ-specific responses during brain death:increased aerobic metabolism in the liver and anaerobic metabolism with decreased perfusion in the kidneys

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    Hepatic and renal energy status prior to transplantation correlates with graft survival. However, effects of brain death (BD) on organ-specific energy status are largely unknown. We studied metabolism, perfusion, oxygen consumption, and mitochondrial function in the liver and kidneys following BD. BD was induced in mechanically-ventilated rats, inflating an epidurally-placed Fogarty-catheter, with sham-operated rats as controls. A 9.4T-preclinical MRI system measured hourly oxygen availability (BOLD-related R2*) and perfusion (T1-weighted). After 4 hrs, tissue was collected, mitochondria isolated and assessed with high-resolution respirometry. Quantitative proteomics, qPCR, and biochemistry was performed on stored tissue/plasma. Following BD, the liver increased glycolytic gene expression (Pfk-1) with decreased glycogen stores, while the kidneys increased anaerobic- (Ldha) and decreased gluconeogenic-related gene expression (Pck-1). Hepatic oxygen consumption increased, while renal perfusion decreased. ATP levels dropped in both organs while mitochondrial respiration and complex I/ATP synthase activity were unaffected. In conclusion, the liver responds to increased metabolic demands during BD, enhancing aerobic metabolism with functional mitochondria. The kidneys shift towards anaerobic energy production while renal perfusion decreases. Our findings highlight the need for an organ-specific approach to assess and optimise graft quality prior to transplantation, to optimise hepatic metabolic conditions and improve renal perfusion while supporting cellular detoxification

    Evaluating inputs for organic farming – a new system. Proposals of the ORGANIC INPUTS EVALUATION project

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    This volume contains proposals for criteria for evaluation of plant protection products, fertilisers and soil conditioners1 to be used in organic agriculture. These ideas were developed in the course of the European Union (EU) Concerted Action project ‘ORGANIC INPUTS EVALUATION’ (QLK5-CT-2002-02565). For more information on this project see the end of this volume or visit the project website www.organicinputs.org. The documents in this volume are proposals elaborated by the project consortium and external experts. They were discussed with a broader audience at a public conference held in Brussels on October 13, 2005, and have been amended accordingly. Our proposals also include a “criteria matrix”, which is in Microsoft Excel format, and therefore stands as a separate file. The criteria matrix is discussed in section 5, but we strongly recommend that you consult the original document. To illustrate the use of the matrix, we have further prepared two case studies, which are also separate Excel files. All of these files are contained on the CD, and can also be downloaded from the project website. Currently, Regulation 2092/91 is under revision. We hope that our ideas can be incorporated into the regulation during this revision! In addition, we strongly encourage national institutions to make use of our proposals at the national level
