64 research outputs found

    Supervised Machine Learning-Based Classification of Li-S Battery Electrolytes

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    Machine learning (ML) approaches have the potential to create a paradigm shift in science, especially for multi-variable problems at different levels. Modern battery R&D is an area intrinsically dependent on proper understanding of many different molecular level phenomena and processes alongside evaluation of application level performance: energy, power, efficiency, life-length, etc. One very promising battery technology is Li-S batteries, but the polysulfide solubility in the electrolyte must be managed. Today, many different electrolyte compositions and concepts are evaluated, but often in a more or less trial-and-error fashion. Herein, we show how supervised ML can be applied to accurately classify different Li-S battery electrolytes a priori based on predicting polysulfide solubility. The developed framework is a combined density functional theory (DFT) and statistical mechanics (COSMO-RS) based quantitative structure-property relationship (QSPR) model which easily can be extended to other battery technologies and electrolyte properties

    Current temperatures limit the potential impact of a commonly traded predatory gastropod

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    The pet trade has facilitated the spread of invasive alien species (IAS) globally, with negative consequences for biodiversity. The prediction of impacts is a major goal for invasion ecologists, and is especially crucial in an industry often lacking knowledge about traded species. We focused on the predatory gastropod Anentome helena, a species originating in south-east Asia and traded around the world, but with taxonomic uncertainty. We first set out to determine where our study organism fell within the A. “helena” species complex, known to comprise at least four cryptic species, before assessing the effect of temperature on the number of prey, the pulmonate snail Physella acuta, killed per predator via functional response experiments at two temperatures. We used 22 °C as a recommended temperature for housing the species in captivity, and 18 °C as a representative summer lake temperature in temperate climates of Europe. We also assessed the role of predator group size (1×, 2×, 3×) on predation (total consumption and average per capita consumption) at the experimental temperatures with fixed densities of prey, as well as the effect of these temperatures on prey activity. Our organisms belonged to a cryptic species originating from Thailand (Anentome sp. A), matching the findings of aquarium trade samples in other continents. In the functional response experiments, we found maximum feeding rate to be significantly reduced at the lower temperature. A similar result ensued from group feeding, with total consumption significantly reduced and the reduction in average per capita consumption approaching significance at the lower temperature. There was no significant effect of group size on the average per capita consumption in the group trial, indicating neutral conspecific interactions. No significant effect of temperature on the activity of the prey species was found, suggesting decreased consumption was mainly driven by predator, rather than prey. These results suggest limited A. helena impacts in the short-term, but increasing temperatures with climate change may facilitate greater consequences from releases. We suggest future studies assess other potential predatory impacts and survival across relevant abiotic conditions, and encourage the use of similar methods to assess the impacts of other commonly traded species

    Immunoreactivity of the fully humanized therapeutic antibody PankoMab-GEX™ is an independent prognostic marker for breast cancer patients

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    Background Mucin-1 (MUC1, CD227), more widely known as CA15-3, is an abundantly expressed epithelial cell surface antigen and has evolved to be the most predictive serum tumour marker in breast cancer. PankoMab-GEX™, which is currently being evaluated for its therapeutic efficacy in a phase IIb clinical trial, is a glyco-optimized anti-MUC1 antibody specifically recognizing a tumour-associated MUC1 epitope (TA-MUC1). The current study aimed to analyse the immunoreactivity of PankoMabGEX™ and its correlation with established clinico-pathological variables including 10-year and overall survival in a large cohort of breast cancer patients. Methods Breast cancer tissue sections (n = 227) underwent a standardized immunohistochemical staining protocol for TA-MUC1 by using PankoMab-GEX™ as a primary antibody. The staining was evaluated by two independent observers and quantified by applying the IR-score. Results TA-MUC1 as detected by PankoMab-GEX™ was identified in 74.9% of breast cancer tissue sections. Patients were subdivided according to the subcellular localisation of TA-MUC1 and cases classified as mem-PankoMab-GEX™ (solely membranous) positive, cyt-PankoMab-GEX™ (solely cytoplasmic) positive, double positive or as completely negative were compared regarding their survival. Herein mem-PankoMab-GEX™-positive patients performed best, while double-negative ones presented with a significantly shortened survival. Positivity for mem-PankoMab-GEX™ as well as a double-negative immunophenotype turned out to be independent prognosticators for survival. Conclusions This is the first study to report on PankoMab-GEX™ in a large panel of breast cancer patients. The PankoMab-GEX™ epitope TA-MUC1 could be identified in the majority of cases and was found to be an independent prognosticator depending on its subcellular localisation. Since TA-MUC1 is known to be highly immunogenic cancers staining positive for PankoMab-GEX™ might be more compromised by host anti-tumour immune defence. Further, the observations reported here might be fundamental for selecting patients to undergo PankoMab-GEX™-containing chemotherapy protocols

    Immunoreactivity of the fully humanized therapeutic antibody PankoMab-GEX™ is an independent prognostic marker for breast cancer patients

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    Background Mucin-1 (MUC1, CD227), more widely known as CA15-3, is an abundantly expressed epithelial cell surface antigen and has evolved to be the most predictive serum tumour marker in breast cancer. PankoMab-GEX™, which is currently being evaluated for its therapeutic efficacy in a phase IIb clinical trial, is a glyco-optimized anti-MUC1 antibody specifically recognizing a tumour-associated MUC1 epitope (TA-MUC1). The current study aimed to analyse the immunoreactivity of PankoMabGEX™ and its correlation with established clinico-pathological variables including 10-year and overall survival in a large cohort of breast cancer patients. Methods Breast cancer tissue sections (n = 227) underwent a standardized immunohistochemical staining protocol for TA-MUC1 by using PankoMab-GEX™ as a primary antibody. The staining was evaluated by two independent observers and quantified by applying the IR-score. Results TA-MUC1 as detected by PankoMab-GEX™ was identified in 74.9% of breast cancer tissue sections. Patients were subdivided according to the subcellular localisation of TA-MUC1 and cases classified as mem-PankoMab-GEX™ (solely membranous) positive, cyt-PankoMab-GEX™ (solely cytoplasmic) positive, double positive or as completely negative were compared regarding their survival. Herein mem-PankoMab-GEX™-positive patients performed best, while double-negative ones presented with a significantly shortened survival. Positivity for mem-PankoMab-GEX™ as well as a double-negative immunophenotype turned out to be independent prognosticators for survival. Conclusions This is the first study to report on PankoMab-GEX™ in a large panel of breast cancer patients. The PankoMab-GEX™ epitope TA-MUC1 could be identified in the majority of cases and was found to be an independent prognosticator depending on its subcellular localisation. Since TA-MUC1 is known to be highly immunogenic cancers staining positive for PankoMab-GEX™ might be more compromised by host anti-tumour immune defence. Further, the observations reported here might be fundamental for selecting patients to undergo PankoMab-GEX™-containing chemotherapy protocols

    More than we bargained for: Zebra mussels transported amongst European native freshwater snails

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    The international pet trade is a major driver of non-native species spread, including species both sold in the trade, and organisms incidentally transported alongside. Here, we document the discovery of invasive zebra mussels, Dreissena polymorpha, in Germany, transported alongside a commonly traded garden pond snail and European native, Viviparus viviparus, ordered from a German pet website. We highlight that the trade poses yet another way in which zebra mussels and other invasive species can expand their invaded range into novel ecosystems. We call for stricter biosecurity enforcement towards sellers, and encourage raising awareness amongst customers to inhibit the further spread of invasive species through the pet trade

    A global agenda for advancing freshwater biodiversity research

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    Global freshwater biodiversity is declining dramatically, and meeting the challenges of this crisis requires bold goals and the mobilisation of substantial resources. While the reasons are varied, investments in both research and conservation of freshwater biodiversity lag far behind those in the terrestrial and marine realms. Inspired by a global consultation, we identify 15 pressing priority needs, grouped into five research areas, in an effort to support informed stewardship of freshwater biodiversity. The proposed agenda aims to advance freshwater biodiversity research globally as a critical step in improving coordinated actions towards its sustainable management and conservation
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