4 research outputs found

    Development and maturation of fruits of two indupalma oxg hybrids (elaeis oleifera x elaeis guineensis)

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    OxG hybrids are materials with characteristics notable fortolerance to pests and diseases, high quality oil and acceptablebunch production, but the physiological processes of growthand maturation of the fruits are not well known. For the twohybrid materials (Coarí x La Mé and Sinú-Coarí x La Mé), thephysiological and biochemical changes during the growth andmaturation of the bunches were studied in San Alberto, Cesar(Colombia) with a climate of 2,497 mm/year precipitation and27°C. Female inflorescences in anthesis were selected and thechanges in size, color, and oil content of the external, internaland red parthenocarpic fruits of the bunches were recordedfrom 98 days after anthesis (DAA). A completely randomexperimental design was used with five replications and 13sample dates. In hybrid Coarí x La Mé, 70% of the oil in thefruits accumulated between 98 and 126 DAA and reached themaximum at 168 DAA, while in hybrid Sinú-Coarí x La Mé,more than 90% of the oil accumulated between 98 and 140DAA, also reaching the maximum at 168 DAA. The external,internal and red parthenocarpic fruits of the bunches reachedthe maximum percentages of oil/dry mesocarp at the sametime (day). It is possible to estimate the percentage of oil/moistmesocarp based on the moisture percentage of fresh fruits

    Development and maturation of fruits of two Indupalma OxG hybrids (Elaeis oleifera x Elaeis guineensis)

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    OxG hybrids are materials with characteristics notable for tolerance to pests and diseases, high quality oil and acceptable bunch production, but the physiological processes of growth and maturation of the fruits are not well known. For the two hybrid materials (Coarí x La Mé and Sinú-Coarí x La Mé), the physiological and biochemical changes during the growth and maturation of the bunches were studied in San Alberto, Cesar (Colombia) with a climate of 2,497 mm/year precipitation and 27°C. Female inflorescences in anthesis were selected and the changes in size, color, and oil content of the external, internal and red parthenocarpic fruits of the bunches were recorded from 98 days after anthesis (DAA). A completely random experimental design was used with five replications and 13 sample dates. In hybrid Coarí x La Mé, 70% of the oil in the fruits accumulated between 98 and 126 DAA and reached the maximum at 168 DAA, while in hybrid Sinú-Coarí x La Mé, more than 90% of the oil accumulated between 98 and 140 DAA, also reaching the maximum at 168 DAA. The external, internal and red parthenocarpic fruits of the bunches reached the maximum percentages of oil/dry mesocarp at the same time (day). It is possible to estimate the percentage of oil/moist mesocarp based on the moisture percentage of fresh fruit

    Successful Sirolimus Treatment for Recurrent Pericardial Effusion in a Large Cervico-Mediastinal Provisionally Unclassified Vascular Anomaly: Case Report

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    Provisionally unclassified vascular anomalies (PUVA) are a group of diseases with unique characteristics that make them unclassifiable within vascular tumors or malformations. We describe a PUVA as the cause of recurrent pericardial effusion and its response to sirolimus. A 6-year-old girl was referred with a cervico-thoracic vascular anomaly, a violaceous and irregular lesion in the neck and upper chest, diagnosed as "hemangioma". She had pericardial effusion at the neonatal age that required pericardiocentesis, propranolol and corticosteroids. She remained stable for 5 years, when she presented with a severe pericardial effusion. A magnetic resonance visualized a diffuse vascular image in the cervical and thoracic region with mediastinal extension. The pathological study showed a vascular proliferation in the dermis and hypodermis with positive staining for WT1 and negative for Glut-1. Genetic testing found a variant in GNA14, for which the diagnosis of PUVA was established. When a pericardial drain was placed without response, treatment with sirolimus was started with resolution of the effusion. Sixteen months later, the malformation is stable and there has been no recurrence of pericardial effusion. In a significant group of patients, definitive diagnosis is not possible despite pathological and genetic analysis. mTOR inhibitors may become a therapeutic option if symptoms are severe enough, with a low rate of reported side effects. New Insights and the Importance for the Pediatric Surgeon In patients with vascular anomalies in whom it is not possible to reach a diagnosis despite multiple tests, a safe and effective option is to try mTOR inhibitors if symptoms are severe enough, considering the low rate of reported side effects with their use