86 research outputs found

    Enhancing Use Cases with Screen Designs. A Comparison of Two Approaches

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    This paper presents a language called ScreenSpec that can be used to quickly specify screens during the requirements elicitation phase. Experiments and case studies presented in this paper show that it is easy to learn and effective to use. ScreenSpec was successfully applied in 9 real projects. Visual representation generated from ScreenSpec can be attached to requirements specification (e.g. as adornments to use cases)

    Stephanian-Early Permian basaltic trachyandesites from the Sławków and Nieporaz-Brodła Grabens near Kraków, Southern Poland

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    In the Kraków-Lubliniec section of the major Hamburg-Kraków-Dobrogea Fault Zone (HKDFZ), the Stephanian-Early Permian magmatic activity was simultaneous with subsidence/uplift of formed blocks. In the proximity of the uplifted areas the sedimentation started with fanglomerates, distally passing into playa siltstone and was accompanied by volcanism. In the Nieporaz-Brodła graben, basaltic trachyandesite a-a lava flows with autoclastic breccias reach ca. 150 m in thickness. The weathering recorded as adhesive rims around breccia clasts reflects palaeosoil formation during quiescence periods between the eruptions. The eruptions were effusive although scoriaceous lava indicates high volatile content of the magma. The water content before eruption had to be over 2 wt. percent. Only then the crystallisation model predicts accurately the type, composition and order of the crystallising phases. Thus, the basaltic trachyandesite magma originated from a source containing hydrous phase (i.e., amphibole or phlogopite). All the studied basaltic trachyandesites had fayalitic olivine on their liquidus reflecting the crystallisation stage in a magma chamber at crustal depths. During final decompression on the magma ascent due to water exsolution, the olivine was followed by plagioclase, spinel, augite, ilmenite, apatite, K-feldspar and residual high-K rhyolitic glass. The high potassium content of these volcanics was thus a primary feature reflecting the source geochemistry and differentiation trend, and its consequence was potassium metaso- matism. Due to water exsolution the glass was altered, however, homogenous interstitial glass survived in some rocks. The glass is strongly enriched in incompatible trace elements, showing that it is a highly fractionated residual melt fraction of the basaltic trachyandesite magma. Thus, the glass geochemistry reflects the trend of fractional crystallisation indicating that co-occurring K-rich felsic rocks were not derived from the same magma. All the basaltic trachyandesites studied have calc-alkaline to alkaline affinity. They contain fayalitic olivine and are low in MgO 0.5-0.80 and small Eu/Eu* > 0.9-1.0 anomalies suggesting fractionation of plagioclase. The Eu/Eu* anomaly is probably compensated by amphibole retaining in the source. Negative Nb, Ti anomalies suggest Fe-Ti oxide fractionation characteristic for calc-alkaline evolution trend. A significant enrichment in LREE relatively to HREE (La/Yb > 10) indicates subduction-related metasomatism. However, the described tectonic context is inconsistent with subduction related characteristics. Concluding, the observed geochemical characteristics indicate remarkable role of water in magma evolution. The volcanism was related to strike-slip dextral movement along the Kraków-Lubliniec section of HKDFZ, transformed into crustal extension and subsidence, the features typical for the formation of pull-apart basins, in the late stages of the Variscan orogen evolution

    Isotope age constraint for the Blue Dyke and Jardine Peak subvertical intrusions of King George Island, West Antarctica

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    The Blue Dyke and Jardine Peak are subvertical hypabyssal intrusions cutting a stratiform volcanic sequence in the Admiralty Bay area on King George Island (South Shetlands, Antarctica). The rocks are porphyritic, crystal−rich basaltic andesites. Tiny zir− con crystals were used for single grain SHRIMP U−Pb dating. The mean ages calculated for the zircon populations from both intrusions indicates Late Oligocene (Chattian) formations. Zircon grains from the Blue Dyke gave the mean age of 27.9±0.3 Ma, whereas those from the Jardine Peak are slightly younger displaying the mean age of 25.4 ± 0.4 Ma: a Late Oligocene (Chattian) crystallization age the inferred of both these intrusions. These are much younger than previous Eocene K−Ar and Ar−Ar ages for such rocks and suggest that formation of the King George Island intrusions can be related to tectonic processes that ac− companied the opening of the Drake Passage

    On the palaeomagnetic age of the Zalas laccolith (southern Poland)

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    An age estimation for the Zalas laccolith (Kraków area, South Poland) using the palaeomagnetic method is presented. 29 hand samples were taken from the rhyodacites and neighbouring Visean sediments cropping out in three localities. Two components of magnetization were isolated in the volcanic rocks and Visean sediments. The "A" component, common to the greenish rhyodacites and Visean sediments from Orlej, is carried by magnetite and is regarded as primary. Comparison of the mean inclination of this component with the expected (reference) stable European inclinations leads to the conclusion that the Zalas laccolith was emplaced about 280 Ma ago. The second component, "B", characteristic of the reddish rhyodacites, is carried by hematite and was recorded during the Late Permian (c. 260 Ma) metasomatic alterations of these rocks. The palaeomagnetic poles calculated for the "A" component show a distinct departure from the Permian segment of the Baltic apparent polar wander path (APWP) due to anticlockwise block rotations of the rocks studied that were most probably connected with the Early Permian sinistral transtensional tectonic regime in Central Europe

    Building Benchmarks for Use Cases

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    This paper presents how the use-cases benchmark has been built and how it can be applied by researchers. Set of 16 industrial projects (with 524 use cases in total) has been analysed in order to obtain quantitative and qualitative profile of a typical use-case-based requirements specification. Based on the analysis, two types of referential use-case-based requirements specifications have been created, one taking only quantitative data into account and second considering qualitative data. Researchers who analyse use cases can utilise these specifications in order to validate their methods and tools before applying them to real projects. Moreover, such referential specification can be used as a benchmark and allows comparing accuracy and efficiency of tools for use-case analysis

    Magnetic polarity scale for the Roetian and Muschelkalk deposits from Silesia and northern part of the Holy Cross Mts (Poland)

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    Syntetyczną skalę zmian polarności zestawiono opierając się na kierunkach paleomagnetycznych uzyskanych ze 108 próbek, które pobrano z odsłonięć na Śląsku Opolskim, w okolicach Chrzanowa oraz w północnej części Gór Świętokrzyskich. Skalę tę skorelowano z wcześniej opracowaną (Muttoni i in., 1998) skalą dla środkowego triasu z obszaru tetydzkiego. Z przeprowadzonej korelacji wynika, ze utwory retu w całości należy paralelizować z olenekiem. Sedymentacja utworów wapienia muszlowego na obszarze śląskim rozpoczęła się już w najwyższej części oleneku. Na północnym obrzeżeniu Gór Świętokrzyskich ostatnie ogniwa wapienia muszlowego należy wiązać z wczesnym fassanem. Począwszy od późnego fassanu na obszarze tym osadzały się utwory facji kajpru.A total of 132 samples of Roetian and Muschelkalk sediments from Silesia and northern part of the Holy Cross Mts were paleomagneticaly studied. Composite polarity scale has been constructed using a set of characteristic directions isolated in 108 samples. This scale has been compared with the Middle Triassic magnetostratigraphic scheme established in the Tethyan realm (Muttoni et al„ 1998). The comparison suggests that the whole Roetian should be included into the Olenekian. In the Silesia area, the Muschelkalk sedimentation started already in latest Olenekian time. The Muschelkalk sedimentation ceased in the northern margin of the Holy Cross Mts as early as in early Fassanian time and no more later as in late Fassanian time the other offshore parts of the Polish basin. The established magnetostratigraphic scheme along with the earlier constructed sequence stratigraphical framework (Szulc, 1999) enables a reliable chronostratigraphical correlation of the Middle Triassic throughout the entire Germanic basin

    Acceptance Testing of Web Applications with Test Description Language

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    Acceptance tests are usually created by a client after a part of a system is implemented. However, some methodologies propose the elaboration of test cases before implementing a system. This approach increases the probability of system implementation that fulfills requirements, but may be problematic for customers and testers. To allow acceptance testing in such conditions, we propose to define test cases by recording them on an interactive mockup (a low detailed user-interface prototype). The paper focuses on Test Description Language, a notation used to store test cases

    Isotope and paleomagnetic ages of the Zalas rhyodacites (S Poland)

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    The single-grain U-Pb dating of most zircon grains separated from the Zalas rhyodacites gave mean age of the magma emplacement 294.2 š 2.1 Ma. Some zircons, however, displayed younger ages (268.7š 3.4 Ma), probably related to metasomatic alterations of these rocks. The paleomagnetic ages of the Zalas intrusion and its metasomatosis are slightly younger. It is probably connected with a certain error of time calibration of the reference apparent polar wander path used for paleomagnetic dating