40 research outputs found

    Linear Mixed-Effects Models of the Whole-Brain Analysis of BOLD Responses in Relation to the Advice Choice and Risk Propensity (<i>N</i> = 13).

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    <p>**Significant at <i>p</i> < .005 and 65 voxels. <i>df</i> = 1, 604. <i>β</i> = the peak standardized coefficient within clustered activation. Talairach coordinate (abbreviated as TC) represents the location showing the peak <i>F</i>-statistic of clustered activation. Bi = bilateral, L = left hemisphere, R = right hemisphere, BA = Brodmann area.</p><p>Linear Mixed-Effects Models of the Whole-Brain Analysis of BOLD Responses in Relation to the Advice Choice and Risk Propensity (<i>N</i> = 13).</p

    Experimental design.

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    <p>(A) Timeline for a single Communication Game. A subject was assigned to either the Sender or Receiver. The Sender viewed three payment pairs and was instructed to choose true advice (the pair allocating the most money to the Receiver) or false advice (the pairs allocating less money to the Receiver) for the Receiver. In contrast, the Receiver could not view the payment pairs. Instead, the Receiver was instructed to choose one pair based on the Sender’s advice. The Receiver’s choice determined the final allocation of money to each player. Finally, both the Sender and Receiver could view information about whether their partner was trustworthy or trusting. (B) An example of three payment pairs which the Sender might view during a Communication Game trial. In this example, the Sender (S) delivered true advice if she/he chose option B; the Sender delivered false advice if she/he chose options A or C. Then, the Sender’s choice of advice was presented to the Receiver (R), and the Receiver did follow (“F”) or did not follow (“NF”) the advice. The Receiver’s choice determined how much S and R gained.</p

    The main effects of the choices of true advice (relative to false advice) on functional brain activation when subjects played the role of the Sender.

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    <p>R = right hemisphere; armPFC = anterior rostral medial prefrontal cortex; PCUN = precuneus; TPJ = temporoparietal junction; MFC = middle frontal cortex; fpPFC = frontopolar prefrontal cortex.</p

    Background Characteristics of the Sample (<i>N</i> = 13).

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    <p><sup>1</sup>Data are presented as frequency.</p><p>Background Characteristics of the Sample (<i>N</i> = 13).</p

    Repeated measures ANCOVA of the Amygdala BOLD Responses in Relation to the Advice Choice, Risk Propensity, and Hemisphere (<i>N</i> = 11).

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    <p><i>Note</i>: Values enclosed in parentheses represent mean square errors. RTI score was included as a covariate in the model.</p><p>**<i>p</i> < .01.</p><p>Repeated measures ANCOVA of the Amygdala BOLD Responses in Relation to the Advice Choice, Risk Propensity, and Hemisphere (<i>N</i> = 11).</p

    Hurst exponent distribution.

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    <p>6 Healthy controls (green box) and 6 PTSD cases (red box) of channel F3.</p

    Hurst exponents for the healthy and PTSD subjects for F3 channel, and the p-value calculated by Mann-Whitney U test for the difference of the Hurst exponents between two groups.

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    <p>Hurst exponents for the healthy and PTSD subjects for F3 channel, and the p-value calculated by Mann-Whitney U test for the difference of the Hurst exponents between two groups.</p