251 research outputs found

    Games en Burgerschap

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    Games en Burgerschap

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    Kennis- en innovatieagenda : creatieve industrie 2018-2021

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    De creatieve industrie versterkt het innovatievermogen van Nederland. Met haar innovatie- en verbeeldingskracht kan zij mensen verbinden, in beweging krijgen en vertrouwen geven in de wereld van morgen. De sector is een onmisbare schakel in het geven van antwoorden op grote maatschappelijke vraagstukken en het bieden van een zinvolle betekenis aan nieuwe technologische mogelijkheden. Om deze impact te realiseren, maakt de creatieve professional gebruik van een kennisbasis van Key Enabling Methodologies; strategieën, methoden en modellen die structuur geven aan het creatieve proces en deze valideren. In deze methodologieën stelt de professional de mens centraal en is hij in staat om nieuwe werelden en visies te verbeelden en technologieën en actoren uit verschillende hoeken bij elkaar te brengen. De samenleving is het speelveld van de creatieve professional. In deze tijd, waarin transities in de maatschappij gaande zijn, verandert de manier waarop de professional werkt en samenwerkt. De rol van de creatieve professional is meer fluïde dan voorheen. Tegelijkertijd wordt er meer verwacht van de onderbouwing van ontwikkelde interventies en neemt de complexiteit van vraagstukken en oplossingen toe. Om de creatieve professional hierin te ondersteunen, is samenwerking tussen creatieve industrie en kennisinstellingen cruciaal

    I’d like to have a house like that

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    This qualitative interview study explores the practices of adult female gamers who play the videogame The Sims, focusing on the motivations they have for playing and how playing a video game might influence their digital competence. We address the wider context of leisure and the household, investigating to what extent playing videogames has become domesticated in the daily life of the family. It is found that female gamers play The Sims because they enjoy the particular way it allows them to take control, fantasize, and be challenged. For some, it is clear that playing this video game has increased their digital skills. We notice that there is an interesting similarity between the pleasures of playing this videogame and more traditional ways of female media engagement such as reading women’s magazines or romance novels and watching soap operas. Our gamers similarly enjoy The Sims as leisurely moments for themselves, clearly and intentionally separated from domestic and family duties. We conclude that playing a videogame can be seen as a highly modern and liberating practice, as both playing in general and using ICT have tra

    Poverty is not a game: behavioral changes and long term effects after playing PING

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    This paper argues that serious games offer opportunities for civic engagement. This engagement is necessary for a good functioning democracy and as such context in which civic engagement flourishes must be nurtured. Games arguably offer such a context by facilitating a playful way of engaging with complex issues, such as poverty. Furthermore, games can provide a context that allows different angles for different players in terms of the same issue. This affects the changing academic notion of what it means to be a good citizen and, in particular, what this entails in terms of a more dynamic conceptualization of citizenship. While there is an increasing academic interest in serious games used as educational tools, a firm body of research within this tradition that considers long-term effects and behavioral changes in this respect is missing. The current study aims to contribute to this by investigating if there are long term behavioral changes in civic engagement and political participation after playing a serious game and how this is related to change in political interes
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