24 research outputs found

    Comparison of Biocoenosis with Thanatocoenosis from Adriatic, between the peninsula Istria and the river Po

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    The comparison of biocoenosis and thanatocoenosis at three observational stations, west of the peninsula Istria, in littoral of the Adriatic sea, has shown a suprisingly low similarity between them. The difference seems to be due to ecological changes during the deposition of thanatocoenosis (approximately in thelast hundert years). These ecological changes can not be studied in thanatocoenosis because of a very high degree of bioturbation that destroyed stratification and mixed all the skeletal particles. Lateral transport of skeletal particles seems to be of minor importance

    Badenian discoasters from the section in Lenart (Northeast Slovenia, Central Paratethys)

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    In Slovenske gorice, south of Lenart, a 20 m profile of Middle Miocene strata has been exposed. During previous research numerous discoasters have been found among other coccoliths. In Slovenia Miocene discoasters have only been found in Badenian sedimentsin Slovenske gorice and they are particularly useful for paleoecological reconstructions.Additional samples were taken from three selected sections in the middle part of the profile, targeting strata with the greatest abundance of discoasters. In two of the three examined sections 9 species of discoasters were identified, the most abundant being D.exilis and D. variabilis. Even though warm water species were found in samples from all three sections, discoasters only occured in two short intervals. This pattern is not a result of temperature changes and is in our opinion connected with the changes in nutrient levelsof seawater

    Oligocene sawfish from Breg near Čeplje, Slovenia

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    In paper a 168 mm long rostral tooth of a cartilaginous fish – sawfish from Breg near Čeplje is decsribed. In its proximal part the tooth is thick and broad, and in the distal part narrow, very flattened and thinned. It was found in greenish-grey Oligocene calcareous sandstone containing some mica. This is the first recorded find of a cartilaginous fish of genus Pristis in Slovenia. The calcitic nannoplankton in the beds at Breg permits their attribution to Middle Kiscellian of the Lower Oligocene

    The »Carniolan crab« from Middle Miocene – Badenian beds in the Lipovica quarry above Bri{e, Slovenia

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    Examined were remains of »Carniolan crab« of the decapod species Tasadia carniolica (Bittner, 1884) from Middle Miocene – Badenian beds in the Lipovica quarry above Briše.The species was first established in Slovenia in a locality between Tunjice and Kamnik.Individual modest remains were registered also in other Slovenian localities. Later the species was found also elsewhere in the Central Paratethys and in the region of the Borealbioprovince

    Triassic and Jurassic beds in Krim Mountain area (Slovenia)

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    The Krim Mountain and its surroundings are characterized by Upper Triassic to Middle Jurassic rocks, which were deposited on the northern margin of the Dinaric Carbonate Platform. Upper Triassic beds are represented by Main dolomite that exhibits supra- to subtidal Lofer facies. The uppermost Triassic is characterized by approximately 40 m thick horizon of dolomitic breccia. Upper Triassic beds pass gradually into Lower Liassic dolomitic breccia, coarse-grained dolomite and micritic limestone. Presence of dolomitic breccias and absence of supra-intertidal sedimentary structures indicate sea-level rise. Middle Liassic beds consist of oolitic-oncolitic and lithiotid limestones deposited in alternating restricted lagoonal and open shallow-water environment. Upper Liassic beds are characterized by oolitic-oncolitic limestones, bituminous dolomitized limestones and dolomitic breccia deposited in high-energy shallow-water environment. Middle Jurassic beds consist of oolitic, oolitic-oncolitic and micritic limestones, formed predominantly in high-energy subtidal environment

    Lower Eocene on Majevica north of Tuzla (NE Bosnia)

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    In Lower Eocene marlstones on Mt. Majevica in northeastern Bosnia species Nummulites atacicus and N. robustus were determined, the latter first found on the Balkan Peninsula.In the beds occur next to Paleogene many redeposited Cretaceous nannoplankton species, an indication of the exposure of Cretaceous beds in Lower Eocene in the investigated area