13 research outputs found
Medical thermography (digital infrared thermal imaging - DITI) in paediatric forearm fractures - a pilot study
Trauma is the most common cause of hospitalisation in children, and forearm fractures comprise 35% of all paediatric fractures. One-third of forearm fractures are distal forearm fractures, which are the most common fractures in the paediatric population. This type of fracture represents an everyday problem for the paediatric surgeon. The three phases of fracture healing in paediatric trauma are associated with skin temperature changes that can be measured and then compared with standard plain radiographs of visible callus formation, and eventually these methods can be used in everyday practice. Thermographic assessment of temperature distribution within the examined tissues enables a quick, non-contact, non-invasive measurement of their temperature. Medical thermography is used as a screening method in other parts of medicine, but the use of this method in traumatology has still not been researched
Personal Dosimetry Concept and Basic Physical Quantities in Occupational Dosimetry
Daje se koncept osobne dozimetrije kao dio područja zaštite od zračenja. Detaljno je dan teorijski opis i definicije fundamentalnih veličina koje se koriste za fizikalne opise polja zračenja i njegove interakcije s materijom te veličina koje se koriste u dozimetriji i zaštiti od zračenja – operacionalne i zaštitne veličine. Objašnjena je veza između posljednje dvije i način određivanja operacionalnih veličina korištenjem osobnih dozimetara.Concept of personaol dosimetry as a part of radiation protection programme is presented. Definitions of fundamental dosimetric quantities for describeing the physical characteristics of radiation fields and its interaction with matter are presented. Quantities used in radiation protection – personal dosimetry are defined as operational and protective quantities. The way to define the operational dosimetry quantities using personal dosemeters is decscribed
Iskustva akreditacije Instituta za medicinska istraživanja i medicinu rada
Accreditation in accordance with the international General Requirements for the Competence of Testing and Calibration Laboratories (HRN EN ISO/IEC 17025 standard) has become a widely accepted method of quality management and objective evidence of technical competence, knowledge, and skills of testing and calibration laboratories. In 2010, the Institute for Medical Research and Occupational Health (IMROH) had its management system accredited against the HRN EN ISO/IEC 17025 standard for the following scopes: determination of radioactivity, testing of ambient air quality, and testing in the scope of ionising radiation protection. This accreditation encompassed three laboratories: Radiation Protection Unit, Environmental Hygiene Unit, and the Radiation Dosimetry and Radiobiology Unit. In accordance with the rules of the Croatian Accreditation Agency, the second re-accreditation is due in 2020. This paper describes and discusses the quality management system at IMROH over the ten years of its implementation. We share our experiences about non-conformities discovered during regular work, internal audits, and external audits performed by the Croatian Accreditation Agency. The accredited management system significantly improved the performance of the accredited units, and the Institute increased its visibility and marketing advantage, consequently improving its market position.Akreditacija u skladu sa zahtjevima međunarodnog standarda HRN EN ISO / IEC 17025 (Opći zahtjevi za osposobljenost ispitnih i umjernih laboratorija) postala je praktična i široko prihvaćena metoda upravljanja kvalitetom i objektivni dokaz tehničke osposobljenosti, znanja i vještina u ispitnim i umjernim laboratorijima. Institut za medicinska istraživanja I medicinu rada (IMROH) akreditirao je 2010. godine svoj sustav upravljanja u skladu sa zahtjevima HRN EN ISO / IEC 17025 norme za sljedeća područja primjene: određivanje radioaktivnosti, ispitivanja kvalitete zraka te ispitivanja u području zaštite od ionizirajućega zračenja. Akreditacija je obuhvaćala tri laboratorija: Jedinicu za zaštitu od zračenja, Jedinicu za higijenu okoline i Jedinicu za dozimetriju zračenja i radiobiologiju. U skladu s pravilima Hrvatske akreditacijske agencije, u 2020. godini planira se druga reakreditacija Instituta. U radu je opisan sustav upravljanja kvalitetom u IMROH-u i iskustva stečena tijekom desetogodišnjeg razdoblja. Analizirane su nesukladnosti otkrivene tijekom redovitog rada, u internim auditima te u vanjskim auditima koje je provodila Hrvatska akreditacijska agencija, tj. nacionalno akreditacijsko tijelo u Hrvatskoj. Može se zaključiti da je akreditirani sustav upravljanja značajno poboljšao rad uključenih akreditiranih jedinica, a Institut je povećao vidljivost na tržištu i marketinšku prednost te posljedično poboljšao svoju tržišnu poziciju
Fizikalna svojstva sadrenih zavoja [Physical properties of plaster bandages]
The physical properties of plaster bandages are a very important factor in achieving the basic functions of immobilization (maintaining bone fragments in the best possible position), which directly affects the speed and quality of fracture healing. This paper compares the differences between the physical properties of plaster bandages (mass, specific weight, drying rate, elasticity and strength) and records the differences in plaster modeling of fast bonding 10 cm wide plaster bandages, from three different manufacturers: Safix plus (Hartmann, Germany), Cellona (Lohman Rauscher, Austria) and Gipsan (Ivo Lola Ribar ltd., Croatia). Plaster tiles from ten layers of plaster, dimension 10 x 10 cm were made. The total number of tiles from each manufacturer was 48. The water temperature of 22 °C was used for the first 24 tiles and 34 'C was used for the remainder. The average specific weight of the original packaging was: Cellona (0.52 g/cm3), Gipsan (0.50 g/cm3), Safix plus (0.38 g/cm3). Three days after plaster tile modeling an average specific weight of the tiles was: Gipsan (1.15 g/cm3), Safix plus (1.00 g/cm3), Cellona (1.10 g/cm3). The average humidity of 50% for Safix plus and Cellona plaster tiles was recorded 18 hours after modeling, while for the Gipsan plaster tiles, this humidity value was seen after 48 hours. On the third day after plaster modeling the average humidity of the plaster tiles was 30% for Gipsan, 24% for Safix and 16% for Cellona. Cellona plaster tiles made with 34 °C water achieved the highest elasticity (11.75±3.18 MPa), and Gipsan plaster tiles made with 22 °C had the lowest (7.21±0.9 MPa). Cellona plaster tiles made with 34 °C water showed maximum material strength (4390±838 MPa), and Gipsan plaster tiles made with 22 °C water showed the lowest material strength (771±367 MPa). The rigidity and strength of Cellona and Gipsan plaster are higher in tiles made in warmer water, and for Safix plus are higher in tiles made in cooler water. All three types of plaster differentiate in physical properties. The differences in mass and specific weight before and after plaster modeling are minimal. There are greater differences in drying rate, elasticity and strength between the three different plaster materials
Egzotermna reakcija sadre iznimno je važno svojstvo koje treba poznavati s obzirom na komplikacije što mogu nastati zbog povišenja temperature u tijeku sadrenja. Razvoj komplikacija izravno utječe na tijek, duljinu i kvalitetu liječenja. U ovom radu bilježe se temperature površine sadrenih pripravaka veličine 10 × 10 cm, brzovežućim sadrenim zavojem širine 10 cm, triju različitih proizvođača: Safix plus (Hartmann, Njemačka), Cellona (Lohmann & Rauscher, Austrija) i Gipsan (Ivo Lola Ribar d. o. o., Hrvatska). Priređene su tri debljine sadrenih pločica (10, 15 i 30 slojeva). Sadrenje je načinjeno u vodi temperature 22 i 34 °C. Unatoč sličnom obrascu ponašanja svih triju sadrenih zavoja izmjerene su razlike. Sve tri vrste sadrenih zavoja koji se rabe u Hrvatskoj u standardnim uvjetima sadrenja imaju nisku razinu egzotermne reakcije, a prosječne su površne temperature niske te nema potencijalne opasnosti od opeklinskih ozljeda. Ako se sadrenje obavljalo u vodi temperature 34 °C, najviše srednje temperature zabilježene su na pločicama (u 15 slojeva) sadrenog zavoja Gipsan (46,2 °C), zatim Cellone (41,3 °C) i Safixa plus (38,9 °C). Pri istoj temperaturi vode sadrenja najviša srednja temperatura izmjerena je na površini pločice (30 slojeva) sadrenog zavoja Gipsan (48,4 °C), zatim Cellone (45,4 °C), a najniža kod pločica sadrenog zavoja Safix plus (41,7 °C). Kada se rabe u debljini od 15 do 30 slojeva, a sadre se vodom temperature 34 °C, sadrene pločice svih proizvođača razvijaju srednje temperature više od 40 °C, u trajanju od 8 do 12 minuta. Od ispitivanih sadrenih zavoja Gipsan (Ivo Lola Ribar d. o. o., Hrvatska) razvijao je najviše temperature, a neke pločice bile su ugrijane na 50 °C. Razine egzotermnih reakcija ispitivanih sadrenih zavoja međusobno se razlikuju prema svim ispitivanim uvjetima, posebice pri sadrenju vodom temperature 34 °C.Exothermic reaction of plaster is a very important characteristic to understand, especially when it comes to complications which can occur during local temperature change during molding plaster of Paris. And these complications directly influence the speed and quality of treatment. In this paper we measured temperatures of plaster bandage tiles 10×10 cm, from three different manufacturers in Croatian hospitals: Safix plus (Hartmann, Germany), Cellona (Lohmann &Rauscher, Austria) and Gipsan ( Ivo Lola Ribar, Croatia). We made three different plaster tiles 10×10 cm, from 10, 15 and 30 layers of plaster bandages. We immersed plaster tiles in two different water temperatures, one group in water 22 °C, and another in 34 °C. Although all plaster bandages have similar chemical characteristics, we have measured some differences. All three kinds of plaster bandages used in Croatia have low exothermic reaction when plaster molding is done in standard conditions, average local temperature is low and there is no danger of local burns. We immersed a plaster tile with 15 layers in water on 34° C, and highest average temperature was measured at Gipsan (46.2 °C), then Cellona (41.3 °C) and Safix plus (38.9 °C). On the same water immersion temperature, on plaster tile with 30 layers average temperatures were Gipsan (48.4°C), Cellona (45.4 °C), and lowest in Safix plus (41.3 °C). Plaster tiles form all manufacturers, when used 15-30 layers thick, and water immersion temperature is 34°C, develop average temperature over 40°C, in duration from 8-12 minutes. Between three different plaster bandages analyzed, Gipsan (Ivo Lola Ribar, Croatia) developed highest temperature, and some plaster tiles were measured over 50 °C
Fizikalna svojstva sadrenih zavoja bitan su čimbenik u ostvarenju osnovne funkcije sadrenih imobilizacija (zadržavanje ulomaka kosti u dobrom položaju), a time izravno utječu na brzinu i kvalitetu cijeljenja prijeloma. U ovom radu mjere se fizikalna svojstva (masa, specifična težina, brzina sušenja, krutost i čvrstoća) i bilježe razlike sadrenog postupka, brzovežućih sadrenih zavoja širine 10 cm triju različitih proizvođača: Safix plus (Hartmann, Njemačka), Cellona (Lohman Rauscher, Austrija) i Gipsan (Ivo Lola Ribar d. o. o., Hrvatska). Sadreno je deset slojeva zavoja u pločice dimenzija 10 × 10 cm. Od svakog proizvoda načinjene su 24 pločice sadrene u vodi temperature 22 °C i isto toliko u vodi temperature 34 °C. Prosječna specifična težina originalnog pakiranja zavoja bila je: Cellona 0,52 g/cm3, Gipsan 0,50 g/cm3, Safix plus 0,38 g/cm3. Tri dana nakon sadrenja prosječna specifična težina pločica bila je: Gipsan 1,15 g/cm3, Safix plus 1,00 g/cm3, Cellona 1,10 g/cm3. Prosječna vlažnost od 50% pločicâ Safix i Cellona trajala je 18 sati, a pločicâ Gipsan 48 sati nakon sadrenja. Treći dan nakon sadrenja prosječna vlažnost pločica Gipsan bila je 30%, Safixa 24%, a Cellone 16%. Najveću krutost imale su pločice sadrenog zavoja Cellona sadrene vodom temperature 34 °C (11,75 ± 3,18 MPa), a najmanju (7,21 ± 0,9 MPa) pločice sadrenog zavoja Gipsan sadrene vodom temperature 22 °C. Sadreni zavoj Cellona, sadren vodom temperature 34 °C, pokazuje najveću čvrstoću materijala (4390 ± 838 MPa), a najmanju (771 ± 367 MPa) pločice sadrenog zavoja Gipsan sadrene vodom temperature 22 °C. Sadrenjem zavoja Cellona i Gipsan u toplijoj vodi (34 °C) pločice su bile veće krutosti i čvrstoće. Pločice Safix plus nemaju ovo svojstvo. Sve tri vrste sadrenih zavoja razlikuju se prema fizikalnim svojstvima. S obzirom na masu i specifičnu težinu prije i nakon sadrenja razlike su minimalne. Prema brzini sušenja, čvrstoći i krutosti postoje veće razlike.The physical properties of plaster bandages are a very important factor in achieving the basic functions of immobilization (maintaining bone fragments in the best possible position), which directly affects the speed and quality of fracture healing. This paper compares the differences between the physical properties of plaster bandages (mass, specific weight, drying rate, elasticity and strength) and records the differences in plaster modeling of fast bonding 10 cm wide plaster bandages, from three different manufacturers: Safix plus (Hartmann, Germany), Cellona (Lohman Rauscher, Austria) and Gipsan (Ivo Lola Ribar ltd., Croatia). Plaster tiles from ten layers of plaster, dimension 10 x 10 cm were made. The total number of tiles from each manufacturer was 48. The water temperature of 22 °C was used for the first 24 tiles and 34 °C was used for the remainder. The average specific weight of the original packaging was: Cellona (0.52 g/cm3), Gipsan (0.50 g/cm3), Safix plus (0.38 g / cm3). Three days after plaster tile modeling an average specific weight of the tiles was: Gipsan (1.15 g/cm3), Safix plus (1.00 g/cm3), Cellona (1.10 g/cm3). The average humidity of 50% for Safix plus and Cellona plaster tiles was recorded 18 hours after modeling, while for the Gipsan plaster tiles, this humidity value was seen after 48 hours. On the third day after plaster modeling the average humidity of the plaster tiles was 30% for Gipsan, 24% for Safix and 16% for Cellona. Cellona plaster tiles made with 34 °C water achieved the highest elasticity (11.75±3.18 MPa), and Gipsan plaster tiles made with 22 °C had the lowest (7.21±0.9 MPa). Cellona plaster tiles made with 34 °C water showed maximum material strength (4390±838 MPa), and Gipsan plaster tiles made with 22 °C water showed the lowest material strength (771±367 MPa). The rigidity and strength of Cellona and Gipsan plaster are higher in tiles made in warmer water, and for Safix plus are higher in tiles made in cooler water. All three types of plaster differentiate in physical properties. The differences in mass and specific weight before and after plaster modeling are minimal. There are greater differences in drying rate, elasticity and strength between the three different plaster material
Wi-Fi i ljudsko zdravlje
An enormous increase in the application of wireless communication in recent decades has intensified research into consequent increase in human exposure to electromagnetic (EM) radiofrequency (RF) radiation fields and potential health effects, especially in school children and teenagers, and this paper gives a snap overview of current findings and recommendations of international expert bodies, with the emphasis on exposure from Wi-Fi technology indoor devices. Our analysis includes over 100 in vitro, animal, epidemiological, and exposure assessment studies (of which 37 in vivo and 30 covering Wi-Fi technologies). Only a small portion of published research papers refers to the “real” health impact of Wi-Fi technologies on children, because they are simply not available. Results from animal studies are rarely fully transferable to humans. As highly controlled laboratory exposure experiments do not reflect real physical interaction between RF radiation fields with biological tissue, dosimetry methods, protocols, and instrumentation need constant improvement. Several studies repeatedly confirmed thermal effect of RF field interaction with human tissue, but non-thermal effects remain dubious and unconfirmed.Značajan porast uporabe bežične RF komunikacije u posljednjim desetljećima te s tim povezane izloženosti ljudi umjetno stvorenom neionizirajućem zračenju (RF polja), koje prije nije postojalo na Zemlji, tema su velikog broja istraživanja mogućih utjecaja tih zračenja na okoliš i zdravlje ljudi, osobito djece i mladih, kako bi se utvrdile činjenice o međudjelovanju RF polja s genskim materijalom živih bića. U ovom radu dan je pregled aktualnih istraživanja i preporuka međunarodnih stručnih tijela. Poseban naglasak dan je na mogući utjecaj radiofrekvencijskoga zračenja na mlade odnosno na školsku djecu koja su mu tijekom školovanja svakodnevno dodatno izložena tijekom e-škole korištenjem najmodernijih Wi-Fi tehnologijskih rješenja za komunikaciju u obrazovanju
Svrha ovoga prospektivnog istraživanja, provedenog u jednom istraživačkom centru, bila je usporediti vrijednosti tjelesne temperature izmjerene dvjema metodama: standardnim staklenim termometrom u aksilarnoj regiji i infracrvenim temperaturama timpanične i frontalne regije u afebrilne djece. Studija obuhvaća 345-ero afebrilne djece životne dobi od 4 do 16 godina, koja su radi elektivnog zahvata boravila na odjelu dječje kirurgije. Temperature su mjerene u 1000 navrata simultano aksilarno, u slušnom kanalu i frontalno. Koristili smo se dvama različitim infracrvenim termometrima; jednom vrstom za timpaničnu, drugom za frontalnu temperaturu. Aksilarna temperatura definirana je kao standard i mjerena je klasičnim staklenim termometrom. Svaki je pacijent bio izložen konstantnoj temperaturi okoliša minimalno 10 minuta prije simultanog mjerenja temperatura. Prosječna frontalna temperatura bila je 36,9 ± 0,38 °C i jednaka je aksilarnoj temperaturi, 36,9 ± 0,16 °C. Prosječna timpanična temperatura bila je 36,3 ± 0,98 °C. Srednja je razlika timpanične i aksilarne temperature –0,4 °C. Izmjereni niz timpaničnih temperatura u skupini naših ispitanika ima trostruko veću disperziju nego frontalni niz i pet puta veću nego aksilarne temperature. Aksilarne temperature, mjerene klasičnim staklenim termometrom, imaju najmanju disperziju izmjerenih vrijednosti, slijede frontalne temperature mjerene infracrvenim termometrom, a najmanje su pouzdane izmjerene timpanične temperature.The purpose of this study was to compare the results of body temperature measurements obtained by standard axillary thermometers with the results of infrared tympanic and frontal skin thermometry in afebrile children. This study comprises a single-center, prospective comparison trial. A total of 345 afebrile children aged 4 to 16 years hospitalized in the pediatric surgery department for elective surgery were included. One thousand axillary, tympanic and frontal measurements were obtained and compared. We used two different infrared thermometers in this study; one type measured the tympanic temperature, the other the temperature on the forehead. The axillary temperature measured with the glass thermometer was set as the standard. Each patient was exposed to a constant environmental temperature for a minimum of 10 min before simultaneous temperature measurements. The mean frontal temperature 36.9± 0.38 °C was equal to the axillary temperature 36.9± 0.16 °C. The mean tympanic temperature was 36.3 ± 0.98 °C. The mean difference between the tympanic and axillary temperatures was –0.4 °C. The tympanic temperature had a threefold greater dispersion than frontal and a fivefold greater dispersion than axillary temperature. The results of this study suggest that the axillary temperature measured with glass thermometer has the least dispersion. Somewhat less reliable is the frontal temperature measured with infrared thermometer. The least reliable is tympanic temperature measurement