10 research outputs found


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    This research is based on the low level of students completing PISA questions. One of the factors that influence the low number of students in PISA questions is that they are not used to working on problems in real context. The purpose of this study is to describe students' mistakes in solving PISA questions on Space and Shape content based on Newman's Theory, namely: reading errors, misunderstanding, transformation errors, process skill errors and notation errors or writing answers. This study uses descriptive qualitative data collection in the form of images and sentences described. The subjects in this study were eighth grade students of SMP Negeri 9 in Cimahi City. Data collection techniques in this study are by giving a test in the form of PISA questions on Space and Shape content in 2012. Based on the results of the study, showed that students experience errors in process skills caused by the lack of PISA practice exercises which are international assessments, as well as students' weakness in skills mathematics in the form of real contexts

    Developing A Mathematics Learning Media to Explain Formula Of Area of Kite Using Hawgent

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    This study aims to develop Hawgent Dynamic Mathematics Software Learning Media. The broad material of ICT-based kites as a medium for learning mathematics for grade IV SD students. The research method used in this research is Research and Development (R and D) with a 4-D model. The results of the material expert’s assessment of the six components include: the language aspect is 70%, the ease of use of learning media reaches the highest average of 90%, and it is concluded that the overall average percentage is 83.33%. It can be said that the ICT-based learning media that have been designed are in the feasible category. While the results of the material expert’s assessment of the four aspects obtained an average percentage of 87.89%. Based on the results of the study Hawgent Dynamic Mathematics Software Learning Media can be used as a learning media for learning mathematics to find the area ofa kite


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    This study aims to find out in depth about how much influence gender has on the mathematical creative thinking ability of junior high school students who have previously received the Realistic Mathematical Education (RME) learning approach. The method in this study uses quantitative secondary data analysis methods. The data collection technique used is documentation. Documentation is taken from a thesis that has a relevant topic/title with the same purpose. While the data analysis used in this study is the Covariance Analysis test (Ancova). The Ancova test aims to see how much gender influences the ability to think creatively in mathematics, while before the Ancova test is carried out, prerequisite tests are carried out, namely the Normality test and Homogeneity Test. The results of this study indicate that there is no influence of gender on students' creative thinking abilities. The value of the R Squared Multiple Determination Coefficient obtained is 0.041, which means 4.1% of the achievement of students' creative thinking abilities is influenced by gender factors. The remaining 95.9% is influenced by other factors, one of which is the RME learning approach carried out by previous researchers. So it can be said that the gender factor does not have a major influence on the achievement of students' mathematical creative thinking skills in the mathematics learning carried out


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    The construction of an efficient mathematics classroom in primary school requires us to use various technical means and advanced design concepts comprehensively. The most important thing is to fully tap and release the inner potential of students through the use of these comprehensive technical means so that students can master knowledge more accurately and efficiently and learn and apply it flexibly. In real life, think about some practical problems with mathematical thinking and mode to carry out creative solutions for a problem. Therefore, under the guidance of information technology, the effective path of efficient primary school mathematics classroom, let us firmly seize the opportunity to develop The Times in the age of information technology and let the student's learning effect further improve

    Students' Attitudes Towards Implementation of Hawgent Dynamic Mathematics Software on Curved Surface

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    Along with the development of the world of science, it is getting faster ICT in education. The objectives to be achieved in this study are to find out how the student's response to the utilization of the Hawgent Dynamic Mathematics application on the material of the curved side of the learning room in the teaching and learning process took place in the classroom. The main object in this study was the 9th-grade junior high school student who was 96 students at Gusui Middle School in Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region. Data collection in this study was a questionnaire containing indicators that have to measure the student's response to the use of learning media using Hawgent Dynamic Mathematics and the primary tool processing research data, namely Ms. Excel and SPSS statistical. The study results were related to the student's response that students agreed, were happy, and were assisted by the Hawgent Dynamic application. The perception or student response results concluded that learning using Hawgent Dynamic software could help in mathematics. It was easier and satisfying for students to understand the material about building a curved side space. However, the use of Hawgent software was only limited to trials, so it was recommended that it be able to use and utilize this software for other discussions on mathematics lessons

    Dynamic Software Based Mathematics Review Lesson Design: Take a Basic Theorem of Vector Plane as an Example

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    Reviewing lessons as a very important form of learning and very important role to impress students. The research method was adopted the ADDIE model design. This research was done at Balihan Senior High School, China. The population of this research are 43 students and using random sampling to selected a representative 5 students. The student statement result show that, a using Hawgent dynamic in the review lesson can improve student learning performance, very useful in the learning process and etc with statement average is 80.4% or good category. Based on validation results of the 3 aspects obtained an average percentage of 81.33% in a good category. Therefore, the review lesson of basic theorem vector plane using Hawgent dynamic mathematics software can be applied to the teaching process and can using this dynamic software to the review lesson another mathematics topics

    Dynamic Software Based Mathematics Review Lesson Design: Take a Basic Theorem of Vector Plane as an Example

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    Reviewing lessons as a very important form of learning and very important role to impress students. The research method was adopted the ADDIE model design. This research was done at Balihan Senior High School, China. The population of this research are 43 students and using random sampling to selected a representative 5 students. The student statement result show that, a using Hawgent dynamic in the review lesson can improve student learning performance, very useful in the learning process and etc with statement average is 80.4% or good category. Based on validation results of the 3 aspects obtained an average percentage of 81.33% in a good category. Therefore, the review lesson of basic theorem vector plane using Hawgent dynamic mathematics software can be applied to the teaching process and can using this dynamic software to the review lesson another mathematics topics

    Developing A Mathematics Learning Media to Explain Formula Of Area of Kite Using Hawgent

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    This study aims to develop Hawgent Dynamic Mathematics Software Learning Media. The broad material of ICT-based kites as a medium for learning mathematics for grade IV SD students. The research method used in this research is Research and Development (R and D) with a 4-D model. The results of the material expert’s assessment of the six components include: the language aspect is 70%, the ease of use of learning media reaches the highest average of 90%, and it is concluded that the overall average percentage is 83.33%. It can be said that the ICT-based learning media that have been designed are in the feasible category. While the results of the material expert’s assessment of the four aspects obtained an average percentage of 87.89%. Based on the results of the study Hawgent Dynamic Mathematics Software Learning Media can be used as a learning media for learning mathematics to find the area ofa kite

    The Hungry Ant: Development of Video-Based Learning on Polyhedron

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    This research on learning media development is to answer the challenge of using technology in this 21st century wherein technology is growing rapidly. The purpose of this research is to develop a learning media in the form of learning video on primary school topics. Researchers chose polyhedron to be the research subject. This search will use the 4D model and will only focus from the define up to the development stage. While the small-scale try-out and disseminate of the learning video can be done in another research. According to the validation result, the hungry ant video passed the validation and only needed a few revisions. The hungry ant video would be able to help students to visualize the shape of polyhedron, finding the diagonal space, proofing the area and volume formulas. Future research can analyze effect of the hungry ant video towards the students’ critical thinking ability