57 research outputs found

    Neuropathic Pain Following Nerve Injury

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    Neuropathic Pain Following Nerve Injur

    Neuropathic Pain Following Nerve Injury

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    Predifferentiated GABAergic Neural Precursor Transplants for Alleviation of Dysesthetic Central Pain Following Excitotoxic Spinal Cord Injury

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    Intraspinal quisqualic acid (QUIS) injury induce (i) mechanical and thermal hyperalgesia, (ii) progressive self-injurious overgrooming of the affected dermatome. The latter is thought to resemble painful dysesthesia observed in spinal cord injury (SCI) patients. We have reported previously loss of endogenous GABA immunoreactive (IR) cells in the superficial dorsal horn of QUIS rats 2 weeks post injury. Further histological evaluation showed that GABA-, glycine-, and synaptic vesicular transporter VIAAT-IR persisted but were substantially decreased in the injured spinal cord. In this study, partially differentiated GABA-IR embryonic neural precursor cells (NPCs) were transplanted into the spinal cord of QUIS rats to reverse overgrooming by replenishing lost inhibitory circuitry. Rat E14 NPCs were predifferentiated in 0.1 ng/ml FGF-2 for 4 h prior to transplantation. In vitro immunocytochemistry of transplant cohort showed large population of GABA-IR NPCs that double labeled with nestin but few colocalized with NeuN, indicating partial maturation. Two weeks following QUIS lesion at T12-L1, and following the onset of overgrooming, NPCs were transplanted into the QUIS lesion sites; bovine adrenal fibroblast cells were used as control. Overgrooming was reduced in >55.5% of NPC grafted animals, with inverse relationship between the number of surviving GABA-IR cells and the size of overgrooming. Fibroblast-control animals showed a progressive worsening of overgrooming. At 3 weeks post-transplantation, numerous GABA-, nestin-, and GFAP-IR cells were present in the lesion site. Surviving grafted GABA-IR NPCs were NeuN+ and GFAP−. These results indicate that partially differentiated NPCs survive and differentiate in vivo into neuronal cells following transplantation into an injured spinal cord. GABA-IR NPC transplants can restore lost dorsal horn inhibitory signaling and are useful in alleviating central pain following SCI

    Viral vectors encoding endomorphins and serine histogranin attenuate neuropathic pain symptoms after spinal cord injury in rats

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    Background: The treatment of spinal cord injury (SCI)-induced neuropathic pain presents a challenging healthcare problem. The lack of available robust pharmacological treatments underscores the need for novel therapeutic methods and approaches. Due to the complex character of neuropathic pain following SCI, therapies targeting multiple mechanisms may be a better choice for obtaining sufficient long-term pain relief. Previous studies in our lab showed analgesic effects using combinations of an NMDA antagonist peptide Ser1histogranin (SHG), and the mu-opioid peptides endomorphins (EMs), in several pain models. As an alternative to drug therapy, this study evaluated the analgesic potential of these peptides when delivered via gene therapy. Results: Lentiviruses encoding SHG and EM-1 and EM-2 were intraspinally injected, either singly or in combination, into rats with clip compression SCI 2weeks following injury. Treated animals showed significant reduction in mechanical and thermal hypersensitivity, compared to control groups injected with GFP vector only. The antinociceptive effects of individually injected components were modest, but the combination of EMs and SHG produced robust and sustained antinociception. The onset of the analgesic effects was observed between 1-5 weeks post-injection and sustained without decrement for at least 7weeks. No adverse effects on locomotor function were observed. The involvement of SHG and EMs in the observed antinociception was confirmed by pharmacologic inhibition using intrathecal injection of either the opioid antagonist naloxone or an anti-SHG antibody. Immunohistochemical analysis showed the presence of SHG and EMs in the spinal cord of treated animals, and immunodot-blot analysis of CSF confirmed the presence of these peptides in injected animals. In a separate group of rats, delayed injection of viral vectors was performed in order to mimic a more likely clinical scenario. Comparable and sustained antinociceptive effects were observed in these animals using the SHG-EMs combination vectors compared to the group with early intervention. Conclusions: Findings from this study support the potential for direct gene therapy to provide a robust and sustained alleviation of chronic neuropathic pain following SCI. The combination strategy utilizing potent mu-opioid peptides with a naturally-derived NMDA antagonist may produce additive or synergistic analgesic effects without the tolerance development for long-term management of persistent pain. © 2015 Nasirinezhad et al

    Analgesic effect of recombinant GABAergic precursors releasing omega-conotoxin MVIIA in a model of peripheral nerve injury in rats

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    Development of chronic pain has been attributed to dysfunctional GABA signaling in the spinal cord. Direct pharmacological interventions on GABA signaling are usually not very efficient and often accompanied by side effects due to the widespread distribution of GABA receptors in CNS. Transplantation of GABAergic neuronal cells may restore the inhibitory potential in the spinal cord. Grafted cells may also release additional analgesic peptides by means of genetic engineering to further enhance the benefits of this approach. Conopeptides are ideal candidates for recombinant expression using cell-based strategies. The omega-conopeptide MVIIA is in clinical use for severe pain marketed as FDA approved Prialt in the form of intrathecal injections. The goal of this study was to develop transplantable recombinant GABAergic cells releasing conopeptide MVIIA and to evaluate the analgesic effect of the grafts in a model of peripheral nerve injury-induced pain. We have engineered and characterized the GABAergic progenitors expressing MVIIA. Recombinant and nonrecombinant cells were intraspinally injected into animals after the nerve injury. Animals were tested weekly up to 12 weeks for the presence of hypersensitivity, followed by histochemical and biochemical analysis of the tissue. We observed beneficial effects of the grafted cells in reducing hypersensitivity in all grafted animals, especially potent in the recombinant group. The level of pain-related cytokines was reduced in the grafted animals and correlation between these pain markers and actual behavior was indicated. This study demonstrated the feasibility of recombinant cell transplantation in the management of chronic pain

    Attenuation of SCI-Induced Hypersensitivity by Intensive Locomotor Training and Recombinant GABAergic Cells

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    The underlying mechanisms of spinal cord injury (SCI)-induced chronic pain involve dysfunctional GABAergic signaling and enhanced NMDA signaling. Our previous studies showed that SCI hypersensitivity in rats can be attenuated by recombinant rat GABAergic cells releasing NMDA blocker serine-histogranin (SHG) and by intensive locomotor training (ILT). The current study combines these approaches and evaluates their analgesic effects on a model of SCI pain in rats. Cells were grafted into the spinal cord at 4 weeks post-SCI to target the chronic pain, and ILT was initiated 5 weeks post-SCI. The hypersensitivity was evaluated weekly, which was followed by histological and biochemical assays. Prolonged effects of the treatment were evaluated in subgroups of animals after we discontinued ILT. The results show attenuation of tactile, heat and cold hypersensitivity in all of the treated animals and reduced levels of proinflammatory cytokines IL1β and TNFα in the spinal tissue and CSF. Animals with recombinant grafts and ILT showed the preservation of analgesic effects even during sedentary periods when the ILT was discontinued. Retraining helped to re-establish the effect of long-term training in all of the groups, with the greatest impact being in animals with recombinant grafts. These findings suggest that intermittent training in combination with cell therapy might be an efficient approach to manage chronic pain in SCI patients