5 research outputs found

    Are Proxima and Alpha Centauri Gravitationally Bound?

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    Using the most recent kinematic and radial velocity data in the literature, we calculate the binding energy of Proxima Centauri relative to the center of mass of the Alpha Centauri system. When we adopt the centroids of the observed data, we find that the three stars constitute a bound system, albeit with a semi-major axis that is on order the same size as Alpha Centauri AB's Hill radius in the galactic potential. We carry out a Monte Carlo simulation under the assumption that the errors in the observed quantities are uncorrelated. In this simulation, 44% of the trial systems are bound, and systems on the 1-3 sigma tail of the radial velocity distribution can have Proxima currently located near the apastron position of its orbit. Our analysis shows that a further, very significant improvement in the characterization of the system can be gained by obtaining a more accurate measurement of the radial velocity of Proxima Centauri.Comment: 10 pages total, 4 pages of text, 1 page of references, 3 figures, and 2 tables This article will be published in The Astronomical Journa

    The N2K Consortium. VII. Atmospheric Parameters of 1907 Metal-Rich Stars: Finding Planet-Search Targets

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    We report high-precision atmospheric parameters for 1907 stars in the N2K low-resolution spectroscopic survey, designed to identify metal-rich FGK dwarfs likely to harbor detectable planets. 284 of these stars are in the ideal temperature range for planet searches, T_eff <= 6000K, and have a 10% or greater probability of hosting planets based on their metallicities. The stars in the low-resolution spectroscopic survey should eventually yield >60 new planets, including 8-9 hot Jupiters. Short-period planets have already been discovered orbiting the survey targets HIP 14801 and HD 149143.Comment: Accepted for publication in Astrophysical Journal Supplements. 24 pages, including 8 figures and one table. Two more tables will appear in ApJS online editio


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