273 research outputs found

    iMSAT: a novel approach to the development of microsatellite loci using barcoded Illumina libraries

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    BACKGROUND: Illumina sequencing with its high number of reads and low per base pair cost is an attractive technology for development of molecular resources for non-model organisms. While many software packages have been developed to identify short tandem repeats (STRs) from next-generation sequencing data, these methods do not inform the investigator as to whether or not candidate loci are polymorphic in their target populations. RESULTS: We provide a python program iMSAT that uses the polymorphism data obtained from mapping individual Illumina sequence reads onto a reference genome to identify polymorphic STRs. Using this approach, we identified 9,119 candidate polymorphic STRs for use with the parasitoid wasp Trioxys pallidus and 2,378 candidate polymorphic STRs for use with the aphid Chromaphis juglandicola. For both organisms we selected 20 candidate tri-nucleotide STRs for validation. Using fluorescent-labeled oligonucleotide primers, we genotyped 91 female T. pallidus collected in nine localities and 46 female C. juglandicola collected in 4 localities and found 15 of the examined markers to be polymorphic for T. pallidus and 12 of the examined markers to be polymorphic for C. juglandicola. CONCLUSIONS: We present a novel approach that uses standard Illumina barcoding primers and a single Illumina HiSeq run to target polymorphic STR fragments to develop and test STR markers. We validate this approach using the parasitoid wasp T. pallidus and its aphid host C. juglandicola. This approach, which would also be compatible with 454 Sequencing, allowed us to quickly identify markers with known variability. Accordingly, our method constitutes a significant improvement over existing STR identification software packages. ELECTRONIC SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIAL: The online version of this article (doi:10.1186/1471-2164-15-858) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users

    Analysis of time-to-event for observational studies: Guidance to the use of intensity models

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    This paper provides guidance for researchers with some mathematical background on the conduct of time-to-event analysis in observational studies based on intensity (hazard) models. Discussions of basic concepts like time axis, event definition and censoring are given. Hazard models are introduced, with special emphasis on the Cox proportional hazards regression model. We provide check lists that may be useful both when fitting the model and assessing its goodness of fit and when interpreting the results. Special attention is paid to how to avoid problems with immortal time bias by introducing time-dependent covariates. We discuss prediction based on hazard models and difficulties when attempting to draw proper causal conclusions from such models. Finally, we present a series of examples where the methods and check lists are exemplified. Computational details and implementation using the freely available R software are documented in Supplementary Material. The paper was prepared as part of the STRATOS initiative.Comment: 28 pages, 12 figures. For associated Supplementary material, see http://publicifsv.sund.ku.dk/~pka/STRATOSTG8

    Categorization of species as native or nonnative using DNA sequence signatures without a complete reference library.

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    New genetic diagnostic approaches have greatly aided efforts to document global biodiversity and improve biosecurity. This is especially true for organismal groups in which species diversity has been underestimated historically due to difficulties associated with sampling, the lack of clear morphological characteristics, and/or limited availability of taxonomic expertise. Among these methods, DNA sequence barcoding (also known as "DNA barcoding") and by extension, meta-barcoding for biological communities, has emerged as one of the most frequently utilized methods for DNA-based species identifications. Unfortunately, the use of DNA barcoding is limited by the availability of complete reference libraries (i.e., a collection of DNA sequences from morphologically identified species), and by the fact that the vast majority of species do not have sequences present in reference databases. Such conditions are critical especially in tropical locations that are simultaneously biodiversity rich and suffer from a lack of exploration and DNA characterization by trained taxonomic specialists. To facilitate efforts to document biodiversity in regions lacking complete reference libraries, we developed a novel statistical approach that categorizes unidentified species as being either likely native or likely nonnative based solely on measures of nucleotide diversity. We demonstrate the utility of this approach by categorizing a large sample of specimens of terrestrial insects and spiders (collected as part of the Moorea BioCode project) using a generalized linear mixed model (GLMM). Using a training data set of known endemic (n = 45) and known introduced species (n = 102), we then estimated the likely native/nonnative status for 4,663 specimens representing an estimated 1,288 species (412 identified species), including both those specimens that were either unidentified or whose endemic/introduced status was uncertain. Using this approach, we were able to increase the number of categorized specimens by a factor of 4.4 (from 794 to 3,497), and the number of categorized species by a factor of 4.8 from (147 to 707) at a rate much greater than chance (77.6% accuracy). The study identifies phylogenetic signatures of both native and nonnative species and suggests several practical applications for this approach including monitoring biodiversity and facilitating biosecurity

    Validating Morphometrics with DNA Barcoding to Reliably Separate Three Cryptic Species of Bombus Cresson (Hymenoptera: Apidae)

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    Despite their large size and striking markings, the identification of bumble bees (Bombus spp.) is surprisingly difficult. This is particularly true for three North American sympatric species in the subgenus Pyrobombus that are often misidentified: B. sandersoni Franklin, B. vagans Smith B. perplexus Cresson. Traditionally, the identification of these cryptic species was based on observations of differences in hair coloration and pattern and qualitative comparisons of morphological characters including malar length. Unfortunately, these characteristics do not reliably separate these species. We present quantitative morphometric methods to separate these species based on the malar length to width ratio (MRL) and the ratios of the malar length to flagellar segments 1 (MR1) and 3 (MR3) for queens and workers, and validated our determinations based on DNA barcoding. All three measurements discriminated queens of B. sandersoni and B. vagans with 100% accuracy. For workers, we achieved 99% accuracy by combining both MR1 and MR3 measurements, and 100% accuracy differentiating workers using MRL. Moreover, measurements were highly repeatable within and among both experienced and inexperienced observers. Our results, validated by genetic evidence, demonstrate that malar measurements provide accurate identifications of B. vagans and B. sandersoni. There was considerable overlap in the measurements between B. perplexus and B. sandersoni. However, these species can usually be reliably separated by combining malar ratio measurements with other morphological features like hair color. The ability to identify bumble bees is key to monitoring the status and trends of their populations, and the methods we present here advance these efforts

    Rapid and cost-effective generation of single specimen multilocus barcoding data from whole arthropod communities by multiple levels of multiplexing

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    In light of the current biodiversity crisis, molecular barcoding has developed into an irreplaceable tool. Barcoding has been considerably simplified by developments in high throughput sequencing technology, but still can be prohibitively expensive and laborious when community samples of thousands of specimens need to be processed. Here, we outline an Illumina amplicon sequencing approach to generate multilocus data from large collections of arthropods. We reduce cost and effort up to 50-fold, by combining multiplex PCRs and DNA extractions from pools of presorted and morphotyped specimens and using two levels of sample indexing. We test our protocol by generating a comprehensive, community wide dataset of barcode sequences for several thousand Hawaiian arthropods from 14 orders, which were collected across the archipelago using various trapping methods. We explore patterns of diversity across the Archipelago and compare the utility of different arthropod trapping methods for biodiversity explorations on Hawaii, highlighting undergrowth beating as highly efficient method. Moreover, we show the effects of barcode marker, taxonomy and relative biomass of the targeted specimens and sequencing coverage on taxon recovery. Our protocol enables rapid and inexpensive explorations of diversity patterns and the generation of multilocus barcode reference libraries across whole ecosystems

    Reporter Assays for Ebola Virus Nucleoprotein Oligomerization, Virion-Like Particle Budding, and Minigenome Activity Reveal the Importance of Nucleoprotein Amino Acid Position 111

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    For highly pathogenic viruses, reporter assays that can be rapidly performed are critically needed to identify potentially functional mutations for further study under maximal containment (e.g., biosafety level 4 [BSL-4]). The Ebola virus nucleoprotein (NP) plays multiple essential roles during the viral life cycle, yet few tools exist to study the protein under BSL-2 or equivalent containment. Therefore, we adapted reporter assays to measure NP oligomerization and virion-like particle (VLP) production in live cells and further measured transcription and replication using established minigenome assays. As a proof-of-concept, we examined the NP-R111C substitution, which emerged during the 20132016 Western African Ebola virus disease epidemic and rose to high frequency. NP-R111C slightly increased NP oligomerization and VLP budding but slightly decreased transcription and replication. By contrast, a synthetic charge-reversal mutant, NP-R111E, greatly increased oligomerization but abrogated transcription and replication. These results are intriguing in light of recent structures of NP oligomers, which reveal that the neighboring residue, K110, forms a salt bridge with E349 on adjacent NP molecules. By developing and utilizing multiple reporter assays, we find that the NP-111 position mediates a complex interplay between NP\u27s roles in protein structure, virion budding, and transcription and replication
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