4 research outputs found

    CAD data workflow toward the thermal simulation and visualization in virtual reality

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    International audienceThis paper presents a CAD transfer method to visualize thermal simulation results in a virtual environment in order to optimize building design determined by energy efficiency. As the goal is to present a more immersive thermal simulation and to project the calculation results in projective displays particularly in cave automatic virtual environment, the main idea of the method is to provide a workflow so that the thermal result can be visualized and simulated in the virtual environment (VE). The paper shows the experiment results conducted in an immersion room by some respondents. An evaluation of the method has demonstrated that it is possible to conduct a specific data workflow in order to represent building performance data and particularly thermal simulation results in virtual reality (VR). With this method, the data flow that starts from the design process is completely and accurately channeled to the VR system. CAD data in 3D mock-up models composed of basic geometry are usually designed and transferred to other tools particularly if intended for VR. However, CAD data needed for the VE is not simple, it needs to be structured in a workflow method. Challenges in data exchange and interoperability among design, simulation and VR tools used have become an important issue to investigate how the workflow work

    Experiment of Indoor Thermal Optimization of an Old Historic Building of Cluny through Digital Mock-up Simulation

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    International audienceImproving energy efficiency is the first and most important step toward achieving sustainability in buildings. Buildings designed with sustainable solutions are usually energy-efficient because sustainable design is aimed at producing green buildings. In the case of historic buildings, however, this is quite challenging. Integrated building energy simulation programs have been used in various ways by building professionals to respond to these challenges and to improve building design with respect to sustainability. This poster presents a new approach toward optimizing thermal indoor energy using a digital mock-up simulation of a historical building to explore its potential applicability for other sustainable building projects. The Gunzo room located in an old building situated in a historical site of the Cluny Abbey in France was the object of the experiment. Common to many old structures, the building contains rooms with thick walls and large windows that result in temperature fluctuations leading to occupant discomfort. In the present study, we assessed the temperature characteristics of two versions of the room (before and after renovation) based on three types of indicators: Monthly Temperature Profile, Passive Gains Breakdown, and Passive Adaptivity Index

    Pertinence d'une Representation 3d d'un Projet de Renovation de Batiment en Realite Augmentee Mobile

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    Cet article aborde la possibilité de disposer de la maquette numérique d'un projet de construction sur le lieu même du déroulement des opérations. Le cas d'étude considère des travaux de rénovation sur des fenêtres anciennes dont il convient d'améliorer l'efficacité énergétiqu

    Audio-visual emotion recognition: A dynamic, multimodal approach Audio-visual emotion recognition: A dynamic, multimodal approach

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    ABSTRACT Designing systems able to interact with students in a natural manner is a complex and far from solved problem. A key aspect of natural interaction is the ability to understand and appropriately respond to human emotions. This paper details our response to the continuous Audio/Visual Emotion Challenge (AVEC'12) whose goal is to predict four affective signals describing human emotions. The proposed method uses Fourier spectra to extract multi-scale dynamic descriptions of signals characterizing face appearance, head movements and voice. We perform a kernel regression with very few representative samples selected via a supervised weighted-distance-based clustering, that leads to a high generalization power. We also propose a particularly fast regressor-level fusion framework to merge systems based on different modalities. Experiments have proven the efficiency of each key point of the proposed method and our results on challenge data were the highest among 10 international research teams